vsCode .xdef menu
The definition menu (.Xdef menu) indexes your workspace to display definition files that are able to be built and installed on a target. (i.e., .sdef and .adef files)

Selecting a definition file will set the application or system as to what gets built and installed on your target when you use the Legato: Build and install
task (Ctrl + Shift + B).
tools_vsCodeDefinitionApps Application Build and Installs
If you wish you build and install a single application select the appropriate .adef file from the list.
Press Ctrl + Shift + B
to open the Build menu. Either Choose, Legato: Build and install (to build and install the app on your target) or build to create an .update file that contains the app.
System Build and Installs
Selecting a System definition file (.sdef) will build the system and install it on your target.
- Note
- To have all the default Legato applications you must make sure that #include $LEGATO_ROOT/default.sdef is included in your sdef. It is there by default if you create a system using the IDE templates.
Press Ctrl + Shift + B to display the Build menu. Choose Legato: Build and install
(to build and install the app on your target) or Legato: Build
to create an .update file that contains all the apps and configuration to update the read/write partition on your target.
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