Debug Apps

This topic summarizes different ways to debug apps running on Legato.

There are various tools available to determine why your app is failing or blocking:

Check App Status

Run app status on the target to list all apps and their current status. See app

Run sdir

Run sdir list on the target to determine if the app is failing because it's unbound (IPC failing) or the server isn't running (not connecting). This helps if your client is waiting for a service to appear or a binding to be created. sdir can also list apps or users offering services. See sdir

Run exeInApp

Run execInApp [procName=NAME] execPath [ARGS] to execute a specific process in a running app's sandbox. execInApp can also set process priority. See execInApp

Inspect App

Run inspect [interval=SECONDS] to set memory usage updates to help narrow any memory leaks causing failure. See inspect

Use Open Source Tools

You can also try some standard, open source debugging tools like:

  • strace - a system call tracer good for low level code examination.
  • GDB - the GNU project debugger good for setting breakpoints.

Run the -help option for documentation.

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