#include "legato.h"
#include "le_mrc_common.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t) (void *) |
Functions | |
void | le_mrc_ConnectService (void) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_TryConnectService (void) |
LE_FULL_API void | le_mrc_SetServerDisconnectHandler (le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_DisconnectService (void) |
le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t | le_mrc_AddNetRegStateEventHandler (le_mrc_NetRegStateHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_RemoveNetRegStateEventHandler (le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t handlerRef) |
le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t | le_mrc_AddRatChangeHandler (le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_RemoveRatChangeHandler (le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t handlerRef) |
le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t | le_mrc_AddPacketSwitchedChangeHandler (le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerFunc_t packetHandlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_RemovePacketSwitchedChangeHandler (le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t handlerRef) |
le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t | le_mrc_AddSignalStrengthChangeHandler (le_mrc_Rat_t rat, int32_t lowerRangeThreshold, int32_t upperRangeThreshold, le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_RemoveSignalStrengthChangeHandler (le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t handlerRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndThresholds (le_mrc_Rat_t rat, int32_t lowerRangeThreshold, int32_t upperRangeThreshold) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndDelta (le_mrc_Rat_t rat, uint16_t delta) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetAutomaticRegisterMode (void) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetManualRegisterMode (const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc) |
void | le_mrc_SetManualRegisterModeAsync (const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc, le_mrc_ManualSelectionHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetRegisterMode (bool *isManualPtrPtr, char *mccPtr, size_t mccPtrSize, char *mncPtr, size_t mncPtrSize) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetPacketSwitchedState (le_mrc_NetRegState_t *statePtr) |
int32_t | le_mrc_GetPlatformSpecificRegistrationErrorCode (void) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetRatPreferences (le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetRatPreferences (le_mrc_RatBitMask_t *ratMaskPtrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetBandPreferences (le_mrc_BandBitMask_t bandMask) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetBandPreferences (le_mrc_BandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetLteBandPreferences (le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t bandMask) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetLteBandPreferences (le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetTdScdmaBandPreferences (le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t bandMask) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandPreferences (le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_AddPreferredOperator (const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc, le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_RemovePreferredOperator (const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc) |
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t | le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorsList (void) |
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t | le_mrc_GetFirstPreferredOperator (le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef) |
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t | le_mrc_GetNextPreferredOperator (le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef) |
void | le_mrc_DeletePreferredOperatorsList (le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorDetails (le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t preferredOperatorRef, char *mccPtr, size_t mccPtrSize, char *mncPtr, size_t mncPtrSize, le_mrc_RatBitMask_t *ratMaskPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetNetRegState (le_mrc_NetRegState_t *statePtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetSignalQual (uint32_t *qualityPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetRadioPower (le_onoff_t power) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetRadioPower (le_onoff_t *powerPtr) |
le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t | le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan (le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask) |
le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t | le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScan (le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask) |
void | le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScanAsync (le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask, le_mrc_CellularNetworkScanHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScanAsync (le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask, le_mrc_PciNetworkScanHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | le_mrc_GetFirstCellularNetworkScan (le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef) |
le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | le_mrc_GetNextCellularNetworkScan (le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef) |
le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t | le_mrc_GetFirstPciScanInfo (le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef) |
le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t | le_mrc_GetNextPciScanInfo (le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef) |
le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t | le_mrc_GetFirstPlmnInfo (le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t pciScanInformationRef) |
le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t | le_mrc_GetNextPlmnInfo (le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t plmnRef) |
uint16_t | le_mrc_GetPciScanCellId (le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t pciScanInformationRef) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetPciScanGlobalCellId (le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t pciScanInformationRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetPciScanMccMnc (le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t plmnRef, char *mccPtr, size_t mccPtrSize, char *mncPtr, size_t mncPtrSize) |
void | le_mrc_DeleteCellularNetworkScan (le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef) |
void | le_mrc_DeletePciNetworkScan (le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkMccMnc (le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef, char *mccPtr, size_t mccPtrSize, char *mncPtr, size_t mncPtrSize) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkName (le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef, char *namePtr, size_t namePtrSize) |
le_mrc_Rat_t | le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkRat (le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef) |
bool | le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkInUse (le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef) |
bool | le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkAvailable (le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef) |
bool | le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkHome (le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef) |
bool | le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkForbidden (le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkName (char *nameStr, size_t nameStrSize) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkMccMnc (char *mccStr, size_t mccStrSize, char *mncStr, size_t mncStrSize) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetRadioAccessTechInUse (le_mrc_Rat_t *ratPtr) |
le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo (void) |
void | le_mrc_DeleteNeighborCellsInfo (le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef) |
le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | le_mrc_GetFirstNeighborCellInfo (le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef) |
le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | le_mrc_GetNextNeighborCellInfo (le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellId (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLocAreaCode (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef) |
int32_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRxLevel (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef) |
le_mrc_Rat_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRat (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef) |
int32_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellUmtsEcIo (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteIntraFreq (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef, int32_t *rsrqPtr, int32_t *rsrpPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteInterFreq (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef, int32_t *rsrqPtr, int32_t *rsrpPtr) |
le_mrc_MetricsRef_t | le_mrc_MeasureSignalMetrics (void) |
void | le_mrc_DeleteSignalMetrics (le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef) |
le_mrc_Rat_t | le_mrc_GetRatOfSignalMetrics (le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetGsmSignalMetrics (le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *rssiPtr, uint32_t *berPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetUmtsSignalMetrics (le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *ssPtr, uint32_t *blerPtr, int32_t *ecioPtr, int32_t *rscpPtr, int32_t *sinrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetLteSignalMetrics (le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *ssPtr, uint32_t *blerPtr, int32_t *rsrqPtr, int32_t *rsrpPtr, int32_t *snrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetCdmaSignalMetrics (le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *ssPtr, uint32_t *erPtr, int32_t *ecioPtr, int32_t *sinrPtr, int32_t *ioPtr) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetServingCellId (void) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode (void) |
uint16_t | le_mrc_GetServingCellLteTracAreaCode (void) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetBandCapabilities (le_mrc_BandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetLteBandCapabilities (le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandCapabilities (le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr) |
le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t | le_mrc_AddNetworkRejectHandler (le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_RemoveNetworkRejectHandler (le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t handlerRef) |
le_mrc_NetRegRejectHandlerRef_t | le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler (le_mrc_NetRegRejectHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_RemoveNetRegRejectHandler (le_mrc_NetRegRejectHandlerRef_t handlerRef) |
le_mrc_JammingDetectionEventHandlerRef_t | le_mrc_AddJammingDetectionEventHandler (le_mrc_JammingDetectionHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr) |
void | le_mrc_RemoveJammingDetectionEventHandler (le_mrc_JammingDetectionEventHandlerRef_t handlerRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_StartJammingDetection (void) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_StopJammingDetection (void) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_SetSarBackoffState (uint8_t state) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetSarBackoffState (uint8_t *statePtr) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetServingCellEarfcn (void) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellEarfcn (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef) |
uint32_t | le_mrc_GetServingCellTimingAdvance (void) |
uint16_t | le_mrc_GetPhysicalServingLteCellId (void) |
uint16_t | le_mrc_GetPhysicalNeighborLteCellId (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetServingCellGsmBsic (uint8_t *BSICPtr) |
le_result_t | le_mrc_GetNeighborCellGsmBsic (le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef, uint8_t *bsicPtr) |
Detailed Description
Legato Modem Radio Control include file.
Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
Typedef Documentation
◆ le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t
typedef void(* le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t) (void *) |
Type for handler called when a server disconnects.
Function Documentation
◆ le_mrc_AddJammingDetectionEventHandler()
le_mrc_JammingDetectionEventHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddJammingDetectionEventHandler | ( | le_mrc_JammingDetectionHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, |
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_JammingDetectionEvent'
This event provides information on jamming detection.
- Parameters
[in] handlerPtr [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler()
le_mrc_NetRegRejectHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler | ( | le_mrc_NetRegRejectHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, |
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegReject'
Event to report network registration reject indication. NetworkReject will be deprecated.
- Parameters
[in] handlerPtr [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_AddNetRegStateEventHandler()
le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddNetRegStateEventHandler | ( | le_mrc_NetRegStateHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, |
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
2G/3G Band Bit Mask (64 bits) LTE Band Bit Mask (64 bits) TDSCDMA Band Bit Mask Reference type for referring to MRC Scan Information objects. Reference type for Scan Information Listing. Reference type for PCI Scan Information Listing. Reference type for PCI Scan Information . Reference type for PLMN Information . Reference type for referring to the Preferred Operator objects. Reference type for Preferred Operator Listing. Reference type for one Cell Information. Reference type for all Neighboring Cells Information. Reference type for the signal metrics. Network Registration states. Radio Access Technology enum Jamming detection report type enum
- Note
- If the reported status is the final status (end of the procedure), this shall be indicated within the status report.
- Other reports, called intermediate reports, gives only intermediate results issuing from the algorithm Jamming detection status type enum
- The final status can be only NULL or JAMMED. Radio Bitmask Access Technology Bit Mask Network Registration reject cause type enum. Network Registration service domain type enum. Network registration reject indication structure. Handler for Network registration state changes. Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegStateEvent' Handler for Radio Access Technology changes. Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_RatChange' Handler for Packet Switched service state changes. Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChange' Handler for Signal Strength value changes. Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_SignalStrengthChange' Handler for cellular asynchronous network scan Sending result. Returns the reference to the List object. Null pointer if the scan failed. Handler for PCI asynchronous network scan Sending result. Returns the reference to the List object. Null pointer if the scan failed. Handler for asynchronous manual selection response Handler to report network reject indication.
- Deprecated:
- le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler() will be removed in near future. It will be replaced by le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler().
Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetworkReject' Handler to report network registration reject indication. NetworkRejectHandler is deprecated. Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegReject' Handler for jamming detection event. Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_JammingDetectionEvent' Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegStateEvent'
This event provides information on network registration state changes.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] handlerPtr [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_AddNetworkRejectHandler()
le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddNetworkRejectHandler | ( | le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, |
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetworkReject'
Event to report network reject indication.
- Parameters
[in] handlerPtr [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_AddPacketSwitchedChangeHandler()
le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddPacketSwitchedChangeHandler | ( | le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerFunc_t | packetHandlerPtr, |
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChange'
This event provides information on Packet Switched service changes.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] packetHandlerPtr [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_AddPreferredOperator()
le_result_t le_mrc_AddPreferredOperator | ( | const char *LE_NONNULL | mcc, |
const char *LE_NONNULL | mnc, | ||
le_mrc_RatBitMask_t | ratMask | ||
) |
Add a preferred operator by specifying the MCC/MNC and the Radio Access Technology.
- Returns
- LE_UNSUPPORTED List of User Preferred operators not available.
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER RAT mask is invalid.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] mcc Mobile Country Code [in] mnc Mobile Network Code [in] ratMask Bit mask for the Radio Access Technology preferences.
◆ le_mrc_AddRatChangeHandler()
le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddRatChangeHandler | ( | le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, |
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_RatChange'
This event provides information on Radio Access Technology changes.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] handlerPtr [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_AddSignalStrengthChangeHandler()
le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddSignalStrengthChangeHandler | ( | le_mrc_Rat_t | rat, |
int32_t | lowerRangeThreshold, | ||
int32_t | upperRangeThreshold, | ||
le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, | ||
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_SignalStrengthChange'
This event provides information on Signal Strength value changes.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] rat Radio Access Technology [in] lowerRangeThreshold Lower-range Signal strength threshold in dBm [in] upperRangeThreshold Upper-range Signal strength threshold in dBm [in] handlerPtr [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_ConnectService()
void le_mrc_ConnectService | ( | void | ) |
Connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Block until the service is available.
For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see Client-specific Functions.
This function is created automatically.
◆ le_mrc_DeleteCellularNetworkScan()
void le_mrc_DeleteCellularNetworkScan | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t | scanInformationListRef | ) |
This function must be called to delete the list of the Scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan().
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationListRef The list of scan information.
◆ le_mrc_DeleteNeighborCellsInfo()
void le_mrc_DeleteNeighborCellsInfo | ( | le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t | ngbrCellsRef | ) |
This function must be called to delete the Neighboring Cells information.
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellsRef Neighboring Cells reference.
◆ le_mrc_DeletePciNetworkScan()
void le_mrc_DeletePciNetworkScan | ( | le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t | scanInformationListRef | ) |
This function must be called to delete the list of the Pci Scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScan() or le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScanAsync().
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationListRef The list of scan information.
◆ le_mrc_DeletePreferredOperatorsList()
void le_mrc_DeletePreferredOperatorsList | ( | le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t | preferredOperatorListRef | ) |
This function must be called to delete the list of the preferred operators retrieved with le_mrc_GetPreferredOperators().
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] preferredOperatorListRef The list of the preferred operators.
◆ le_mrc_DeleteSignalMetrics()
void le_mrc_DeleteSignalMetrics | ( | le_mrc_MetricsRef_t | MetricsRef | ) |
This function must be called to delete the the signal metrics.
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] MetricsRef Signal metrics reference.
◆ le_mrc_DisconnectService()
void le_mrc_DisconnectService | ( | void | ) |
Disconnect the current client thread from the service providing this API.
Normally, this function doesn't need to be called. After this function is called, there's no longer a connection to the service, and the functions in this API can't be used. For details, see Client-specific Functions.
This function is created automatically.
◆ le_mrc_GetBandCapabilities()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetBandCapabilities | ( | le_mrc_BandBitMask_t * | bandMaskPtrPtr | ) |
Get the Bit mask for 2G/3G Band capabilities.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- LE_UNSUPPORTED Unable to get the 2G/3G Band capabilities on this platform
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] bandMaskPtrPtr Bit mask for 2G/3G Band capabilities.
◆ le_mrc_GetBandPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetBandPreferences | ( | le_mrc_BandBitMask_t * | bandMaskPtrPtr | ) |
Get the Bit mask for 2G/3G Band preferences.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] bandMaskPtrPtr Bit mask for 2G/3G Band preferences.
◆ le_mrc_GetCdmaSignalMetrics()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCdmaSignalMetrics | ( | le_mrc_MetricsRef_t | MetricsRef, |
int32_t * | ssPtr, | ||
uint32_t * | erPtr, | ||
int32_t * | ecioPtr, | ||
int32_t * | sinrPtr, | ||
int32_t * | ioPtr | ||
) |
This function returns the signal metrics measured on CDMA network.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- rscpPtr and sinrPtr return INT32_MAX when the value isn't available.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] MetricsRef Signal metrics reference. [out] ssPtr Signal strength in dBm [out] erPtr Frame/Packet error rate [out] ecioPtr ECIO value in dB with 1 decimal place (-15 = -1.5 dB) (Negative value) [out] sinrPtr SINR level in dB with 1 decimal place, (only applicable for 1xEV-DO, value INT32_MAX means that the value is not available) [out] ioPtr Received IO in dBm (only applicable for 1xEV-DO, value INT32_MAX means that the value is not available)
◆ le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkMccMnc()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkMccMnc | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | scanInformationRef, |
char * | mccPtr, | ||
size_t | mccPtrSize, | ||
char * | mncPtr, | ||
size_t | mncPtrSize | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the Cellular Network Code [mcc:mnc]
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_OVERFLOW if the MCC or MNC would not fit in buffer
- LE_FAULT for all other errors
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationRef Scan information reference [out] mccPtr Mobile Country Code [in] mccPtrSize [out] mncPtr Mobile Network Code [in] mncPtrSize
◆ le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkName()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkName | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | scanInformationRef, |
char * | namePtr, | ||
size_t | namePtrSize | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the Cellular Network Name.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_OVERFLOW if the operator name would not fit in buffer
- LE_FAULT for all other errors
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationRef Scan information reference [out] namePtr Name of operator [in] namePtrSize
◆ le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkRat()
le_mrc_Rat_t le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkRat | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | scanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the radio access technology of a scanInformationRef.
- Returns
- the radio access technology
- Note
- On failure, the process exits.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationRef Scan information reference
◆ le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkMccMnc()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkMccMnc | ( | char * | mccStr, |
size_t | mccStrSize, | ||
char * | mncStr, | ||
size_t | mncStrSize | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the current network PLMN information.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on any other failure
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] mccStr the mobile country code [in] mccStrSize [out] mncStr the mobile network code [in] mncStrSize
◆ le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkName()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkName | ( | char * | nameStr, |
size_t | nameStrSize | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the current network name information.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_OVERFLOW if the Home Network Name can't fit in nameStr
- LE_FAULT on any other failure
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] nameStr the home network Name [in] nameStrSize
◆ le_mrc_GetFirstCellularNetworkScan()
le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstCellularNetworkScan | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t | scanInformationListRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the first Scan Information object reference in the list of scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan().
- Returns
- NULL No scan information found.
- le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t The Scan Information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationListRef The list of scan information.
◆ le_mrc_GetFirstNeighborCellInfo()
le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstNeighborCellInfo | ( | le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t | ngbrCellsRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the first Cell Information reference in the list of Neighboring Cells information retrieved with le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo().
- Returns
- NULL No Cell information object found.
- le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t The Cell information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellsRef Neighboring Cells reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetFirstPciScanInfo()
le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstPciScanInfo | ( | le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t | scanInformationListRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the first Pci Scan Information object reference in the list of scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScan().
- Returns
- NULL No scan information found.
- The Scan Information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationListRef The list of scan information.
◆ le_mrc_GetFirstPlmnInfo()
le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstPlmnInfo | ( | le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t | pciScanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the first Plmn Information object reference in the list of Plmn on each cell.
- Returns
- NULL No scan information found.
- le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t The Plmn Information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- Parameters
[in] pciScanInformationRef [IN] The reference to the cell information.
◆ le_mrc_GetFirstPreferredOperator()
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstPreferredOperator | ( | le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t | preferredOperatorListRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the first Operator object reference in the list of the preferred operators retrieved with le_mrc_GetPreferredOperators().
- Returns
- NULL No operator information found.
- le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef The Operator object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad reference into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] preferredOperatorListRef The list of the preferred operators.
◆ le_mrc_GetGsmSignalMetrics()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetGsmSignalMetrics | ( | le_mrc_MetricsRef_t | MetricsRef, |
int32_t * | rssiPtr, | ||
uint32_t * | berPtr | ||
) |
This function returns the signal strength in dBm and the bit error rate measured on GSM network.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] MetricsRef Signal metrics reference. [out] rssiPtr Signal strength in dBm [out] berPtr Bit error rate.
◆ le_mrc_GetLteBandCapabilities()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetLteBandCapabilities | ( | le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t * | bandMaskPtrPtr | ) |
Get the Bit mask for LTE Band capabilities.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- LE_UNSUPPORTED Unable to get the LTE Band capabilities on this platform
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] bandMaskPtrPtr Bit mask for LTE Band capabilities.
◆ le_mrc_GetLteBandPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetLteBandPreferences | ( | le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t * | bandMaskPtrPtr | ) |
Get the Bit mask for LTE Band preferences.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] bandMaskPtrPtr Bit mask for LTE Band preferences.
◆ le_mrc_GetLteSignalMetrics()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetLteSignalMetrics | ( | le_mrc_MetricsRef_t | MetricsRef, |
int32_t * | ssPtr, | ||
uint32_t * | blerPtr, | ||
int32_t * | rsrqPtr, | ||
int32_t * | rsrpPtr, | ||
int32_t * | snrPtr | ||
) |
This function returns the signal metrics measured on LTE network.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- sinrPtr and ioPtr return INT32_MAX when the value isn't available.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] MetricsRef Signal metrics reference. [out] ssPtr Signal strength in dBm [out] blerPtr Block error rate [out] rsrqPtr RSRQ value in dB as measured by L1 with 1 decimal place [out] rsrpPtr Current RSRP in dBm as measured by L1 with 1 decimal place [out] snrPtr SNR level in dB with 1 decimal place (15 = 1.5 dB)
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellEarfcn()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellEarfcn | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef | ) |
Get the neighbor cell radio frequency channel number. The EARFCN is in the range from 0 to 262143.
- Returns
- The neighbor cell frequency channel number. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef The cell information reference
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellGsmBsic()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellGsmBsic | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef, |
uint8_t * | bsicPtr | ||
) |
Get the Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) for a neighbour cell on GSM network.
- Returns
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad parameter passed to the function
- LE_FAULT The function failed.
- LE_UNAVAILABLE The BSIC is not available. The BSIC value is set to UINT8_MAX.
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef The cell information reference. [out] bsicPtr The BSIC value
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellId()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellId | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the Physical Cell Identifier.
- Returns
- The Physical Cell Identifier. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the Cell Identifier is not available.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef Cell information reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLocAreaCode()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLocAreaCode | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the Location Area Code of a cell.
- Returns
- The Location Area Code of a cell. UINT16_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef Cell information reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteInterFreq()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteInterFreq | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef, |
int32_t * | rsrqPtr, | ||
int32_t * | rsrpPtr | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the RSRP and RSRQ of the Interfrequency of a LTE cell.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef Cell information reference. [out] rsrqPtr Reference Signal Received Quality value in dB with 1 decimal place [out] rsrpPtr Reference Signal Receiver Power value in dBm with 1 decimal place
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteIntraFreq()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteIntraFreq | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef, |
int32_t * | rsrqPtr, | ||
int32_t * | rsrpPtr | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the RSRP and RSRQ of the Intrafrequency of a LTE cell.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef Cell information reference. [out] rsrqPtr Reference Signal Received Quality value in dB with 1 decimal place [out] rsrpPtr Reference Signal Receiver Power value in dBm with 1 decimal place
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRat()
le_mrc_Rat_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRat | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the Radio Access Technology of a cell.
- Returns
- The Radio Access Technology of a cell.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef Cell information reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRxLevel()
int32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRxLevel | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the signal strength of a cell.
- Returns
- The signal strength of a cell in dBm.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef Cell information reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo()
le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo | ( | void | ) |
This function must be called to retrieve the Neighboring Cells information. It creates and returns a reference to the Neighboring Cells information.
- Returns
- A reference to the Neighboring Cells information.
- NULL if no Cells Information are available.
- Note
- multi-app safe
◆ le_mrc_GetNeighborCellUmtsEcIo()
int32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellUmtsEcIo | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the Ec/Io; the received energy per chip divided by the power density in the band measured in dBm on the primary CPICH channel of serving cell (negative value)
- Returns
- The Ec/Io of a cell given in dB with 1 decimal place. (only applicable for UMTS network).
- INT32_MAX when the value isn't available.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef Cell information reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetNetRegState()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetNetRegState | ( | le_mrc_NetRegState_t * | statePtr | ) |
Get the network registration state.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT The function failed to get the Network registration state.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER A bad parameter was passed.
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] statePtr Network Registration state.
◆ le_mrc_GetNextCellularNetworkScan()
le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetNextCellularNetworkScan | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t | scanInformationListRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the next Scan Information object reference in the list of scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan().
- Returns
- NULL No scan information found.
- le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t The Scan Information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationListRef The list of scan information.
◆ le_mrc_GetNextNeighborCellInfo()
le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t le_mrc_GetNextNeighborCellInfo | ( | le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t | ngbrCellsRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the next Cell Information reference in the list of Neighboring Cells information retrieved with le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo().
- Returns
- NULL No Cell information object found.
- le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t Cell information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellsRef Neighboring Cells reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetNextPciScanInfo()
le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetNextPciScanInfo | ( | le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t | scanInformationListRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the next Scan Information object reference in the list of scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScan().
- Returns
- NULL No scan information found.
- The Scan Information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationListRef The list of scan information.
◆ le_mrc_GetNextPlmnInfo()
le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetNextPlmnInfo | ( | le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t | plmnRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the next Plmn Information object reference in the list of Plmn on each cell.
- Returns
- NULL No scan information found.
- le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t The Plmn Information object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- Parameters
[in] plmnRef [IN] The reference to the cell information.
◆ le_mrc_GetNextPreferredOperator()
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t le_mrc_GetNextPreferredOperator | ( | le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t | preferredOperatorListRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the next Operator object reference in the list of the preferred operators retrieved with le_mrc_GetPreferredOperators().
- Returns
- NULL No operator information found.
- le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef The Operator object reference.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad reference into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] preferredOperatorListRef The list of the preferred operators.
◆ le_mrc_GetPacketSwitchedState()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetPacketSwitchedState | ( | le_mrc_NetRegState_t * | statePtr | ) |
Get the Packet Switched state.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] statePtr The current Packet switched state.
◆ le_mrc_GetPciScanCellId()
uint16_t le_mrc_GetPciScanCellId | ( | le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t | pciScanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the physical cell id referenced by PciScanInformation which is returned by le_mrc_GetFirstPciScanInfo() and le_mrc_GetNextPciScanInfo().
- Returns
- The Physical Cell Identifier.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- Parameters
[in] pciScanInformationRef [IN] The reference to the cell information.
◆ le_mrc_GetPciScanGlobalCellId()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetPciScanGlobalCellId | ( | le_mrc_PciScanInformationRef_t | pciScanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to get the global cell id referenced by PciScanInformation which is returned by le_mrc_GetFirstPciScanInfo() and le_mrc_GetNextPciScanInfo().
- Returns
- The Global Cell Identifier.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- Parameters
[in] pciScanInformationRef [IN] The reference to the cell information.
◆ le_mrc_GetPciScanMccMnc()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetPciScanMccMnc | ( | le_mrc_PlmnInformationRef_t | plmnRef, |
char * | mccPtr, | ||
size_t | mccPtrSize, | ||
char * | mncPtr, | ||
size_t | mncPtrSize | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the Mcc/Mnc of each PLMN referenced in the list of Plmn Information retrieved with le_mrc_GetFirstPlmnInfo() and le_mrc_GetNextPlmnInfo().
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_OVERFLOW if the MCC or MNC would not fit in buffer
- LE_FAULT for all other errors
- Parameters
[in] plmnRef [IN] The reference to the cell information. [out] mccPtr Mobile Country Code [in] mccPtrSize [out] mncPtr Mobile Network Code [in] mncPtrSize
◆ le_mrc_GetPhysicalNeighborLteCellId()
uint16_t le_mrc_GetPhysicalNeighborLteCellId | ( | le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t | ngbrCellInfoRef | ) |
Get the neighbor physical cell Id. The physical cell Id is in the range from 0 to 503.
- Returns
- The physical serving cell Id. UINT16_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
- Parameters
[in] ngbrCellInfoRef The cell information reference
◆ le_mrc_GetPhysicalServingLteCellId()
uint16_t le_mrc_GetPhysicalServingLteCellId | ( | void | ) |
Get the physical serving cell Id. The physical cell Id is in the range from 0 to 503.
- Returns
- The physical serving cell Id. UINT16_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
◆ le_mrc_GetPlatformSpecificRegistrationErrorCode()
int32_t le_mrc_GetPlatformSpecificRegistrationErrorCode | ( | void | ) |
Get the platform specific network registration error code.
Refer to Platform specific error codes for platform specific registration error code description.
- Returns
- the platform specific registration error code
◆ le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorDetails()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorDetails | ( | le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t | preferredOperatorRef, |
char * | mccPtr, | ||
size_t | mccPtrSize, | ||
char * | mncPtr, | ||
size_t | mncPtrSize, | ||
le_mrc_RatBitMask_t * | ratMaskPtr | ||
) |
This function must be called to get the Operator information details.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_OVERFLOW if the MCC or MNC would not fit in buffer
- LE_FAULT for all other errors
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] preferredOperatorRef Operator object reference. [out] mccPtr Mobile Country Code. [in] mccPtrSize [out] mncPtr Mobile Network Code. [in] mncPtrSize [out] ratMaskPtr Bit mask for the RAT preferences.
◆ le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorsList()
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorsList | ( | void | ) |
This function must be called to retrieve a list of the preferred operators.
- Returns
- Reference to the List object.
- Null pointer if there is no preferences list.
- Note
- multi-app safe
◆ le_mrc_GetRadioAccessTechInUse()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRadioAccessTechInUse | ( | le_mrc_Rat_t * | ratPtr | ) |
This function must be called to get the current Radio Access Technology in use.
- Returns
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER Invalid parameter.
- LE_FAULT Function failed to get the Radio Access Technology.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- The API returns the RAT only if the device is registered on the network. le_mrc_GetNetRegState() function can be called first to obtain the network registration state.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] ratPtr The Radio Access Technology.
◆ le_mrc_GetRadioPower()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRadioPower | ( | le_onoff_t * | powerPtr | ) |
Must be called to get the Radio Module power state.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT The function failed to get the Radio Module power state.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER if powerPtr is NULL.
- LE_OK The function succeed.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] powerPtr Power state.
◆ le_mrc_GetRatOfSignalMetrics()
le_mrc_Rat_t le_mrc_GetRatOfSignalMetrics | ( | le_mrc_MetricsRef_t | MetricsRef | ) |
This function returns the Radio Access Technology of the signal metrics.
- Returns
- The Radio Access Technology of the signal measure.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] MetricsRef Signal metrics reference.
◆ le_mrc_GetRatPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRatPreferences | ( | le_mrc_RatBitMask_t * | ratMaskPtrPtr | ) |
Get the Radio Access Technology preferences
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] ratMaskPtrPtr Bit mask for the Radio Access Technology preferences.
◆ le_mrc_GetRegisterMode()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRegisterMode | ( | bool * | isManualPtrPtr, |
char * | mccPtr, | ||
size_t | mccPtrSize, | ||
char * | mncPtr, | ||
size_t | mncPtrSize | ||
) |
Get the selected Selection Register mode.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] isManualPtrPtr true if the scan mode is manual, false if the scan mode is automatic. [out] mccPtr Mobile Country Code [in] mccPtrSize [out] mncPtr Mobile Network Code [in] mncPtrSize
◆ le_mrc_GetSarBackoffState()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetSarBackoffState | ( | uint8_t * | statePtr | ) |
Get the SAR backoff state
- Warning
- The SAR backoff feature might be unsupported by some platforms. Please refer to the platform documentation Modem Control platform constraints.
- Returns
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- LE_FAULT The function failed.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED The feature is not supported.
- Parameters
[out] statePtr Current state. By default, SAR is disabled (state = 0). Refer to platformConstraitsMdc for the number of maximum states.
◆ le_mrc_GetServingCellEarfcn()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetServingCellEarfcn | ( | void | ) |
Get the serving cell radio frequency channel number. The EARFCN is in the range from 0 to 262143.
- Returns
- The serving cell frequency channel number. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
◆ le_mrc_GetServingCellGsmBsic()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetServingCellGsmBsic | ( | uint8_t * | BSICPtr | ) |
Get the Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) for the serving cell on GSM network.
- Returns
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad parameter passed to the function
- LE_FAULT The function failed.
- LE_UNAVAILABLE The BSIC is not available. The BSIC value is set to UINT8_MAX.
- Parameters
[out] BSICPtr The BSIC value
◆ le_mrc_GetServingCellId()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetServingCellId | ( | void | ) |
This function must be called to get the serving Cell Identifier.
- Returns
- The Cell Identifier. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
- Note
- When the module is in UMTS network, the API returns the serving UTRAN Cell Identity (UC-Id) which is used to identify the cell uniquely. It is composed of the Controlling Radio Network Controller Identifier (CRNC-Id, 12 bits) and the Cell Identifier (C-Id, 16 bits). (3GPP 25.401, section 6.1.5) The Cell Identifier is coded in the lower 2 bytes of the 4 bytes UC-Id and the CRNC-Id is coded in the upper 2 bytes. Example: the API returns 7807609 -> 0x772279 (CRNC-Id = 0x77 , cell ID = 0x2279)
- multi-app safe
◆ le_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode | ( | void | ) |
This function must be called to get the Location Area Code of the serving cell.
- Returns
- The Location Area Code. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
- Note
- multi-app safe
◆ le_mrc_GetServingCellLteTracAreaCode()
uint16_t le_mrc_GetServingCellLteTracAreaCode | ( | void | ) |
This function must be called to get the Tracking Area Code of the serving cell (LTE only).
- Returns
- The Tracking Area Code. UINT16_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
- Note
- multi-app safe
◆ le_mrc_GetServingCellTimingAdvance()
uint32_t le_mrc_GetServingCellTimingAdvance | ( | void | ) |
Get the serving cell timing advance index value. Timing advance index value is in the range from 0 to 1280.
- Returns
- The serving cell timing advance index value. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
◆ le_mrc_GetSignalQual()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetSignalQual | ( | uint32_t * | qualityPtr | ) |
Get the signal quality.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT The function failed to get the Signal Quality information.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER A bad parameter was passed.
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] qualityPtr [OUT] Received signal strength quality (0 = no signal strength, 5 = very good signal strength).
◆ le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandCapabilities()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandCapabilities | ( | le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t * | bandMaskPtrPtr | ) |
Get the Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band capabilities.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- LE_UNSUPPORTED Unable to get the TD-SCDMA Band Capabilities on this platform
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] bandMaskPtrPtr Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band capabilities.
◆ le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandPreferences | ( | le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t * | bandMaskPtrPtr | ) |
Get the Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
- Returns
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED The platform doesn't support getting TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[out] bandMaskPtrPtr Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
◆ le_mrc_GetUmtsSignalMetrics()
le_result_t le_mrc_GetUmtsSignalMetrics | ( | le_mrc_MetricsRef_t | MetricsRef, |
int32_t * | ssPtr, | ||
uint32_t * | blerPtr, | ||
int32_t * | ecioPtr, | ||
int32_t * | rscpPtr, | ||
int32_t * | sinrPtr | ||
) |
This function returns the signal metrics measured on UMTS or TD-SCDMA networks.
- Returns
- LE_OK on success
- LE_FAULT on failure
- Note
- If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] MetricsRef Signal metrics reference. [out] ssPtr Signal strength in dBm [out] blerPtr Block error rate [out] ecioPtr Ec/Io value in dB with 1 decimal place (-15 = -1.5 dB) (Negative value) [out] rscpPtr Measured RSCP in dBm (negative value, value INT32_MAX means that RSCP is not available) [out] sinrPtr Measured SINR in dB (only applicable for TD-SCDMA network, value INT32_MAX means that the SINR is not available)
◆ le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkAvailable()
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkAvailable | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | scanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to check if a cellular network is available.
- Returns
- true The network is available
- false The network isn't available
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationRef Scan information reference
◆ le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkForbidden()
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkForbidden | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | scanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to check if a cellular network is forbidden by the operator.
- Returns
- true The network is forbidden
- false The network is allowed
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationRef Scan information reference
◆ le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkHome()
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkHome | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | scanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to check if a cellular network is currently in home mode.
- Returns
- true The network is home
- false The network is roaming
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationRef Scan information reference
◆ le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkInUse()
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkInUse | ( | le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t | scanInformationRef | ) |
This function must be called to check if a cellular network is currently in use.
- Returns
- true The network is in use
- false The network isn't in use
- Note
- On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned reference for validity.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] scanInformationRef Scan information reference
◆ le_mrc_MeasureSignalMetrics()
le_mrc_MetricsRef_t le_mrc_MeasureSignalMetrics | ( | void | ) |
This function must be called to measure the signal metrics. It creates and returns a reference to the signal metrics.
- Returns
- A reference to the signal metrics.
- NULL if no signal metrics are available.
- Note
- multi-app safe
◆ le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan()
le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan | ( | le_mrc_RatBitMask_t | ratMask | ) |
This function must be called to perform a cellular network scan.
- Returns
- Reference to the List object. Null pointer if the scan failed.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ratMask Radio Access Technology mask
◆ le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScanAsync()
void le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScanAsync | ( | le_mrc_RatBitMask_t | ratMask, |
le_mrc_CellularNetworkScanHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, | ||
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
This function must be called to perform a cellular network scan asynchronously. This function is not blocking, the response will be returned with a handler function.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ratMask Radio Access Technology mask [in] handlerPtr handler for sending result. [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScan()
le_mrc_PciScanInformationListRef_t le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScan | ( | le_mrc_RatBitMask_t | ratMask | ) |
This function must be called to perform a PCI network scan.
- Returns
- Reference to the List object. Null pointer if the scan failed.
- Warning
- PCI scan is platform dependent. Please refer to Modem Control platform constraints for further details.
- Note
- On devices with the watchdog service enabled, the timeout is 4 mins. On those without, the timeout is 5 mins.
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ratMask Radio Access Technology mask
◆ le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScanAsync()
void le_mrc_PerformPciNetworkScanAsync | ( | le_mrc_RatBitMask_t | ratMask, |
le_mrc_PciNetworkScanHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, | ||
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
This function must be called to perform a PCI network scan asynchronously. This function is not blocking, the response will be returned with a handler function.
- Warning
- PCI scan is platform dependent. Please refer to Modem Control platform constraints for further details.
- Note
- multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ratMask Radio Access Technology mask [in] handlerPtr handler for sending result. [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_RemoveJammingDetectionEventHandler()
void le_mrc_RemoveJammingDetectionEventHandler | ( | le_mrc_JammingDetectionEventHandlerRef_t | handlerRef | ) |
Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_JammingDetectionEvent'
- Parameters
[in] handlerRef
◆ le_mrc_RemoveNetRegRejectHandler()
void le_mrc_RemoveNetRegRejectHandler | ( | le_mrc_NetRegRejectHandlerRef_t | handlerRef | ) |
Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegReject'
- Parameters
[in] handlerRef
◆ le_mrc_RemoveNetRegStateEventHandler()
void le_mrc_RemoveNetRegStateEventHandler | ( | le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t | handlerRef | ) |
Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegStateEvent'
- Parameters
[in] handlerRef
◆ le_mrc_RemoveNetworkRejectHandler()
void le_mrc_RemoveNetworkRejectHandler | ( | le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t | handlerRef | ) |
Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetworkReject'
- Parameters
[in] handlerRef
◆ le_mrc_RemovePacketSwitchedChangeHandler()
void le_mrc_RemovePacketSwitchedChangeHandler | ( | le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t | handlerRef | ) |
Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChange'
- Parameters
[in] handlerRef
◆ le_mrc_RemovePreferredOperator()
le_result_t le_mrc_RemovePreferredOperator | ( | const char *LE_NONNULL | mcc, |
const char *LE_NONNULL | mnc | ||
) |
Remove a preferred operator by specifying the MCC/MNC.
- Returns
- LE_UNSUPPORTED List of User Preferred operators not available.
- LE_NOT_FOUND Operator not found in the User Preferred operators list.
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] mcc Mobile Country Code [in] mnc Mobile Network Code
◆ le_mrc_RemoveRatChangeHandler()
void le_mrc_RemoveRatChangeHandler | ( | le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t | handlerRef | ) |
Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_RatChange'
- Parameters
[in] handlerRef
◆ le_mrc_RemoveSignalStrengthChangeHandler()
void le_mrc_RemoveSignalStrengthChangeHandler | ( | le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t | handlerRef | ) |
Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_SignalStrengthChange'
- Parameters
[in] handlerRef
◆ le_mrc_SetAutomaticRegisterMode()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetAutomaticRegisterMode | ( | void | ) |
Enable the automatic Selection Register mode.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
◆ le_mrc_SetBandPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetBandPreferences | ( | le_mrc_BandBitMask_t | bandMask | ) |
Set the 2G/3G Band preferences by using a bit mask.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] bandMask Bit mask for 2G/3G Band preferences.
◆ le_mrc_SetLteBandPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetLteBandPreferences | ( | le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t | bandMask | ) |
Set the LTE Band preferences by using a bit mask.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED The platform doesn't support setting LTE Band preferences.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] bandMask Bit mask for LTE Band preferences.
◆ le_mrc_SetManualRegisterMode()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetManualRegisterMode | ( | const char *LE_NONNULL | mcc, |
const char *LE_NONNULL | mnc | ||
) |
Set the manual Selection Register mode with the MCC/MNC parameters.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- Note
- If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] mcc Mobile Country Code [in] mnc Mobile Network Code
◆ le_mrc_SetManualRegisterModeAsync()
void le_mrc_SetManualRegisterModeAsync | ( | const char *LE_NONNULL | mcc, |
const char *LE_NONNULL | mnc, | ||
le_mrc_ManualSelectionHandlerFunc_t | handlerPtr, | ||
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Set the manual selection register mode asynchronously. This function is not blocking, the response will be returned with a handler function.
- Note
- If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function won't return.
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] mcc Mobile Country Code [in] mnc Mobile Network Code [in] handlerPtr handler for sending result [in] contextPtr
◆ le_mrc_SetRadioPower()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetRadioPower | ( | le_onoff_t | power | ) |
Set the power of the Radio Module.
- Returns
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad power mode specified.
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeed.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] power The power state.
◆ le_mrc_SetRatPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetRatPreferences | ( | le_mrc_RatBitMask_t | ratMask | ) |
Set the Radio Access Technology preferences by using a bit mask.
- Returns
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported by platform.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] ratMask Bit mask for the Radio Access Technology preferences.
◆ le_mrc_SetSarBackoffState()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetSarBackoffState | ( | uint8_t | state | ) |
Set the SAR backoff state
- Warning
- The SAR backoff feature might be unsupported by some platforms. Please refer to the platform documentation Modem Control platform constraints.
- Returns
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- LE_FAULT The function failed.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED The feature is not supported.
- LE_OUT_OF_RANGE The provided index is out of range.
- Parameters
[in] state New state to enable. By default, SAR is disabled (state = 0). Refer to platformConstraitsMdc for the number of maximum states.
◆ le_mrc_SetServerDisconnectHandler()
LE_FULL_API void le_mrc_SetServerDisconnectHandler | ( | le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t | disconnectHandler, |
void * | contextPtr | ||
) |
Set handler called when server disconnection is detected.
When a server connection is lost, call this handler then exit with LE_FATAL. If a program wants to continue without exiting, it should call longjmp() from inside the handler.
◆ le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndDelta()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndDelta | ( | le_mrc_Rat_t | rat, |
uint16_t | delta | ||
) |
This function sets a signal strength indication delta for a specific RAT.
- Returns
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad parameters.
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- Note
- The signal delta is set in units of 0.1 dBm. For example, to set a delta of 10.6 dBm, the delta value must be set to 106.
- Warning
- The signal delta resolution is platform dependent. Please refer to Modem Control platform constraints section for full details.
- Parameters
[in] rat Radio Access Technology [in] delta Signal delta in units of 0.1 dBm
◆ le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndThresholds()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndThresholds | ( | le_mrc_Rat_t | rat, |
int32_t | lowerRangeThreshold, | ||
int32_t | upperRangeThreshold | ||
) |
This function sets signal strength indication thresholds for a specific RAT.
- Returns
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad parameters
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] rat Radio Access Technology [in] lowerRangeThreshold Lower-range Signal strength threshold in dBm [in] upperRangeThreshold Upper-range Signal strength threshold in dBm
◆ le_mrc_SetTdScdmaBandPreferences()
le_result_t le_mrc_SetTdScdmaBandPreferences | ( | le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t | bandMask | ) |
Set the TD-SCDMA Band preferences by using a bit mask.
- Returns
- LE_OK Function succeeded.
- LE_FAULT Function failed.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED The platform doesn't support setting TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
- Note
- NOT multi-app safe
- Parameters
[in] bandMask Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
◆ le_mrc_StartJammingDetection()
le_result_t le_mrc_StartJammingDetection | ( | void | ) |
Start the jamming detection monitoring.
- Warning
- The jamming detection feature might be limited by the platform. Please refer to the platform documentation Modem Control platform constraints.
- Returns
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- LE_FAULT The function failed.
- LE_DUPLICATE The feature is already activated and an activation is requested.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED The feature is not supported.
◆ le_mrc_StopJammingDetection()
le_result_t le_mrc_StopJammingDetection | ( | void | ) |
Stop the jamming detection monitoring.
- Returns
- LE_OK The function succeeded.
- LE_FAULT The function failed or the application did not start the jamming detection.
- LE_UNSUPPORTED The feature is not supported.
◆ le_mrc_TryConnectService()
le_result_t le_mrc_TryConnectService | ( | void | ) |
Try to connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Return with an error if the service is not available.
For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see Client-specific Functions.
This function is created automatically.
- Returns
- LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
- LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is bound.
- LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
- LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.