Legato Application Framework Release Information
Current Stable Release: 17.07.2
Legato AF release notes contain information on new features and resolved outstanding issues. To download the release either download the tarball or clone the tagged repo from GitHub. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Legato, you will find essential information in our upgrade notes and user docs. The build Legato page will walk you through making a release and uploading it to a target device.
Version | Date | Notes | GitHub | Tarball | User Docs |
17.07.2 | Sep 8, 2017 | 17.07.2 Release Notes | 17.07.2 tag | legato-17.07.2.tar.bz2 | latest |
17.06.0 | July 7, 2017 | 17.06.0 Release Notes | 17.06.0 tag | legato-17.06.0.tar.bz2 | 17.06.0 |
17.05.0 | Jun 23, 2017 | 17.05.0 Release Notes | 17.05.0 tag | legato-17.05.0.tar.bz2 | 17.05.0 |
16.10.3 | Apr 28, 2017 | 16.10.3 Release Notes | 16.10.3 tag | legato-16.10.3.tar.bz2 | 16.10.3 |
16.10.1 | Dec 23, 2016 | 16.10.1 Release Notes | 16.10.1 tag | legato-16.10.1.tar.bz2 | 16.10.1 |
16.07.0 | Aug 18, 2016 | 16.07.0 Release Notes | 16.07.0 tag | legato-16.07.0.tar.bz2 | 16.07.0 |
16.04.0 | Jun 9, 2016 | 16.04.0 Release Notes | 16.04.0 tag | legato-16.04.0.tar.bz2 | 16.04.0 |
For the latest (in progress) version of the Legato Application Framework clone it directly from GitHub.
The Legato Application Framework is licensed under the MPLv2.
The Legato team welcomes contributions to the project.
Legato Application Framework Release Process
Legato AF releases are not tied to any specific module product release. Once we have released Legato AF, module vendors (like Sierra Wireless) will take the Legato AF and integrate it into their own product release.
Legato AF Release Schedule VS Module Vendor Release Schedule

- Legato AF Team posts release 17.07
- Module Vendor takes release 17.07 and builds an associated Linux Distro to create a "Legato Platform"
- Module Vendor tests and releases a "Legato Platform" with their Modem Firmware as "Product Release Y"
- Legato AF Team posts release 17.08, 17.09 and 17.10 without the Module Vendor packaging it into a Product Release. Releases are able to installed with the vendor's Product Release Y, but may not be officially supported by the Module Vendor.
- Module Vendor takes release 17.11 and creates a "Legato Platform" and "Product Release Z", and so on..
For any questions about the Product Releases please contact your Module Vendor directly.
Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.