av-pack - Generate package for upload to AirVantage.
av-pack [OPTIONS]
av-pack -h
av-pack --help
Generates a package for a legato application or system that can be uploaded to AirVantage and pushed to devices. Options: -u, --update-file, <string> Include an update file. This gets pushed to the device when an "install application" is requested for this application. -b, --build-dir, <string> File system path of the build directory to be searched for the manifest.app file. Please ensure that the build directory specified corresponds to your *.update file. This will be used to determine whether av-pack should be generating an application pack or system pack. -n, --name, <string> (Optional) Identify the name of the system. -t, --type, <string> (Optional) Internal type field used by AirVantage to identify the system or application. -h, --help Display this help text. (Cannot be used with other options.)
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