You can install Legato using the Developer Studio Software Package Manager (SPM).
Run the follow to reference the Developer Studio APT repository:
Install Software Package Manager for Legato by running:
sudo apt-get install devstudio-legato-spm
Here's how to use the SPM.
legato-spm [OPTION]
Displays repository tree of available releases and modules.
-r <release> -m <module> browse
Displays available packages that can be installed from the repository for a specified release and module.
-r <release> -m <module> install
Installs packages from the repository for a specified release and module.
Lists currently installed Legato packages.
Packages are installed by default to your ~/
.devstudio/packages directory:
legato.framework.* - Prebuilt Legato framework packages legato.toolchain.* - GCC cross compiler Toolchains legato.devimg.* - Device Images allowing to upgrade Legato devices system software
Use this script to confirgure Legato:
source ~/.devstudio/packages/legato.sdk.VERSION/resources/configlegatoenv
Your environment is now ready to Use Sample Apps.
Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc. Use of this work is subject to license.