API for accessing secure storage.
Secure storage can be used to store sensitive information like passwords, keys, certificates, etc. All data in the secure storage is in an encrypted format. Each app using this API only has access to its own secure data.
App's items in secure storage have a name and a value. The item name is used to access the item's value and can be maximum 255 characters. The overall maximum storage available is platform dependent (see Secure Storage).
To create or update an item, use le_secStore_Write() to specify the item's name and value. If the item doesn't exist, it'll be created. Each item can be maximum 8192 bytes. If it's larger, le_secStore_Write() will fail.
To read an item, use le_secStore_Read(), and specify the item's name. To delete and item, use le_secStore_Delete().
All the functions in this API are provided by the secStore service.
Here's a code sample binding to this service:
bindings: { clientExe.clientComponent.le_secStore -> secStore.le_secStore }
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