
Make Application: run mkapp to generate an app bundle to install and run on a target.

Application bundles are compressed archives containing everything that needs to be sent to your target device to install your app.

The main input for mkapp is an Application Definition .adef file that contains these definitions:

  • executables to build when the app is built
  • components and/or other files to build into those executables
  • other files to be included as a part of the app
  • if the app will run in a sandbox, files to access outside the sandbox
  • executables to run when the app is started
  • command-line arguments and environment variables to pass to those apps
  • limits to place on the app (CPU, memory, etc.)

mkapp will parse the .adef file, determine which components, interface definitions, and other source files are needed, build those into the libraries and executables required, generate the on-target configuration data needed, and add everything to an app bundle ready for installation on the target.

To display usage, run

mkapp --help
mkapp only knows about the app it's building. Typos in binding values won't be detected, but your app will hang. The note in mksys has details how to troubleshoot.

See Application Definition .adef files for details on app def files.

Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc. Use of this work is subject to license.