interfaces/modemServices/c/le_remoteMgmt.h File Reference

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typedef struct
le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandler * 
typedef struct le_remoteMgmt_Dnd * le_remoteMgmt_DndRef_t
typedef void(* le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandlerFunc_t )(void *contextPtr)


le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandlerRef_t le_remoteMgmt_AddWakeUpIndicHandler (le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandlerFunc_t handlerFuncPtr, void *contextPtr)
void le_remoteMgmt_RemoveWakeUpIndicHandler (le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
le_remoteMgmt_DndRef_t le_remoteMgmt_SetDoNotDisturbSign (void)
void le_remoteMgmt_ClearDoNotDisturbSign (le_remoteMgmt_DndRef_t dndRef)

Detailed Description

Legato AirVantage Modem Remote Management Services include file.

Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless, Inc. 2013. All rights reserved. Use of this work is subject to license.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct le_remoteMgmt_Dnd* le_remoteMgmt_DndRef_t

Reference type for 'Do Not Disturb Sign' objects.

typedef void(* le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandlerFunc_t)(void *contextPtr)

Handler called whenever a Wake-Up indication occurs.

contextPtrContext information the event handler may require.
typedef struct le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandler* le_remoteMgmt_WakeUpIndicHandlerRef_t

Reference type for Wake-Up indications' Handler.

Function Documentation

Called to add an event handler for Wake-Up indications.

Reference to the new event handler object.
It's a fatal error if this function does succeed. If this function fails, it will not return.
[in]handlerFuncPtrEvent handler function.
[in]contextPtrHandlers context.

Clears a 'Do Not Disturb' sign, the modem has permission to apply a firmware update now.

[in]dndRef'Do Not Disturb Sign' object reference.

Remove the registered event handler. Call this function stop receiving Wake-Up events.

Doesn't return on failure, no need to check the return value for errors.
[in]handlerRefHandler object to remove.

This function set a 'Do Not Disturb' sign, it indicates when the caller is busy doing something critical that should not be interrupted by a firmware update (which generally results in a lengthy reboot cycle).

Reference to the 'Do Not Disturb Sign' object.
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