
Gerrit is a web based code review system for Git projects. The Legato Application Framework uses Gerrit to provide a way for users to clone both the open source code and proprietary apps/libraries that are needed to build and configure the Legato Application Framework and a Linux Distribution on your target.

Legato provides its code both on GitHub (open source components only) and on our own Gerrit server (open source + proprietary code). Downloading the code from GitHub will exclude the following Sierra Wireless Proprietary apps that are needed for communication with AirVantage:

  • atQmiLinker
  • atAirVantage
  • qmiAirVantage

The Yocto source code (to rebuild the Linux Distro) can only be provided by our Gerrit instance because many 3rd party proprietary binaries (that are not open source) are used to communicate with the modem hardware are included in the Yocto source code.

In the future you will also be able to upstream changes and patches to the Legato team for inclusion in our builds.

First Time Set up

Before being able to download and use the source code for both Legato and Linux users must sign in to Gerrit and set up ssh keys to their dev machine. Once the ssh keys are set up then you are able to pull the source code and get all the tracked changes.

The following steps only need to be done the first time you are connecting your development machine to Legato Gerrit.


If you don't have an account click Register and create an account with AirVantage. In the future you will be able to use existing accounts created on and other Sierra sites.

Once you have an account click on Sign In and enter in your user name and password.

After you have successfully signed in click your user id in the right hand corner and choose Settings.

Under the Profile settings enter in a user name (it must be unique for the site). This will be the user name you use to connect to Gerrit.

If you already have a ~/.ssh/ created, open it and copy & paste the contents into the box labeled New SSH Key, then click on Add New SSH Key.

If you have not created RSA keys for your linux development machine, follow these steps:

  • From the Terminal or Git Bash, run ssh-keygen
  • Confirm the default path .ssh/id_rsa
  • Enter a passphrase (recommended) or leave it blank. Remember this passphrase, as you will need it to unlock the key whenever you use it.
  • Open ~/.ssh/ and copy & paste the contents into the box labeled New SSH Key, then click on Add New SSH Key.
Note is your public key and can be shared, while the key contained in id_rsa is your private key and should be kept secret.

Your account is now set up for ssh authentication to Legato's Gerrit server and you are ready to download the tracked source code.

Repo and Git

Now that you have an account set up, you will be able to use the repo tool to clone the repositories needed to obtain the source code for both the Legato Application Framework and the Linux Distribution.

Repo unifies Git repositories and makes it possible to work with multiple git repositories. The repo command augments Git to give a more unified workflow and keep multiple repositories in sync.

For more details on Git, see the Git documentation.

For more details on Repo, see the Repo command reference.

Install Git and Repo:

$ sudo apt-get install git

$ sudo apt-get install repo


For each new release, a new manifest is published on Gerrit, the manifest will clone all the different repositories needed to build either the Legato source code and/or the Linux Distribution.

Gerrit manifests can be found by cloning the manifest repo or by browsing the manifest repo.

git clone ssh://

To clone the latest release of the Legato source code:

repo init -u ssh://<userid>; repo sync

To clone a specific release of Legato or the Linux distribution use repo with the -m flag and specify the path to the manifest that you wish to clone:

repo init -u ssh://<userid> -m path/to/the/manifest/manifestName.xml -g default,-cache; repo sync

To clone the source code (both Linux and Legato) for a specific release use the -m flag and specify the path to the manifest.

repo init -u ssh://<userid> -m products/<target>/releases/<ReleaseXX>.xml -g default,-cache; repo sync

For example to get Release 13 for the wp76xx target (assumes that your Gerrit user id is the same as the linux user):

repo init -u ssh:// -m products/wp76xx/releases/Release13.xml -g default,-cache; repo sync
If you are downloading the product release, you are only able to upgrade Legato to the Legato version that is released with the Sierra Wireless product version. e.g., You can clone the Legato version published with Release 13. Any interim Legato versions will need to be cloned into their own repository.