
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 /*
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8  *
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10  */
12 /**
13  * @page c_ecall eCall
14  *
15  * @ref le_ecall_interface.h "API Reference" <br>
16  * @ref legatoServicesModemECall <br>
17  * @ref sampleApps_eCall sample app <br>
18  * @ref le_ecall_samples <br>
19  *
20  * eCall is a technology initiative intended to bring rapid assistance to auto
21  * accidents anywhere in the European Union. When a serious vehicle accident occurs,
22  * sensors automatically trigger an eCall. When activated, the in-vehicle system (IVS)
23  * establishes a 112-voice connection.
24  *
25  * The Mobile Network Operator handles the eCall like any other 112 call and routes the call to the
26  * most appropriate emergency response centre - Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).
27  *
28  * At the same time, a digital "minimum set of data" (MSD) message is sent over the voice call using
29  * in-band modem signals. The MSD includes accident information like time, location, driving
30  * direction, and vehicle description.
31  *
32  * The eCall can also be activated manually. The mobile network operator identifies that the 112
33  * call is an eCall from the “eCall flag” inserted by the vehicle’s communication module.
34  *
35  * This API applies for both PAN-EUROPEAN and ERA-GLONASS standards.
36  *
37  * @note eCall service is only available on automotive products.
38  *
39  * @section le_ecall_binding IPC interfaces binding
40  *
41  * All the functions of this API are provided by the @b modemService service.
42  *
43  * Here's a code sample binding to modem services:
44  * @verbatim
45  bindings:
46  {
47  clientExe.clientComponent.le_ecall -> modemService.le_ecall
48  }
49  @endverbatim
50  *
51  * @section le_ecall_operation Operation modes
52  *
53  * The modem can be configured to operate in three different operation modes:
54  * - le_ecall_ForceOnlyMode(): this function configures the eCall operation mode to eCall only, only
55  * emergency number can be used to start an eCall session. The modem doesn't try to register on
56  * the Cellular network. This function forces the modem to behave as eCall only mode whatever
57  * U/SIM operation mode. The change doesn't persist over power cycles.
58  * This function can be called before making an eCall.
59  *
60  * - le_ecall_ForcePersistentOnlyMode(): Same as le_ecall_ForceOnlyMode(), but the change persists
61  * over power cycles.
62  *
63  * - le_ecall_ExitOnlyMode(): this function exits from eCall Only mode. It configures the eCall
64  * operation mode to Normal mode, the modem uses the default operation mode at power up (or after
65  * U/SIM hotswap). The modem behaves following the U/SIM eCall operation mode; for example the
66  * U/SIM can be configured only for eCall, or a combination of eCall and commercial service
67  * provision.
68  *
69  * - le_ecall_GetConfiguredOperationMode(): this function allows the user to retrieve the configured
70  * Operation mode.
71  * The configured operation mode can be:
72  * - @c LE_ECALL_NORMAL_MODE : normal mode. The modem behaves following the U/SIM eCall operation
73  * mode.
74  * - @c LE_ECALL_ONLY_MODE : eCall only mode according to U/SIM operation mode or forced by
75  * application through the le_ecall_ForceOnlyMode() function.
76  * - @c LE_ECALL_FORCED_PERSISTENT_ONLY_MODE : persistent eCall only mode.
77  *
78  * @section le_ecall_session eCall Session
79  *
80  * le_ecall_Create() creates a new eCall object and returns a reference to the eCall session.
81  * The eCall is not yet initiated at this point, the session must be started using one of the
82  * following functions:
83  * - le_ecall_StartManual(): initiate a manual eCall session (triggered by a passenger)
84  * - le_ecall_StartAutomatic(): initiate an automatic eCall session (automatically triggered by
85  * the IVS in case of accident)
86  * - le_ecall_StartTest(): initiate a test eCall session (to test the communication between the
87  * IVS and the PSAP)
88  *
89  * The session can be stopped by calling le_ecall_End(). Note that in some cases, the ongoing eCall
90  * session cannot be ended until a specific eCall state is reached. These cases are listed below:
91  * - During an automatic eCall session, it is not possible to end the ongoing session until
92  * LE_ECALL_STATE_STOPPED event is notified.
93  * - For manual session, it is possible to end the ongoing session if the eCall is not connected
94  * (LE_ECALL_STATE_CONNECTED not yet received) and after LE_ECALL_STATE_STOPPED event is notified.
95  *
96  * @warning An application must wait for the end of the ongoing eCall before triggering another
97  * one with the @c le_ecall_StartXxx() functions. An eCall is ended when:
98  * - the application successfully ended it with le_ecall_End() returning @c LE_OK
99  * - or the event @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_STOPPED is received
100  * - or the event @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_ALACK_RECEIVED_CLEAR_DOWN is received
101  * - or the event @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_DISCONNECTED is received and no redial is launched (see
102  * @ref le_ecall_redial section for more information about the redial process).
103  *
104  * When the eCall object is no longer needed, call le_ecall_Delete() to free all allocated
105  * resources associated with the object.
106  *
107  * The current state of an eCall session can be queried using le_ecall_GetState().
108  * Alternatively, an application can register a handler be notified when the session state
109  * changes. The handler can be managed using le_ecall_AddStateChangeHandler() and
110  * le_ecall_RemoveStateChangeHandler().
111  *
112  * An application can also call le_ecall_GetTerminationReason() to retrieve the reason of the call
113  * termination when call state is @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_DISCONNECTED, and also
114  * le_ecall_GetPlatformSpecificTerminationCode() to get platform specific termination code (refer
115  * to your platform documentation for further details).
116  *
117  * @section le_ecall_concurrency Concurrency
118  *
119  * If another application tries to use the eCall service while a session is already in progress, the
120  * le_ecall_StartManual(), le_ecall_StartAutomatic(), le_ecall_StartTest() functions will return a
121  * @c LE_BUSY error. The eCall session in progress won't be interrupted or disturbed. The
122  * application can follow the session progress with 'state' functions like le_ecall_GetState() and
123  * le_ecall_AddStateChangeHandler().
124  * A manual eCall can't interrupt an automatic eCall, and an automatic eCall can't interrupt a
125  * manual eCall.
126  *
127  * @section le_ecall_msd Minimum Set of Data (MSD)
128  *
129  * The dynamic values of the MSD can be set with:
130  * - le_ecall_SetMsdPosition() sets the position of the vehicle.
131  * - le_ecall_SetMsdPositionN1() sets the first delta position of the vehicle.
132  * - le_ecall_SetMsdPositionN2() sets the second delta position of the vehicle.
133  * - le_ecall_SetMsdPassengersCount() sets the number of passengers.
134  *
135  * The MSD is automatically encoded with the values previously set.
136  *
137  * @warning Those functions return a LE_DUPLICATE error when the MSD has been already imported with
138  * le_ecall_ImportMsd() function.
139  *
140  * The MSD transmission mode can be set or get with:
141  * - le_ecall_SetMsdTxMode()
142  * - le_ecall_GetMsdTxMode()
143  *
144  * The transmission mode can be:
145  * - @c LE_ECALL_TX_MODE_PUSH : the MSD is pushed by the IVS
146  * - @c LE_ECALL_TX_MODE_PULL : the MSD is sent when requested by the PSAP
147  *
148  * It's possible to import a prepared MSD using the le_ecall_ImportMsd() function.
149  * The prepared MSD must answer the requirements described in the "EN 15722:2013" publication (this
150  * publication has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 278 “Intelligent Transport Systems").
151  *
152  * @warning The imported MSD doesn't take into account the values provided by the
153  * le_ecall_SetMsdXxx() functions. It overwrites any previous imported MSD or encoded MSD.
154  *
155  * @warning The imported MSD overwrites the control flags (automaticActivation and testCall) set by
156  * le_ecall_StartXxx() functions (Manual, Automatic, Test). The User App is in charge of their
157  * correct settings.
158  *
159  * The encoded MSD can be retrieved with le_ecall_ExportMsd() function.
160  *
161  * @note The User app must perform the MSD transmission by calling le_ecall_SendMsd() when the
162  * LE_ECALL_STATE_PSAP_START_IND_RECEIVED event is received.
163  * The MSD can be updated before calling le_ecall_SendMsd(), using the e_ecall_ImportMsd() function
164  * or the le_ecall_SetMsdXxx() functions.
165  *
166  * The date/time on MSD information is internally set by fetching the time from linux system time
167  * (epoch time since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)).
168  *
169  * This time is automatically updated if NITS is supported by the cellular network. Otherwise, it is
170  * up to the user to update the system date/time by calling le_clk_SetAbsoluteTime() function. The
171  * time provided to le_clk_SetAbsoluteTime() function can be retrieved by:
172  * - le_data_GetTime()/le_data_GetDate(): the time from the network NTP.
173  * - le_gnss_GetEpochTime() the GPS epoch time.
174  *
175  * @note Only unsandboxed application can set the date/time by le_clk_SetAbsoluteTime(). In case of
176  * sandboxed application, please contact Sierra Wireless support to update the system date/time in
177  * different ways.
178  *
179  * @section le_ecall_eraglonass ERA-GLONASS compliancy
180  *
181  * To perform an emergency call following the ERA-GLONASS requirements, the 'systemStandard' entry
182  * of the configuration database must be set to 'ERA-GLONASS'.
183  *
184  * Moreover, the User can set some specific configuration settings in accordance with the PSAP
185  * configuration:
186  *
187  * - le_ecall_SetEraGlonassManualDialAttempts(): set the ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value. If a dial
188  * attempt under manual emergency call initiation failed, it should be repeated maximally
189  * ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS-1 times within the maximal time limit of ECALL_DIAL_DURATION.
190  * The default value is 10.
191  * Redial attempts stop once the call has been cleared down correctly, or if counter / timer
192  * reached their limits.
193  *
194  * Available for both manual and test modes:
195  * - le_ecall_SetEraGlonassAutoDialAttempts(): set the ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value. If a dial
196  * attempt under automatic emergency call initiation failed, it should be repeated maximally
197  * ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS-1 times within the maximal time limit of ECALL_DIAL_DURATION.
198  * The default value is 10.
199  * Redial attempts stop once the call has been cleared down correctly, or if counter / timer
200  * reached their limits.
201  * - le_ecall_SetEraGlonassDialDuration(): set the ECALL_DIAL_DURATION time. It is the maximum time
202  * the IVS have to connect the emergency call to the PSAP, including all redial attempts.
203  * If the call is not connected within this time (or ManualDialAttempts/AutoDialAttempts dial
204  * attempts), it will stop.
205  * - le_ecall_SetEraGlonassFallbackTime(): set the ECALL_CCFT time. When the specified timer
206  * duration is reached and IVS NAD didn't receive a call clear-down indication then the call
207  * is automatically terminated.
208  * - le_ecall_SetEraGlonassAutoAnswerTime(): sets the ECALL_AUTO_ANSWER_TIME time, the
209  * maximum time interval wherein IVDS responds to incoming calls automatically after emergency
210  * call completion.
211  * - le_ecall_SetEraGlonassMSDMaxTransmissionTime(): sets the ECALL_MSD_MAX_TRANSMISSION_TIME time,
212  * the maximum time for MSD transmission.
213  *
214  * Available for test mode only:
215  * - le_ecall_SetEraGlonassPostTestRegistrationTime(): sets the ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME,
216  * the time interval wherein IVS remains registered in the network after the completion of
217  * transmission of test results to System Operator. The ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME default
218  * time value is 120 seconds.
219  *
220  * The corresponding getter functions let you retrieve the configuration settings values:
221  *
222  * - le_ecall_GetEraGlonassManualDialAttempts(): get the ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value.
223  * - le_ecall_GetEraGlonassAutoDialAttempts(): get the ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value.
224  * - le_ecall_GetEraGlonassDialDuration(): get the ECALL_DIAL_DURATION time.
225  * - le_ecall_GetEraGlonassFallbackTime(): get the ECALL_CCFT time.
226  * - le_ecall_GetEraGlonassAutoAnswerTime(): get the ECALL_AUTO_ANSWER_TIME time.
227  * - le_ecall_GetEraGlonassMSDMaxTransmissionTime(): get the ECALL_MSD_MAX_TRANSMISSION_TIME time.
228  * - le_ecall_GetEraGlonassPostTestRegistrationTime(): get the ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME
229  * time.
230  *
231  * @section le_ecall_eraGlonassData ERA-GLONASS MSD additional data
232  *
233  * ERA-GLONASS additional data are optional and provided in the MSD message if any.
234  * They are located in MSD data block number 12 as optional additional data.
235  *
236  * ERA-GLONASS MSD additional data for MSD version 1 describes:
237  * - The crash severity (Accident Severity Index - ASI15)
238  * - The diagnostic result
239  * - The crash information
240  *
241  * ERA-GLONASS MSD additional data for MSD version 2 describes:
242  * - The crash severity (Accident Severity Index - ASI15)
243  * - The diagnostic result
244  * - The crash information
245  * - The coordinate system type
246  *
247  * ERA-GLONASS MSD additional data can be specified through the following functions:
248  * - le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassCrashSeverity().
249  * - le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassCrashSeverity().
250  * - le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassDiagnosticResult().
251  * - le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassDiagnosticResult().
252  * - le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassCrashInfo().
253  * - le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassCrashInfo().
254  * - le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassCoordinateSystemType().
255  * - le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassCoordinateSystemType().
256  *
257  * ERA-GLONASS additional data is encoded using the OID version "1.4.1" for
258  * MSD version 1 and the OID version "1.4.2" for MSD version 2.
259  * This was assigned to ERA-GLONASS optional additional data by CEN.
260  *
261  * Content of data block in the AdditionalData for MSD version 1 should be:
262  *
263  * @code
264  *
265  * ERAOADASN1Module
268  * BEGIN
269  * ERADataFormatId::= INTEGER (1)
270  *
271  * ERAAdditionalData ::= SEQUENCE {
272  * crashSeverity INTEGER(0..2047) OPTIONAL,
273  * diagnosticResult DiagnosticResult OPTIONAL,
274  * crashInfo CrashInfo OPTIONAL,
275  * ...
276  * }
277  *
278  * DiagnosticResult ::= SEQUENCE {
279  * micConnectionFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
280  * micFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
281  * rightSpeakerFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
282  * leftSpeakerFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
283  * speakersFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
284  * ignitionLineFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
285  * uimFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
286  * statusIndicatorFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
287  * batteryFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
288  * batteryVoltageLow BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
289  * crashSensorFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
290  * firmwareImageCorruption BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
291  * commModuleInterfaceFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
292  * gnssReceiverFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
293  * raimProblem BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
294  * gnssAntennaFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
295  * commModuleFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
296  * eventsMemoryOverflow BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
297  * crashProfileMemoryOverflow BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
298  * otherCriticalFailires BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
299  * otherNotCriticalFailures BOOLEAN OPTIONAL
300  * }
301  *
302  * CrashInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
303  * crashFront BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
304  * crashLeft BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
305  * crashRight BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
306  * crashRear BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
307  * crashRollover BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
308  * crashSide BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
309  * crashFrontOrSide BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
310  * crashAnotherType BOOLEAN OPTIONAL
311  * }
312  * END
313  * @endcode
314  *
315  * Content of data block in the AdditionalData for MSD version 2 should be:
316  *
317  * @code
318  *
319  * ERAOADASN1Module
322  * BEGIN
323  * ERADataFormatId::= INTEGER (1)
324  *
325  * ERAAdditionalData ::= SEQUENCE {
326  * crashSeverity INTEGER(0..2047) OPTIONAL,
327  * diagnosticResult DiagnosticResult OPTIONAL,
328  * crashInfo CrashInfo OPTIONAL,
329  * coordinateSystemType CoordinateSystemType DEFAULT wgs84,
330  * ...
331  * }
332  *
333  * DiagnosticResult ::= SEQUENCE {
334  * micConnectionFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
335  * micFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
336  * rightSpeakerFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
337  * leftSpeakerFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
338  * speakersFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
339  * ignitionLineFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
340  * uimFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
341  * statusIndicatorFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
342  * batteryFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
343  * batteryVoltageLow BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
344  * crashSensorFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
345  * firmwareImageCorruption BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
346  * commModuleInterfaceFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
347  * gnssReceiverFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
348  * raimProblem BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
349  * gnssAntennaFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
350  * commModuleFailure BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
351  * eventsMemoryOverflow BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
352  * crashProfileMemoryOverflow BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
353  * otherCriticalFailires BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
354  * otherNotCriticalFailures BOOLEAN OPTIONAL
355  * }
356  *
357  * CrashInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
358  * crashFront BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
359  * crashLeft BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
360  * crashRight BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
361  * crashRear BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
362  * crashRollover BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
363  * crashSide BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
364  * crashFrontOrSide BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,
365  * crashAnotherType BOOLEAN OPTIONAL
366  * }
367  *
368  * CoordinateSystemType ::= ENUMERATED {
369  * wgs64 (1),
370  * ps90 (2)
371  * }
372  * END
373  *
374  * @endcode
375  *
376  * @section le_ecall_redial Redial management
377  *
378  * In the case of PAN-EUROPEAN, the redial can be performed as many times as desired but should be
379  * performed within 2 minutes. (EN 16062:2014 -7.14.3).
380  *
381  * In the case of ERA-GLONASS, the redial can be performed ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS times within
382  * the maximal time limit of ECALL_DIAL_DURATION (GOST 54620 2013 -- Appendix A).
383  *
384  * The \b LE_ECALL_STATE_END_OF_REDIAL_PERIOD state event notifies the User of the redial period
385  * end.
386  *
387  * @section le_ecall_configuration eCall configuration
388  *
389  * Some parameters used by the eCall service can be configured through APIs. This includes the
390  * number to dial, the deregistration time, the redial interval, and some MSD information.
391  *
392  * @note It is not possible to change the current configuration if an eCall session is already
393  * started. The ongoing session needs to be stopped first by calling le_ecall_End() before
394  * calling the eCall configuration setting functions.
395  * There is one exception to the previous statement: if the NAD deregistration mechanism is enabled
396  * an T9/T10 timers have not expired yet, it is not possible to change the eCall settings even after
397  * calling le_ecall_End(). It is recommended to wait for T9/T10 expiry notification first, then
398  * call le_ecall_End() to apply new eCall settings for the next session.
399  *
400  * @subsection le_ecall_configuration_callNumber eCall number
401  *
402  * By default, the number to dial is read from the FDN/SDN (Fixed Dialling Numbers/Service
403  * Dialling Numbers) of the U/SIM, depending upon the eCall operating mode.
404  *
405  * However, the PSAP phone number can be queried and set with:
406  * - le_ecall_GetPsapNumber()
407  * - le_ecall_SetPsapNumber()
408  *
409  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" PsapNumber
410  *
411  * @note That PSAP number is not applied to a manual or an automatically initiated eCall. For these
412  * modes, an emergency call is launched.
413  *
414  * @warning These two functions don't modify or read the U/SIM content.
415  *
417  * le_ecall_UseUSimNumbers() API can be called to request the modem to read the number to
418  * dial from the FDN/SDN of the U/SIM.
419  *
420  * @note If FDN directory is updated with new dial numbers, be sure that the SIM card is refreshed.
421  *
422  * @subsection le_ecall_configuration_nad NAD deregistration time
423  *
424  * The NAD (Network Access Device, i.e. the Modem) deregistration allows the device to remain
425  * registered to the network for an amount of time after the eCall is exited whether remotely or
426  * user-initiated using le_ecall_End().
427  * The time value can be set with the le_ecall_SetNadDeregistrationTime() API and retrieved with the
428  * le_ecall_GetNadDeregistrationTime() API.
429  *
430  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" NadTime
431  *
432  * 1. PAN-EUROPEAN standard (<em>EN 16062</em>) defines the T9 and T10 timers. After an eCall
433  * clear-down, an <b>eCall only</b> IVS shall:
434  * - Remain registered on the network for at least the duration of T9, which is set to
435  * one hour by default.
436  * - Deregister from the network after the expiration of T10, which duration is set to
437  * twelve hours by default.
438  * 2. ERA-GLONASS standard (<em>ENG_GOST_R_54620</em>) defines the NAD_DEREGISTRATION_TIME
439  * with a minimal value of 2 hours and a maximum value of 12 hours. After an eCall clear-down,
440  * the IVS shall remain registered on the network and deregister from the network after the
441  * expiration of the NAD_DEREGISTRATION_TIME.
442  *
443  * The le_ecall_SetNadDeregistrationTime() API is used to set the duration of a
444  * <em>deregistration timer</em>: after an eCall clear-down, the IVS remains registered on the
445  * network for the duration of this timer and then automatically deregisters from the network upon
446  * its expiration.
447  *
448  * @subsubsection le_ecall_configuration_nad_panEU PAN-EUROPEAN standard
449  * As the T9 timer duration is fixed to one hour, the notified events depend on the
450  * <em>deregistration timer</em> duration:
451  * - If its duration is set to one hour, the @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_TIMEOUT_T9 event will be reported.
452  * In this case deregistration is automatically performed when the T9 timeout indication is
453  * received.
454  * - If its duration is set to more than one hour and less than twelve hours then the
455  * @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_TIMEOUT_T10 event will be reported when the <em>deregistration timer</em>
456  * expires. The T9 timeout (@ref LE_ECALL_STATE_TIMEOUT_T9 event) will not be notified.
457  * In this case deregistration is automatically performed when the <em>deregistration timer</em>
458  * expires, provided that the application didn't already deregister from the network before.
459  *
460  * @subsubsection le_ecall_configuration_nad_eraGlonass ERA-GLONASS standard
461  * - The @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_TIMEOUT_T9 event is not reported as it is not defined in the
462  * ERA-GLONASS standard.
463  * - The NAD_DEREGISTRATION_TIME default value is eight hours, as defined by
464  * <em>GOST_R 54620 Table A.1</em>. It can be changed with le_ecall_SetNadDeregistrationTime()
465  * and the value must be set between 2 and 12 hours.
466  * - The @ref LE_ECALL_STATE_TIMEOUT_T10 event will be reported when the NAD_DEREGISTRATION_TIME
467  * expires. In this case deregistration is automatically performed when the timer expires.
468  *
469  * @subsubsection le_ecall_configuration_nad_timerValue Timer value
470  *
471  * Although the time is set in minutes the value is taken in hours, for example:
472  * - from 1 to 60 minutes -> 1 hour
473  * - from 61 to 120 minutes -> 2 hours, etc.
474  *
475  * Example: if @c deregTime parameter unit is minutes, the effective time is:
476  * @code ECallConfiguration.nad_deregistration_time = (deregTime+59)/60; @endcode
477  *
478  * After termination of an emergency call the in-vehicle system remains registered on the network
479  * for the period of time, defined by the installation parameter NAD_DEREGISTRATION_TIME.
480  *
481  * @warning Be sure to check the possible values of NAD_DEREGISTRATION_TIME for your specific
482  * platform.
483  *
484  * @subsection le_ecall_configuration_postTestRegistrationTime Post test registration time
485  *
486  * The ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME time value can be set with the
487  * le_ecall_SetEraGlonassPostTestRegistrationTime() function and retrieved by the
488  * le_ecall_GetEraGlonassPostTestRegistrationTime() function.
489  *
490  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" PostTest
491  *
492  * @subsection le_ecall_configuration_redialInterval Redial interval
493  *
494  * The minimum interval value between dial attempts can be set or get with:
495  * - le_ecall_SetIntervalBetweenDialAttempts()
496  * - le_ecall_GetIntervalBetweenDialAttempts()
497  *
498  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" DialTimer
499  *
500  * The default value is set to 30 seconds.
501  *
502  * The time is counted from the start of the first dial attempt.
503  *
504  * If more time has expired during the dial attempt, it will wait for 1 second to allow hangup
505  * before redialing.
506  *
507  * If less time has expired during the dial attempt, it will wait for
508  * (interval - 'dial attempt duration') seconds to allow hangup before redialing.
509  *
510  * In the case the call was connected, the redial will be immediate.
511  *
512  * le_ecall_SetIntervalBetweenDialAttempts() is available for both manual and test modes.
513  *
514  * @subsection le_ecall_configuration_misc Miscellaneous
515  *
516  * The preferred system standard defaults to PAN-EUROPEAN
517  * It can be set an gotten with the following functions:
518  * - le_ecall_SetSystemStandard()
519  * - le_ecall_GetSystemStandard()
520  *
521  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" Standard
522  *
523  * The MSD version can be set and and gotten with the following functions:
524  * - le_ecall_SetMsdVersion()
525  * - le_ecall_GetMsdVersion()
526  *
527  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" MsdVersion
528  *
529  * The vehicle type can be set and gotten with the following functions:
530  * - le_ecall_SetVehicleType()
531  * - le_ecall_GetVehicleType()
532  *
533  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" Vehicle
534  *
535  * The vehicle identifier can be set and gotten with the following functions:
536  * - le_ecall_SetVIN()
537  * - le_ecall_GetVIN()
538  *
539  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" VIN
540  *
541  * The propulsion type can be set and gotten with the following functions:
542  * - le_ecall_SetPropulsionType()
543  * - le_ecall_GetPropulsionType()
544  *
545  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallIntegrationTest/eCallTest/le_ecallTest.c" Propulsion
546  *
547  * @section le_ecall_samples Code samples
548  *
549  * A sample code that implements an eCall test session with a local voice prompt can be found in
550  * \b eCallWPrompt.c file (please refer to @ref c_ecallWPromptSample page).
551  *
552  * A sample code that implements an eCall test session with a voice call connection can be found in
553  * \b eCallWVoice.c file (please refer to @ref c_ecallWVoiceSample page).
554  *
555  * If you want to have a look at a more in-depth usage of these APIs, please refer to the
556  * @ref le_ecall_interface.h.
557  *
558  * <HR>
559  *
560  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
561  */
562 /**
563  * @file le_ecall_interface.h
564  *
565  * Legato @ref c_ecall include file.
566  *
567  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
568  */
569 /**
570  * @page c_ecallWPromptSample Sample code of an eCall test session with a local voice prompt
571  *
572  * @include "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallWPrompt/eCallWPrompt/eCallWPrompt.c"
573  */
574 /**
575  * @page c_ecallWVoiceSample Sample code an eCall test session with a voice call connection
576  *
577  * @include "apps/test/modemServices/ecall/ecallWVoice/eCallWVoice/eCallWVoice.c"
578  */
584 #include "legato.h"
586 // Interface specific includes
587 #include "le_mdmDefs_interface.h"
588 #include "le_mcc_interface.h"
591 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
592 /**
593  * Type for handler called when a server disconnects.
594  */
595 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
596 typedef void (*le_ecall_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *);
598 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 /**
600  *
601  * Connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Block until the service is
602  * available.
603  *
604  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
605  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
606  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
607  *
608  * This function is created automatically.
609  */
610 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
612 (
613  void
614 );
616 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
617 /**
618  *
619  * Try to connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Return with an error
620  * if the service is not available.
621  *
622  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
623  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
624  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
625  *
626  * This function is created automatically.
627  *
628  * @return
629  * - LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
630  * - LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is
631  * bound.
632  * - LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
633  * - LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.
634  */
635 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 (
638  void
639 );
641 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
642 /**
643  * Set handler called when server disconnection is detected.
644  *
645  * When a server connection is lost, call this handler then exit with LE_FATAL. If a program wants
646  * to continue without exiting, it should call longjmp() from inside the handler.
647  */
648 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
650 (
651  le_ecall_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler,
652  void *contextPtr
653 );
655 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
656 /**
657  *
658  * Disconnect the current client thread from the service providing this API.
659  *
660  * Normally, this function doesn't need to be called. After this function is called, there's no
661  * longer a connection to the service, and the functions in this API can't be used. For details, see
662  * @ref apiFilesC_client.
663  *
664  * This function is created automatically.
665  */
666 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
668 (
669  void
670 );
673 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
674 /**
675  * MSD message length in bytes.
676  */
677 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
678 #define LE_ECALL_MSD_MAX_LEN 140
680 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
681 /**
682  * Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) string LENGTH. (without nulltermination)
683  */
684 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
685 #define LE_ECALL_VIN_MAX_LEN 17
687 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
688 /**
689  * Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) string BYTES. One extra byte is added for the null
690  * character.
691  */
692 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
693 #define LE_ECALL_VIN_MAX_BYTES 18
695 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 /**
697  * Reference returned by Create function and used by other functions
698  */
699 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
700 typedef struct le_ecall_Call* le_ecall_CallRef_t;
703 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
704 /**
705  * Configured operation modes.
706  */
707 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
708 typedef enum
709 {
711  ///< Normal mode.
713  ///< eCall only mode according to U/SIM operation mode or forced
714  ///< by application through the le_ecall_ForceOnlyMode() function.
716  ///< Persistent eCall only mode.
717 }
721 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
722 /**
723  * Configure which standard to follow for the eCall, either PAN European eCall or ERA GLONASS.
724  */
725 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
726 typedef enum
727 {
729  ///< PAN-EUROPEAN standard
731  ///< ERA GLONASS standard
732 }
736 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
737 /**
738  * eCall session states.
739  */
740 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
741 typedef enum
742 {
744  ///< Unknown state.
746  ///< eCall session started.
748  ///< Emergency call is established.
750  ///< Emergency call is disconnected.
752  ///< Waiting for PSAP start indication.
754  ///< PSAP start indication received.
756  ///< MSD transmission is started.
758  ///< LL-NACK received.
760  ///< LL-ACK received.
762  ///< MSD transmission is complete.
764  ///< MSD transmission has failed.
766  ///< AL-ACK received.
768  ///< AL-ACK clear-down received.
770  ///< eCall session has been stopped by PSAP
771  ///< or IVS le_ecall_End().
773  ///< eCall session has lost synchronization and starts over.
775  ///< eCall session completed. The modem successfully completed
776  ///< the MSD transmission and received two AL-ACKs (positive).
777  ///< Can now switch to voice path.
779  ///< Unsuccessful eCall session.
781  ///< End of the redial period.
783  ///< Timeout for Timer T2 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
785  ///< Timeout for Timer T3 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
787  ///< Timeout for Timer T5 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
789  ///< Timeout for Timer T6 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
791  ///< Timeout for Timer T7 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
793  ///< Timeout for Timer T9 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
795  ///< Timeout for Timer T10 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
796 }
800 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
801 /**
802  * eCall MSD transmission mode.
803  */
804 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
805 typedef enum
806 {
808  ///< Pull mode (modem/host waits for MSD request from PSAP to send MSD).
810  ///< Push mode (modem/host sends MSD to PSAP right after eCall is connected).
811 }
815 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
816 /**
817  * eCall MSD vehicle type
818  */
819 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
820 typedef enum
821 {
823  ///< Passenger vehicle (Class M1)
825  ///< Buses and coaches (Class M2)
827  ///< Buses and coaches (Class M3)
829  ///< Light commercial vehicles (Class N1)
831  ///< Heavy duty vehicles (Class N2)
833  ///< Heavy duty vehicles (Class N3)
835  ///< Motorcycles (Class L1e)
837  ///< Motorcycles (Class L2e)
839  ///< Motorcycles (Class L3e)
841  ///< Motorcycles (Class L4e)
843  ///< Motorcycles (Class L5e)
845  ///< Motorcycles (Class L6e)
847  ///< Motorcycles (Class L7e)
848 }
852 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
853 /**
854  * Propulsion type Bit Mask
855  */
856 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
857 typedef enum
858 {
859  LE_ECALL_PROPULSION_TYPE_GASOLINE = 0x1, ///< Gasoline propulsion)
860  LE_ECALL_PROPULSION_TYPE_DIESEL = 0x2, ///< Diesel propulsion
861  LE_ECALL_PROPULSION_TYPE_NATURALGAS = 0x4, ///< Compressed natural gas propulsion
862  LE_ECALL_PROPULSION_TYPE_PROPANE = 0x8, ///< Liquid propane gas propulsion
863  LE_ECALL_PROPULSION_TYPE_ELECTRIC = 0x10, ///< Electric propulsion
864  LE_ECALL_PROPULSION_TYPE_HYDROGEN = 0x20, ///< Hydrogen propulsion
865  LE_ECALL_PROPULSION_TYPE_OTHER = 0x40 ///< Other type of propulsions
866 }
870 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
871 /**
872  * Diagnostic result Bit Mask (64 bits)
873  *
874  */
875 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
876 typedef enum
877 {
878  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_MIC_CONNECTION_FAILURE = 0x1, ///< Present Mic connection failure.
879  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_MIC_CONNECTION_FAILURE = 0x2, ///< Mic connection failure status.
880  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_MIC_FAILURE = 0x4, ///< Present Mic failure.
881  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_MIC_FAILURE = 0x8, ///< Mic failure status.
882  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_RIGHT_SPEAKER_FAILURE = 0x10, ///< Present Right speaker failure.
883  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_RIGHT_SPEAKER_FAILURE = 0x20, ///< Right speaker failure status.
884  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_LEFT_SPEAKER_FAILURE = 0x40, ///< Present Left speaker failure.
885  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_LEFT_SPEAKER_FAILURE = 0x80, ///< Left speaker failure status.
886  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_SPEAKERS_FAILURE = 0x100, ///< Present Speaker failure.
887  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_SPEAKERS_FAILURE = 0x200, ///< Speaker failure status.
888  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_IGNITION_LINE_FAILURE = 0x400, ///< Present Ignition line failure.
889  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_IGNITION_LINE_FAILURE = 0x800, ///< Ignition line failure status.
890  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_UIM_FAILURE = 0x1000, ///< Present UIM failure.
891  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_UIM_FAILURE = 0x2000, ///< UIM failure status.
892  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_STATUS_INDICATOR_FAILURE = 0x4000, ///< Present Status indicator failure.
893  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_STATUS_INDICATOR_FAILURE = 0x8000, ///< Status indicator failure status.
894  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_BATTERY_FAILURE = 0x10000, ///< Present Battery failure.
895  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_BATTERY_FAILURE = 0x20000, ///< Battery failure status.
896  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_BATTERY_VOLTAGE_LOW = 0x40000, ///< Present Battery voltage low failure.
897  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_BATTERY_VOLTAGE_LOW = 0x80000, ///< Battery voltage low failure status.
898  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_CRASH_SENSOR_FAILURE = 0x100000, ///< Present Crash sensor failure.
899  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_CRASH_SENSOR_FAILURE = 0x200000, ///< Crash sensor failure status.
900  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_CORRUPTION = 0x400000, ///< Present Firmware image corruption failure.
901  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_CORRUPTION = 0x800000, ///< Firmware image corruption failure status.
902  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_COMM_MODULE_INTERFACE_FAILURE = 0x1000000, ///< Present Comm module interface failure.
903  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_COMM_MODULE_INTERFACE_FAILURE = 0x2000000, ///< Comm module interface failure status.
904  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_GNSS_RECEIVER_FAILURE = 0x4000000, ///< Present GNSS receiver failure.
905  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_GNSS_RECEIVER_FAILURE = 0x8000000, ///< GNSS receiver failure status.
906  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_RAIM_PROBLEM = 0x10000000, ///< Present RAIM problem.
907  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_RAIM_PROBLEM = 0x20000000, ///< RAIM problem status.
908  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_GNSS_ANTENNA_FAILURE = 0x40000000, ///< Present GNSS antenna failure.
909  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_GNSS_ANTENNA_FAILURE = 0x80000000, ///< GNSS antenna failure status.
910  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_COMM_MODULE_FAILURE = 0x100000000, ///< Present Comm module failure.
911  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_COMM_MODULE_FAILURE = 0x200000000, ///< Comm module failure status.
912  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_EVENTS_MEMORY_OVERFLOW = 0x400000000, ///< Present Events memory overflow.
913  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_EVENTS_MEMORY_OVERFLOW = 0x800000000, ///< Events memory overflow status.
914  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_CRASH_PROFILE_MEMORY_OVERFLOW = 0x1000000000, ///< Present Crash profile memory overflow.
915  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_CRASH_PROFILE_MEMORY_OVERFLOW = 0x2000000000, ///< Crash profile memory overflow status.
916  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_OTHER_CRITICAL_FAILURES = 0x4000000000, ///< Present Other critical failures.
917  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_OTHER_CRITICAL_FAILURES = 0x8000000000, ///< Other critical failures status.
918  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_PRESENT_OTHER_NOT_CRITICAL_FAILURES = 0x10000000000, ///< Present Other not critical failures.
919  LE_ECALL_DIAG_RESULT_OTHER_NOT_CRITICAL_FAILURES = 0x20000000000 ///< Other not critical failures status.
920 }
924 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
925 /**
926  * Crash information Bit Mask (16 bits) indicating the type of road accident.
927  *
928  */
929 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
930 typedef enum
931 {
932  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_FRONT = 0x1, ///< Present Front collision indicator.
933  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_FRONT = 0x2, ///< Front collision indicator.
934  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_LEFT = 0x4, ///< Present Left collision indicator.
935  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_LEFT = 0x8, ///< Left collision indicator.
936  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_RIGHT = 0x10, ///< Present Right collision indicator
937  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_RIGHT = 0x20, ///< Right collision indicator
938  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_REAR = 0x40, ///< Present indicator
939  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_REAR = 0x80, ///< Rear impact indicator.
940  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_ROLLOVER = 0x100, ///< Present Rollover indicator.
941  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_ROLLOVER = 0x200, ///< Rollover indicator.
942  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_SIDE = 0x400, ///< Present Side collision indicator.
943  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_SIDE = 0x800, ///< Side collision indicator.
944  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_FRONT_OR_SIDE = 0x1000, ///< Present Front or side collision indicator.
945  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_FRONT_OR_SIDE = 0x2000, ///< Front or side collision indicator.
946  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_PRESENT_CRASH_ANOTHER_TYPE = 0x4000, ///< Present Other types of damage indicator.
947  LE_ECALL_CRASH_INFO_CRASH_ANOTHER_TYPE = 0x8000 ///< Other types of damage indicator.
948 }
952 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
953 /**
954  * eCall MSD coordinate system type
955  */
956 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
957 typedef enum
958 {
960  ///< Coordinate system type is absent
962  ///< Coordinate system type WGS-84
964  ///< Coordinate system type PZ-90
965 }
969 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
970 /**
971  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_ecall_StateChange'
972  */
973 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
974 typedef struct le_ecall_StateChangeHandler* le_ecall_StateChangeHandlerRef_t;
977 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
978 /**
979  * Handler for eCall state changes.
980  *
981  */
982 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
983 typedef void (*le_ecall_StateChangeHandlerFunc_t)
984 (
985  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
986  ///< eCall reference
987  le_ecall_State_t state,
988  ///< eCall state
989  void* contextPtr
990  ///<
991 );
993 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
994 /**
995  * This function configures the eCall operation mode to eCall only, only emergency number can be
996  * used to start an eCall session. The modem doesn't try to register on the Cellular network.
997  * This function forces the modem to behave as eCall only mode whatever U/SIM operation mode.
998  * The change doesn't persist over power cycles.
999  * This function can be called before making an eCall.
1000  *
1001  * @return
1002  * - LE_OK on success
1003  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1004  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1005  */
1006 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1008 (
1009  void
1010 );
1012 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1013 /**
1014  * Same as le_ecall_ForceOnlyMode(), but the change persists over power cycles.
1015  *
1016  * @return
1017  * - LE_OK on success
1018  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1019  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1020  */
1021 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1023 (
1024  void
1025 );
1027 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1028 /**
1029  * This function exits from eCall Only mode. It configures the eCall operation mode to Normal mode,
1030  * the modem uses the default operation mode at power up (or after U/SIM hotswap). The modem behaves
1031  * following the U/SIM eCall operation mode; for example the U/SIM can be configured only for eCall,
1032  * or a combination of eCall and commercial service provision.
1033  *
1034  * @return
1035  * - LE_OK on success
1036  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1037  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1038  */
1039 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1041 (
1042  void
1043 );
1045 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1046 /**
1047  * Get the configured Operation mode.
1048  *
1049  * @return
1050  * - LE_OK on success
1051  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1052  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1053  *
1054  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it is a fatal error, the
1055  * function will not return.
1056  */
1057 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1059 (
1060  le_ecall_OpMode_t* opModePtr
1061  ///< [OUT] Operation mode
1062 );
1064 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1065 /**
1066  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_ecall_StateChange'
1067  *
1068  * This event provides information on eCall state changes.
1069  *
1070  */
1071 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1073 (
1075  ///< [IN]
1076  void* contextPtr
1077  ///< [IN]
1078 );
1080 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1081 /**
1082  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_ecall_StateChange'
1083  */
1084 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1086 (
1088  ///< [IN]
1089 );
1091 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1092 /**
1093  * Create a new eCall object
1094  *
1095  * The eCall is not actually established at this point. It's still up to the caller to call
1096  * le_ecall_Start() when ready.
1097  *
1098  * @return
1099  * - A reference to the new Call object.
1100  *
1101  * @note On failure, the process exits; you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1102  * reference for validity.
1103  */
1104 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1106 (
1107  void
1108 );
1110 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1111 /**
1112  * Call to free up a call reference.
1113  *
1114  * @note This will free the reference, but not necessarily stop an active eCall. If there are
1115  * other holders of this reference the eCall will remain active.
1116  */
1117 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1118 void le_ecall_Delete
1119 (
1120  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
1121  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1122 );
1124 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1125 /**
1126  * Set the system standard.
1127  * Default is PAN EUROPEAN
1128  *
1129  * @return
1130  * - LE_OK on success
1131  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1132  */
1133 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1135 (
1136  le_ecall_SystemStandard_t systemStandard
1137  ///< [IN] System standard
1138 );
1140 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1141 /**
1142  * Get the system standard.
1143  *
1144  * @return
1145  * - LE_OK on success
1146  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1147  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER parameter is NULL
1148  */
1149 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1151 (
1152  le_ecall_SystemStandard_t* systemStandardPtr
1153  ///< [OUT] System Standard
1154 );
1156 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1157 /**
1158  * Set the MSDs version.
1159  * Default value is 1
1160  *
1161  * @return
1162  * - LE_OK on success
1163  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1164  */
1165 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1167 (
1168  uint32_t msdVersion
1169  ///< [IN] Msd version
1170 );
1172 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1173 /**
1174  * Get the MSD version.
1175  *
1176  * @return
1177  * - LE_OK on success
1178  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1179  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER parameter is NULL
1180  */
1181 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1183 (
1184  uint32_t* msdVersionPtr
1185  ///< [OUT] Msd version
1186 );
1188 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1189 /**
1190  * Set the Vehicled Type
1191  * Default value is 0
1192  *
1193  * @return
1194  * - LE_OK on success
1195  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1196  */
1197 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1199 (
1200  le_ecall_MsdVehicleType_t vehicleType
1201  ///< [IN] Vehicle type
1202 );
1204 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1205 /**
1206  * Get the Vehicled Type.
1207  *
1208  * @return
1209  * - LE_OK on success
1210  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER parameter is NULL
1211  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1212  */
1213 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1215 (
1216  le_ecall_MsdVehicleType_t* vehicleTypePtr
1217  ///< [OUT] Vehicle type
1218 );
1220 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1221 /**
1222  * Set the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
1223  *
1224  * @return
1225  * - LE_OK on success
1226  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER parameter is NULL.
1227  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1228  */
1229 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1231 (
1232  const char* LE_NONNULL vin
1233  ///< [IN] VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
1234 );
1236 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1237 /**
1238  * Get the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
1239  *
1240  * @return
1241  * - LE_OK on success
1242  * - LE_NOT_FOUND if the value is not set.
1243  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER parameter is NULL or to small
1244  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1245  */
1246 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1248 (
1249  char* vin,
1250  ///< [OUT] VIN is gotten with a null termination.
1251  size_t vinSize
1252  ///< [IN]
1253 );
1255 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1256 /**
1257  * Set the propulsion type.
1258  * Note that a vehicle may have more than one propulsion type.
1259  *
1260  * @return
1261  * - LE_OK on success
1262  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1263  */
1264 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1266 (
1267  le_ecall_PropulsionTypeBitMask_t propulsionType
1268  ///< [IN] bitmask
1269 );
1271 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1272 /**
1273  * Get the propulsion stored.
1274  * Note that a vehicle may have more than one propulsion type.
1275  *
1276  * @return
1277  * - LE_OK on success
1278  * - LE_NOT_FOUND if the value is not set.
1279  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1280  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER parameter is NULL
1281  */
1282 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1284 (
1285  le_ecall_PropulsionTypeBitMask_t* propulsionTypePtr
1286  ///< [OUT] bitmask
1287 );
1289 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1290 /**
1291  * Set the push/pull transmission mode.
1292  *
1293  * @return
1294  * - LE_OK on success
1295  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1296  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1297  */
1298 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1300 (
1302  ///< [IN] Transmission mode
1303 );
1305 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1306 /**
1307  * Get the push/pull transmission mode.
1308  *
1309  * @return
1310  * - LE_OK on success
1311  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1312  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1313  *
1314  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it is a fatal error, the
1315  * function will not return.
1316  */
1317 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1319 (
1320  le_ecall_MsdTxMode_t* modePtr
1321  ///< [OUT] Transmission mode
1322 );
1324 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1325 /**
1326  * Set the position transmitted by the MSD.
1327  *
1328  * @return
1329  * - LE_OK on success
1330  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
1331  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad input parameter
1332  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
1333  *
1334  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1335  */
1336 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1338 (
1339  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
1340  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1341  bool isTrusted,
1342  ///< [IN] true if the position is accurate, false otherwise
1343  int32_t latitude,
1344  ///< [IN] latitude in degrees with 6 decimal places, positive North.
1345  ///< Maximum value is +90 degrees (+90000000), minimum value is -90
1346  ///< degrees (-90000000).
1347  int32_t longitude,
1348  ///< [IN] longitude in degrees with 6 decimal places, positive East.
1349  ///< Maximum value is +180 degrees (+180000000), minimum value is
1350  ///< -180 degrees (-180000000).
1351  int32_t direction
1352  ///< [IN] direction of the vehicle from magnetic north (0 to 358, clockwise)
1353  ///< in 2-degrees unit. Valid range is 0 to 179. If direction of
1354  ///< travel is invalid or unknown, the value 0xFF shall be used.
1355 );
1357 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1358 /**
1359  * Set the position Delta N-1 from position set in le_ecall_SetMsdPosition() transmitted by the MSD.
1360  *
1361  * @return
1362  * - LE_OK on success
1363  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
1364  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad input parameter
1365  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
1366  *
1367  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1368  */
1369 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1371 (
1372  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
1373  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1374  int32_t latitudeDeltaN1,
1375  ///< [IN] longitude delta from position set in SetMsdPosition
1376  ///< 1 Unit = 100 miliarcseconds, which is approximately 3m
1377  ///< maximum value: 511 = 0 0'51.100'' (+- 1580m)
1378  ///< minimum value: -512 = -0 0'51.200'' (+- -1583m)
1379  int32_t longitudeDeltaN1
1380  ///< [IN] longitude delta from position set in SetMsdPosition
1381  ///< 1 Unit = 100 miliarcseconds, which is approximately 3m
1382  ///< maximum value: 511 = 0 0'51.100'' (+-1580m)
1383  ///< minimum value: -512 = -0 0'51.200'' (+- -1583m) )
1384 );
1386 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1387 /**
1388  * Set the position Delta N-2 from position set in le_ecall_SetMsdPositionN1() transmitted by the MSD.
1389  *
1390  * @return
1391  * - LE_OK on success
1392  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
1393  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad input parameter
1394  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
1395  *
1396  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1397  */
1398 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1400 (
1401  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
1402  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1403  int32_t latitudeDeltaN2,
1404  ///< [IN] longitude delta from position set in SetMsdPositionN1
1405  ///< 1 Unit = 100 miliarcseconds, which is approximately 3m
1406  ///< maximum value: 511 = 0 0'51.100'' (+-1580m)
1407  ///< minimum value: -512 = -0 0'51.200'' (+- -1583m)
1408  int32_t longitudeDeltaN2
1409  ///< [IN] longitude delta from position set in SetMsdPositionN1
1410  ///< 1 Unit = 100 miliarcseconds, which is approximately 3m
1411  ///< maximum value: 511 = 0 0'51.100'' (+-1580m)
1412  ///< minimum value: -512 = -0 0'51.200'' (+- -1583m) )
1413 );
1415 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1416 /**
1417  * Set the number of passengers transmitted by the MSD.
1418  *
1419  * @return
1420  * - LE_OK on success
1421  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
1422  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1423  *
1424  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1425  */
1426 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1428 (
1429  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
1430  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1431  uint32_t paxCount
1432  ///< [IN] number of passengers
1433 );
1435 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1436 /**
1437  * Import an already prepared MSD.
1438  *
1439  * MSD is transmitted only after an emergency call has been established.
1440  *
1441  * @return
1442  * - LE_OK on success
1443  * - LE_OVERFLOW The imported MSD length exceeds the MSD_MAX_LEN maximum length.
1444  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1445  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1446  *
1447  * @note On failure, the process exits; you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1448  * reference for validity.
1449  */
1450 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1452 (
1453  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
1454  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1455  const uint8_t* msdPtr,
1456  ///< [IN] the prepared MSD
1457  size_t msdSize
1458  ///< [IN]
1459 );
1461 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1462 /**
1463  * Export the encoded MSD.
1464  *
1465  * @return
1466  * - LE_OK on success
1467  * - LE_OVERFLOW The encoded MSD length exceeds the user's buffer length.
1468  * - LE_NOT_FOUND No encoded MSD is available.
1469  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference.
1470  * - LE_FAULT for other failures.
1471  *
1472  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it is a fatal error, the
1473  * function will not return.
1474  */
1475 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1477 (
1478  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
1479  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1480  uint8_t* msdPtr,
1481  ///< [OUT] the encoded MSD
1482  size_t* msdSizePtr
1483  ///< [INOUT]
1484 );
1486 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1487 /**
1488  * Send the MSD.
1489  *
1490  * @return
1491  * - LE_OK on success
1492  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1493  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1494  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1495  *
1496  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1497  * reference for validity.
1498  */
1499 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1501 (
1502  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
1503  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1504 );
1506 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1507 /**
1508  * Start an automatic eCall session
1509  *
1510  * @return
1511  * - LE_OK on success
1512  * - LE_BUSY an eCall session is already in progress
1513  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1514  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1515  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1516  *
1517  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1518  */
1519 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1521 (
1522  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
1523  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1524 );
1526 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1527 /**
1528  * Start a manual eCall session
1529  *
1530  * @return
1531  * - LE_OK on success
1532  * - LE_BUSY an eCall session is already in progress
1533  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1534  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1535  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1536  *
1537  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1538  */
1539 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1541 (
1542  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
1543  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1544 );
1546 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1547 /**
1548  * Start a test eCall session
1549  *
1550  * @return
1551  * - LE_OK on success
1552  * - LE_BUSY an eCall session is already in progress
1553  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1554  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1555  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1556  *
1557  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1558  */
1559 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1561 (
1562  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
1563  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1564 );
1566 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1567 /**
1568  * End the current eCall session
1569  *
1570  * @note
1571  * - During an automatic eCall session, it is not possible to end the ongoing session until
1572  * LE_ECALL_STATE_STOPPED event is notified.
1573  * - For manual session, it is possible to end the ongoing session if the eCall is not connected
1574  * (LE_ECALL_STATE_CONNECTED not yet received) and after LE_ECALL_STATE_STOPPED event is notified.
1575  * - Using this API doesn't affect the NAD deregistration mechanism. However, it disables the call
1576  * auto answer function if already running.
1577  *
1578  * @return
1579  * - LE_OK on success
1580  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1581  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1582  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1583  */
1584 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1586 (
1587  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
1588  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1589 );
1591 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1592 /**
1593  * Get the current state for the given eCall
1594  *
1595  * @return
1596  * - The current state for the given eCall
1597  *
1598  * @note The process exits, if an invalid eCall reference is given
1599  */
1600 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1602 (
1603  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
1604  ///< [IN] eCall reference
1605 );
1607 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1608 /**
1609  * Set the Public Safely Answering Point telephone number.
1610  *
1611  * @note That PSAP number is not applied to Manually or Automatically initiated eCall. For those
1612  * modes, an emergency call is launched.
1613  *
1614  * @warning This function doesn't modify the U/SIM content.
1615  *
1616  * @return
1617  * - LE_OK On success
1618  * - LE_FAULT For other failures
1619  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1620  *
1621  * @note If PSAP number is empty or too long (max LE_MDMDEFS_PHONE_NUM_MAX_LEN digits), it is a
1622  * fatal error, the function will not return.
1623  */
1624 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1626 (
1627  const char* LE_NONNULL psap
1628  ///< [IN] Public Safely Answering Point number
1629 );
1631 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1632 /**
1633  * Get the Public Safely Answering Point telephone number set with le_ecall_SetPsapNumber()
1634  * function.
1635  *
1636  * @note That PSAP number is not applied to Manually or Automatically initiated eCall. For those
1637  * modes, an emergency call is launched.
1638  *
1639  * @warning This function doesn't read the U/SIM content.
1640  *
1641  * @return
1642  * - LE_OK On success
1643  * - LE_FAULT On failures or if le_ecall_SetPsapNumber() has never been called before
1644  * * - LE_OVERFLOW Retrieved PSAP number is too long for the out parameter
1645  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED Not supported on this platform
1646  *
1647  * @note If the passed PSAP pointer is NULL, a fatal error is raised and the function will not
1648  * return.
1649  */
1650 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1652 (
1653  char* psap,
1654  ///< [OUT] Public Safely Answering Point telephone
1655  ///< number
1656  size_t psapSize
1657  ///< [IN]
1658 );
1660 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1661 /**
1662  * When modem is in ECALL_FORCED_PERSISTENT_ONLY_MODE or ECALL_ONLY_MODE, this function
1663  * can be called to request the modem to read the number to dial from the FDN/SDN of the U/SIM.
1664  *
1665  * @note If FDN directory is updated with new dial numbers, be sure that the SIM card is refreshed.
1666  *
1667  * @return
1668  * - LE_OK on success
1669  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1670  */
1671 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1673 (
1674  void
1675 );
1677 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1678 /**
1679  * Set the NAD (network access device) deregistration time value. After termination of an emergency
1680  * call the in-vehicle system remains registered on the network for the period of time, defined by
1681  * the installation parameter NAD (network access device) deregistration time.
1682  *
1683  * @return
1684  * - LE_OK on success
1685  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1686  *
1687  * @note The formula to calculate NAD deregistration time for PAN_EUROPEAN is as below:
1688  * ECallConfiguration.nad_deregistration_time = (deregTime+59)/60;
1689  */
1690 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1692 (
1693  uint16_t deregTime
1694  ///< [IN] the NAD (network access device) deregistration time value (in minutes).
1695 );
1697 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1698 /**
1699  * Get the NAD (network access device) deregistration time value.
1700  *
1701  * @return
1702  * - LE_OK on success
1703  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1704  */
1705 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1707 (
1708  uint16_t* deregTimePtr
1709  ///< [OUT] the NAD (network access device) deregistration time value
1710 );
1712 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1713 /**
1714  * Set the minimum interval value between dial attempts.
1715  *
1716  * @return
1717  * - LE_OK on success
1718  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1719  */
1720 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1722 (
1723  uint16_t pause
1724  ///< [IN] the minimum interval value in seconds
1725 );
1727 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1728 /**
1729  * Get the minimum interval value between dial attempts.
1730  *
1731  * @return
1732  * - LE_OK on success
1733  * - LE_FAULT for other failures
1734  */
1735 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1737 (
1738  uint16_t* pausePtr
1739  ///< [OUT] the minimum interval value in seconds
1740 );
1742 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1743 /**
1744  * Set the ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value. If a dial attempt under manual emergency call
1745  * initiation failed, it should be repeated maximally ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS-1 times within
1746  * the maximal time limit of ECALL_DIAL_DURATION. The default value is 10.
1747  * Redial attempts stop once the call has been cleared down correctly, or if counter/timer reached
1748  * their limits.
1749  *
1750  * @return
1751  * - LE_OK on success
1752  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1753  */
1754 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1756 (
1757  uint16_t attempts
1758  ///< [IN] the ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value
1759 );
1761 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1762 /**
1763  * Set the ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value. If a dial attempt under automatic emergency call
1764  * initiation failed, it should be repeated maximally ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS-1 times within
1765  * the maximal time limit of ECALL_DIAL_DURATION. The default value is 10.
1766  * Redial attempts stop once the call has been cleared down correctly, or if counter/timer reached
1767  * their limits.
1768  *
1769  * @return
1770  * - LE_OK on success
1771  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1772  */
1773 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1775 (
1776  uint16_t attempts
1777  ///< [IN] the ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value
1778 );
1780 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1781 /**
1782  * Set the ECALL_DIAL_DURATION time. It's the maximum time the IVS have to connect the emergency
1783  * call to the PSAP, including all redial attempts.
1784  * If the call is not connected within this time (or ManualDialAttempts/AutoDialAttempts dial
1785  * attempts), it will stop.
1786  *
1787  * @return
1788  * - LE_OK on success
1789  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1790  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED if the function is not supported by the target
1791  */
1792 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1794 (
1795  uint16_t duration
1796  ///< [IN] the ECALL_DIAL_DURATION time value (in seconds)
1797 );
1799 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1800 /**
1801  * Set the ECALL_CCFT time. It's the maximum delay before initiating an an automatic call
1802  * termination.
1803  * When the delay is reached and IVS NAD didn't receive a call clear-down indication then the call
1804  * is immediatly terminated.
1805  *
1806  * @note Allowed range of values is 1 to 720 minutes.
1807  *
1808  * @return
1809  * - LE_OK on success
1810  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1811  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED if the function is not supported by the target
1812  */
1813 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1815 (
1816  uint16_t duration
1817  ///< [IN] the ECALL_CCFT time value (in minutes)
1818 );
1820 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1821 /**
1822  * Set the ECALL_AUTO_ANSWER_TIME time, the time interval wherein IVDS responds to incoming calls
1823  * automatically after emergency call completion.
1824  *
1825  * @note Default value of auto answer time is 20 minutes. Maximum value is 720 minutes.
1826  *
1827  * @return
1828  * - LE_OK on success
1829  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1830  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED if the function is not supported by the target
1831  */
1832 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1834 (
1835  uint16_t autoAnswerTime
1836  ///< [IN] The ECALL_AUTO_ANSWER_TIME time value (in minutes)
1837 );
1839 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1840 /**
1841  * Set the ECALL_MSD_MAX_TRANSMISSION_TIME time, the time period for MSD transmission.
1842  *
1843  * @note Default value of MSD transmission time is 20 seconds.
1844  *
1845  * @return
1846  * - LE_OK on success
1847  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1848  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED if the function is not supported by the target
1849  */
1850 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1852 (
1853  uint16_t msdMaxTransTime
1854  ///< [IN] The ECALL_MSD_MAX_TRANSMISSION_TIME time value (in seconds)
1855 );
1857 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1858 /**
1860  *
1861  * After completion of transmission of test diagnostics results in an eCall test session, the
1862  * in-vehicle system remains registered on the network for the period of time defined by the
1864  *
1865  * @note The ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME setting takes effect immediately and is persistent to
1866  * reset.
1867  *
1868  * @note An ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME value of zero means the IVS doesn't remain registered
1869  * after completion of transmission of test (diagnostics) results.
1870  *
1871  * @return
1872  * - LE_OK on success
1873  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1874  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED if the function is not supported by the target
1875  */
1876 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1878 (
1879  uint16_t postTestRegTime
1880  ///< [IN] The ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME time value (in seconds)
1881 );
1883 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1884 /**
1885  * Get the ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value.
1886  *
1887  * @return
1888  * - LE_OK on success
1889  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1890  */
1891 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1893 (
1894  uint16_t* attemptsPtr
1895  ///< [OUT] the ECALL_MANUAL_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value
1896 );
1898 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1899 /**
1900  * Get the ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value.
1901  *
1902  * @return
1903  * - LE_OK on success
1904  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1905  */
1906 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1908 (
1909  uint16_t* attemptsPtr
1910  ///< [OUT] the ECALL_AUTO_DIAL_ATTEMPTS value
1911 );
1913 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1914 /**
1915  * Get the ECALL_DIAL_DURATION time.
1916  *
1917  * @return
1918  * - LE_OK on success
1919  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1920  */
1921 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1923 (
1924  uint16_t* durationPtr
1925  ///< [OUT] the ECALL_DIAL_DURATION time value (in seconds)
1926 );
1928 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1929 /**
1930  * Get the ECALL_CCFT time.
1931  *
1932  * @return
1933  * - LE_OK on success
1934  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1935  */
1936 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1938 (
1939  uint16_t* durationPtr
1940  ///< [OUT] the ECALL_CCFT time value (in minutes)
1941 );
1943 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1944 /**
1945  * Get the ECALL_AUTO_ANSWER_TIME time.
1946  *
1947  * @return
1948  * - LE_OK on success
1949  * - LE_FAULT on execution failure
1950  */
1951 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1953 (
1954  uint16_t* autoAnswerTimePtr
1955  ///< [OUT] The ECALL_AUTO_ANSWER_TIME time value (in minutes)
1956 );
1958 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1959 /**
1961  *
1962  * @return
1963  * - LE_OK on success
1964  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1965  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED if the function is not supported by the target
1966  */
1967 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1969 (
1970  uint16_t* msdMaxTransTimePtr
1971  ///< [OUT] The ECALL_MSD_MAX_TRANSMISSION_TIME time value (in seconds)
1972 );
1974 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1975 /**
1977  *
1978  * @return
1979  * - LE_OK on success
1980  * - LE_FAULT on failure
1981  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED if the function is not supported by the target
1982  */
1983 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1985 (
1986  uint16_t* postTestRegTimePtr
1987  ///< [OUT] The ECALL_POST_TEST_REGISTRATION_TIME time value (in
1988  ///< seconds).
1989 );
1991 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1992 /**
1993  * Set the ERA-GLONASS crash severity parameter.
1994  *
1995  * @return
1996  * - LE_OK on success
1997  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
1998  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
1999  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2000  */
2001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003 (
2004  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
2005  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2006  uint32_t crashSeverity
2007  ///< [IN] the ERA-GLONASS crash severity parameter
2008 );
2010 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011 /**
2012  * Reset the ERA-GLONASS crash severity parameter. Therefore that optional parameter is not included
2013  * in the MSD message.
2014  *
2015  * @return
2016  * - LE_OK on success
2017  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
2018  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
2019  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2020  */
2021 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2023 (
2024  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
2025  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2026 );
2028 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2029 /**
2030  * Set the ERA-GLONASS diagnostic result using a bit mask.
2031  *
2032  * @return
2033  * - LE_OK on success
2034  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
2035  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
2036  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2037  */
2038 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2040 (
2041  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
2042  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2043  le_ecall_DiagnosticResultBitMask_t diagnosticResultMask
2044  ///< [IN] ERA-GLONASS diagnostic result bit mask.
2045 );
2047 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2048 /**
2049  * Reset the ERA-GLONASS diagnostic result bit mask. Optional parameter is not
2050  * included in the MSD message.
2051  *
2052  * @return
2053  * - LE_OK on success
2054  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
2055  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
2056  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2057  */
2058 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2060 (
2061  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
2062  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2063 );
2065 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2066 /**
2067  * Set the ERA-GLONASS crash type bit mask
2068  *
2069  * @return
2070  * - LE_OK on success
2071  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
2072  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
2073  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2074  */
2075 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2077 (
2078  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
2079  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2080  le_ecall_CrashInfoBitMask_t crashInfoMask
2081  ///< [IN] ERA-GLONASS crash type bit mask.
2082 );
2084 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2085 /**
2086  * Reset the ERA-GLONASS crash type bit mask. Optional parameter is not included
2087  * in the MSD message.
2088  *
2089  * @return
2090  * - LE_OK on success
2091  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
2092  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
2093  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2094  */
2095 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2097 (
2098  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
2099  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2100 );
2102 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2103 /**
2104  * Set the ERA-GLONASS coordinate system type.
2105  *
2106  * @return
2107  * - LE_OK on success
2108  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
2109  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
2110  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2111  */
2112 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2114 (
2115  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef,
2116  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2117  le_ecall_MsdCoordinateType_t coordinateSystemType
2118  ///< [IN] the ERA-GLONASS coordinate system type
2119 );
2121 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2122 /**
2123  * Reset the ERA-GLONASS coordinate system type. Therefore that optional parameter is not included
2124  * in the MSD message.
2125  *
2126  * @return
2127  * - LE_OK on success
2128  * - LE_DUPLICATE an MSD has been already imported
2129  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER bad eCall reference
2130  * - LE_FAULT on other failures
2131  */
2132 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2134 (
2135  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
2136  ///< [IN] eCall reference
2137 );
2139 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2140 /**
2141  * Called to get the termination reason.
2142  *
2143  * @return The termination reason.
2144  *
2145  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it is a fatal error, the
2146  * function will not return.
2147  */
2148 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2150 (
2151  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
2152  ///< [IN] eCall reference.
2153 );
2155 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2156 /**
2157  * Called to get the platform specific termination code.
2158  *
2159  * @return The platform specific termination code.
2160  *
2161  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it is a fatal error, the
2162  * function will not return.
2163  */
2164 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2166 (
2167  le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef
2168  ///< [IN] eCall reference.
2169 );
End of the redial period.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:780
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:708
Motorcycles (Class L3e)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:838
AL-ACK clear-down received.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:767
Present Left collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:934
int32_t le_ecall_GetPlatformSpecificTerminationCode(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdVersion(uint32_t msdVersion)
le_result_t le_ecall_StartTest(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdPositionN2(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, int32_t latitudeDeltaN2, int32_t longitudeDeltaN2)
Persistent eCall only mode.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:715
Timeout for Timer T5 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:786
le_result_t le_ecall_SetPsapNumber(const char *LE_NONNULL psap)
Motorcycles (Class L1e)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:834
Present Battery failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:894
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:774
le_result_t le_ecall_ForceOnlyMode(void)
Present Right speaker failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:882
Front collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:933
le_result_t le_ecall_SendMsd(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
le_result_t le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassCrashSeverity(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetEraGlonassDialDuration(uint16_t duration)
le_result_t le_ecall_GetMsdVersion(uint32_t *msdVersionPtr)
Present Comm module interface failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:902
Present Other critical failures.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:916
Diesel propulsion.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:860
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassDiagnosticResult(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, le_ecall_DiagnosticResultBitMask_t diagnosticResultMask)
MSD transmission has failed.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:763
le_result_t le_ecall_GetEraGlonassAutoAnswerTime(uint16_t *autoAnswerTimePtr)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:712
ERA GLONASS standard.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:730
Unknown state.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:743
Present Battery voltage low failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:896
Definition: le_basics.h:35
Motorcycles (Class L5e)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:842
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassCrashSeverity(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, uint32_t crashSeverity)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:820
le_result_t le_ecall_ForcePersistentOnlyMode(void)
Motorcycles (Class L6e)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:844
Front or side collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:945
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdTxMode(le_ecall_MsdTxMode_t mode)
void le_ecall_ConnectService(void)
Timeout for Timer T10 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:794
Firmware image corruption failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:901
Definition: le_mcc_interface.h:262
Present Side collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:942
Present Mic connection failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:878
Right speaker failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:883
Present Right collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:936
Other critical failures status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:917
Crash profile memory overflow status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:915
le_result_t le_ecall_SetEraGlonassMSDMaxTransmissionTime(uint16_t msdMaxTransTime)
le_result_t le_ecall_GetMsdTxMode(le_ecall_MsdTxMode_t *modePtr)
LL-NACK received.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:757
le_result_t le_ecall_GetVehicleType(le_ecall_MsdVehicleType_t *vehicleTypePtr)
le_result_t le_ecall_GetEraGlonassPostTestRegistrationTime(uint16_t *postTestRegTimePtr)
Present Crash profile memory overflow.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:914
Present Front or side collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:944
le_result_t le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassCrashInfo(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
Left speaker failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:885
Rollover indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:941
Present Other not critical failures.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:918
Ignition line failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:889
void(* le_ecall_StateChangeHandlerFunc_t)(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, le_ecall_State_t state, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:984
Pull mode (modem/host waits for MSD request from PSAP to send MSD).
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:807
le_result_t le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassCoordinateSystemType(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
Side collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:943
struct le_ecall_StateChangeHandler * le_ecall_StateChangeHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:974
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:930
le_result_t le_ecall_GetConfiguredOperationMode(le_ecall_OpMode_t *opModePtr)
GNSS antenna failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:909
le_result_t le_ecall_SetNadDeregistrationTime(uint16_t deregTime)
Present GNSS receiver failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:904
le_result_t le_ecall_GetEraGlonassMSDMaxTransmissionTime(uint16_t *msdMaxTransTimePtr)
void le_ecall_SetServerDisconnectHandler(le_ecall_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr)
Normal mode.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:710
RAIM problem status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:907
void le_ecall_DisconnectService(void)
PAN-EUROPEAN standard.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:728
le_result_t le_ecall_GetEraGlonassFallbackTime(uint16_t *durationPtr)
Push mode (modem/host sends MSD to PSAP right after eCall is connected).
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:809
le_result_t le_ecall_SetEraGlonassAutoDialAttempts(uint16_t attempts)
Other types of damage indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:947
UIM failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:891
Battery failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:895
le_result_t le_ecall_SetEraGlonassManualDialAttempts(uint16_t attempts)
Timeout for Timer T6 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:788
Speaker failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:887
Liquid propane gas propulsion.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:862
PSAP start indication received.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:753
Motorcycles (Class L4e)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:840
Light commercial vehicles (Class N1)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:828
Gasoline propulsion)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:859
le_mcc_TerminationReason_t le_ecall_GetTerminationReason(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassCoordinateSystemType(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, le_ecall_MsdCoordinateType_t coordinateSystemType)
void le_ecall_RemoveStateChangeHandler(le_ecall_StateChangeHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:876
Present RAIM problem.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:906
Hydrogen propulsion.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:864
Present Front collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:932
Other not critical failures status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:919
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdPassengersCount(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, uint32_t paxCount)
Timeout for Timer T3 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:784
Coordinate system type WGS-84.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:961
Present Other types of damage indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:946
le_ecall_State_t le_ecall_GetState(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
LL-ACK received.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:759
Waiting for PSAP start indication.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:751
le_result_t le_ecall_End(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
struct le_ecall_Call * le_ecall_CallRef_t
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:700
le_result_t le_ecall_StartManual(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
le_result_t le_ecall_ResetMsdEraGlonassDiagnosticResult(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
MSD transmission is complete.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:761
le_result_t le_ecall_GetSystemStandard(le_ecall_SystemStandard_t *systemStandardPtr)
Timeout for Timer T7 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:790
Comm module failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:911
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:726
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdEraGlonassCrashInfo(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, le_ecall_CrashInfoBitMask_t crashInfoMask)
Events memory overflow status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:913
Timeout for Timer T2 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:782
Present GNSS antenna failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:908
void(* le_ecall_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:596
Heavy duty vehicles (Class N2)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:830
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdPosition(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, bool isTrusted, int32_t latitude, int32_t longitude, int32_t direction)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetVehicleType(le_ecall_MsdVehicleType_t vehicleType)
Present Rollover indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:940
le_ecall_CallRef_t le_ecall_Create(void)
Status indicator failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:893
Present UIM failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:890
Present indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:938
MSD transmission is started.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:755
le_result_t le_ecall_ImportMsd(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, const uint8_t *msdPtr, size_t msdSize)
eCall session started.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:745
Heavy duty vehicles (Class N3)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:832
Present Left speaker failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:884
Rear impact indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:939
Present Mic failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:880
le_result_t le_ecall_UseUSimNumbers(void)
Buses and coaches (Class M3)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:826
le_result_t le_ecall_GetEraGlonassManualDialAttempts(uint16_t *attemptsPtr)
Present Status indicator failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:892
Mic failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:881
le_result_t le_ecall_GetNadDeregistrationTime(uint16_t *deregTimePtr)
Right collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:937
le_result_t le_ecall_GetEraGlonassAutoDialAttempts(uint16_t *attemptsPtr)
Emergency call is established.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:747
Unsuccessful eCall session.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:778
le_result_t le_ecall_ExitOnlyMode(void)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetMsdPositionN1(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, int32_t latitudeDeltaN1, int32_t longitudeDeltaN1)
Buses and coaches (Class M2)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:824
le_result_t le_ecall_GetPropulsionType(le_ecall_PropulsionTypeBitMask_t *propulsionTypePtr)
Present Crash sensor failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:898
Motorcycles (Class L7e)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:846
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:957
le_result_t le_ecall_GetEraGlonassDialDuration(uint16_t *durationPtr)
Present Speaker failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:886
AL-ACK received.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:765
Battery voltage low failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:897
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:741
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:805
le_result_t le_ecall_SetIntervalBetweenDialAttempts(uint16_t pause)
Emergency call is disconnected.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:749
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:769
Present Events memory overflow.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:912
Compressed natural gas propulsion.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:861
le_result_t le_ecall_StartAutomatic(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
Comm module interface failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:903
Electric propulsion.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:863
GNSS receiver failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:905
Coordinate system type PZ-90.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:963
eCall session has lost synchronization and starts over.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:772
Present Comm module failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:910
Other type of propulsions.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:865
Passenger vehicle (Class M1)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:822
le_result_t le_ecall_SetEraGlonassPostTestRegistrationTime(uint16_t postTestRegTime)
Timeout for Timer T9 (see CEN-EN 16062, annex A)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:792
Mic connection failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:879
le_result_t le_ecall_SetEraGlonassAutoAnswerTime(uint16_t autoAnswerTime)
le_result_t le_ecall_TryConnectService(void)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetVIN(const char *LE_NONNULL vin)
le_ecall_StateChangeHandlerRef_t le_ecall_AddStateChangeHandler(le_ecall_StateChangeHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_ecall_ExportMsd(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef, uint8_t *msdPtr, size_t *msdSizePtr)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetEraGlonassFallbackTime(uint16_t duration)
Coordinate system type is absent.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:959
Left collision indicator.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:935
le_result_t le_ecall_GetPsapNumber(char *psap, size_t psapSize)
Motorcycles (Class L2e)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:836
le_result_t le_ecall_GetVIN(char *vin, size_t vinSize)
Present Firmware image corruption failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:900
void le_ecall_Delete(le_ecall_CallRef_t ecallRef)
le_result_t le_ecall_SetSystemStandard(le_ecall_SystemStandard_t systemStandard)
Present Ignition line failure.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:888
le_result_t le_ecall_SetPropulsionType(le_ecall_PropulsionTypeBitMask_t propulsionType)
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:857
le_result_t le_ecall_GetIntervalBetweenDialAttempts(uint16_t *pausePtr)
Crash sensor failure status.
Definition: le_ecall_interface.h:899