Deprecated List
- Page AT Commands Server
- le_atServer_SendFinalResponse() should not be used anymore and will be removed soon. It has been replaced by le_atServer_SendFinalResultCode().
- Page GNSS platform constraints
- LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI is deprecated. LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE supporting all proprietary type masks, should be used instead. Setting LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE will also set LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI.
- Global le_atServer_SendFinalResponse (le_atServer_CmdRef_t commandRef, le_atServer_FinalRsp_t finalResponse, bool customStringAvailable, const char *LE_NONNULL finalRsp)
- le_atServer_SendFinalResponse() should not be used anymore and will be removed soon. It has been replaced by le_atServer_SendFinalResultCode()
- Global le_gnss_GetDop (le_gnss_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint16_t *hdopPtr, uint16_t *vdopPtr, uint16_t *pdopPtr)
- This function is deprecated, le_gnss_GetDilutionOfPrecision() should be used for new code.
- Global le_gnss_GetGpsLeapSeconds (le_gnss_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint8_t *leapSecondsPtr)
- This function is deprecated, le_gnss_GetLeapSeconds should be used instead.
- Global le_gnss_SetNmeaSentences (le_gnss_NmeaBitMask_t nmeaMask)
- LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI is deprecated. LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE should be used instead. Setting LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE will also set LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI.
- Global le_mdc_GetDisconnectionReason (le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profileRef)
- This function is deprecated, le_mdc_GetDisconnectionReasonExt should be used for the new code.
- Global le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificDisconnectionCode (le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profileRef)
- This function is deprecated, le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificDisconnectionCodeExt should be used for the new code.
- Global le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificFailureConnectionReason (le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profileRef, int32_t *failureTypePtr, int32_t *failureCodePtr)
- This function is deprecated, le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificFailureConnectionReasonExt should be used for new code.
- Global le_mrc_AddNetRegStateEventHandler (le_mrc_NetRegStateHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
- le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler() will be removed in near future. It will be replaced by le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler().
- It is not possible to perform the requested action.
- Global le_result_t
- the result code LE_NOT_POSSIBLE is scheduled to be removed.
- Global le_sms_SetTimeout (le_sms_MsgRef_t msgRef, uint32_t timeout)
- This API should not be used for new applications and will be removed in a future version of Legato.
- Global le_wifiClient_AddNewEventHandler (le_wifiClient_NewEventHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
- le_wifiClient_AddNewEventHandler() will be removed in near future. It is replaced by le_wifiClient_AddConnectionEventHandler().
- Page Modem Radio Control
- le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler() will be removed in near future. It will be replaced by le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler().
- Page Syntax
[ <minSize> ".." ] is now deprecated. Only <maxSize> needs to be specified.
[ <minSize> ".." ] is now deprecated. Only <maxSize> needs to be specified.
- Page WiFi Client Service
- le_wifiClient_AddNewEventHandler() will be removed in near future. It will be replaced by le_wifiClient_AddConnectionEventHandler().