Deprecated List

Page AT Commands Server
le_atServer_SendFinalResponse() should not be used anymore and will be removed soon. It has been replaced by le_atServer_SendFinalResultCode().
Page Data Connection
The DCS functionality to populate the default APN name into the cellular channel's modem profile if blank at startup upon an attempt to start it will be deprecated in Legato Release 19.08. After 19.08, DCS will not alter the APN name in any cellular channel's modem profile.
Page GNSS platform constraints
LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI is deprecated. LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE supporting all proprietary type masks, should be used instead. Setting LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE will also set LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI.
Global le_atServer_SendFinalResponse (le_atServer_CmdRef_t commandRef, le_atServer_FinalRsp_t finalResponse, bool customStringAvailable, const char *LE_NONNULL finalRsp)
le_atServer_SendFinalResponse() should not be used anymore and will be removed soon. It has been replaced by le_atServer_SendFinalResultCode()
Global le_data_Request (void)
The DCS functionality to populate the default APN name into the cellular channel's modem profile if blank at startup upon an attempt to start it will be deprecated in Legato Release 19.08. After 19.08, DCS will not alter the APN name in any cellular channel's modem profile.
Page le_dcs Interface
The DCS functionality to populate the default APN name into the cellular channel's modem profile if blank at startup upon an attempt to start it will be deprecated in Legato Release 19.08. After 19.08, DCS will not alter the APN name in any cellular channel's modem profile.
Global le_dcs_Start (le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef)
The DCS functionality to populate the default APN name into the cellular channel's modem profile if blank at startup upon an attempt to start it will be deprecated in Legato Release 19.08. After 19.08, DCS will not alter the APN name in any cellular channel's modem profile.
Global le_gnss_GetDop (le_gnss_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint16_t *hdopPtr, uint16_t *vdopPtr, uint16_t *pdopPtr)
This function is deprecated, le_gnss_GetDilutionOfPrecision() should be used for new code.
Global le_gnss_GetGpsLeapSeconds (le_gnss_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint8_t *leapSecondsPtr)
This function is deprecated, le_gnss_GetLeapSeconds should be used instead.
Global le_gnss_SetNmeaSentences (le_gnss_NmeaBitMask_t nmeaMask)
LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI is deprecated. LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE should be used instead. Setting LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PTYPE will also set LE_GNSS_NMEA_MASK_PQXFI.
Global le_mdc_GetDisconnectionReason (le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profileRef)
This function is deprecated, le_mdc_GetDisconnectionReasonExt should be used for the new code.
Global le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificDisconnectionCode (le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profileRef)
This function is deprecated, le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificDisconnectionCodeExt should be used for the new code.
Global le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificFailureConnectionReason (le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profileRef, int32_t *failureTypePtr, int32_t *failureCodePtr)
This function is deprecated, le_mdc_GetPlatformSpecificFailureConnectionReasonExt should be used for new code.
Global le_mrc_AddNetRegStateEventHandler (le_mrc_NetRegStateHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler() will be removed in near future. It will be replaced by le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler().
It is not possible to perform the requested action.
Global le_result_t
the result code LE_NOT_POSSIBLE is scheduled to be removed.
Global le_sms_SetTimeout (le_sms_MsgRef_t msgRef, uint32_t timeout)
This API should not be used for new applications and will be removed in a future version of Legato.
Global le_wifiClient_AddNewEventHandler (le_wifiClient_NewEventHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_wifiClient_AddNewEventHandler() will be removed in near future. It is replaced by le_wifiClient_AddConnectionEventHandler().
Page Modem Radio Control
le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler() will be removed in near future. It will be replaced by le_mrc_AddNetRegRejectHandler().
Page Syntax

[ <minSize> ".." ] is now deprecated. Only <maxSize> needs to be specified.

[ <minSize> ".." ] is now deprecated. Only <maxSize> needs to be specified.

Page WiFi Client Service
le_wifiClient_AddNewEventHandler() will be removed in near future. It will be replaced by le_wifiClient_AddConnectionEventHandler().