
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @page c_hashmap HashMap API
3  *
4  * @subpage le_hashmap.h "API Reference"
5  *
6  * <HR>
7  *
8  * This API provides a straightforward HashMap implementation.
9  *
10  * @section c_hashmap_create Creating a HashMap
11  *
12  * There are two methods to create a hashmap. Either use @c le_hashmap_Create() to create
13  * a hashmap on the heap, or use LE_HASHMAP_DEFINE_STATIC to define space for a hashmap,
14  * then use @c le_hashmap_InitStatic() to initialize the hashmap. It's the responsibility of
15  * the caller to maintain type integrity using this function's parameters.
16  * It's important to supply hash and equality functions that operate on the
17  * type of key that you intend to store. It's unwise to mix types in a single table because
18  * implementation of the table has no way to detect this behaviour.
19  *
20  * Choose the initial size should carefully as the index size remains fixed. The best
21  * choice for the initial size is a prime number slightly larger than the
22  * maximum expected capacity. If a too small size is chosen, there will be an
23  * increase in collisions that degrade performance over time.
24  *
25  * All hashmaps have names for diagnostic purposes.
26  *
27  * @section c_hashmap_insert Adding key-value pairs
28  *
29  * Key-value pairs are added using le_hashmap_Put(). For example:
30  *
31  * @code
32  * static void StoreStuff(const char* keyStr, const char* valueStr)
33  * {
34  * myTable = le_hashmap_Create(
35  * "My Table",
36  * 31,
37  * le_hashmap_HashString,
38  * le_hashmap_EqualsString
39  * );
40  *
41  * le_hashmap_Put(myTable, keyStr, valueStr);
42  * ....
43  * }
44  * @endcode
45  *
46  * The table does not take control of the keys or values. The map only stores the pointers
47  * to these values, not the values themselves. It's the responsibility of the caller to manage
48  * the actual data storage.
49  *
50  * @subsection c_hashmap_tips Tip
51  *
52  * The code sample shows some pre-defined functions for certain
53  * key types. The key types supported are uint32_t, uint64_t and strings. The strings must be
54  * NULL terminated.
55  *
56  * Tables can also have their own hash and equality functions,
57  * but ensure the functions work on the type of key you're
58  * storing. The hash function should provide a good distribution of values. It
59  * is not required that they be unique.
60  *
61  * @section c_hashmap_iterating Iterating over a map
62  *
63  * This API allows the user of the map to iterate over the entire
64  * map, acting on each key-value pair. You supply a callback function conforming
65  * to the prototype:
66  * @code
67  * bool (*callback)(void* key, void* value, void* context)
68  * @endcode
69  *
70  * This can then be used to process every value in the map. The return value from the
71  * callback function determines if iteration should continue or stop. If the function
72  * returns false then iteration will cease. For example:
73  *
74  * @code
75  * bool ProcessTableData
76  * (
77  * void* keyPtr, // Pointer to the map entry's key
78  * void* valuePtr, // Pointer to the map entry's value
79  * void* contextPtr // Pointer to an abritrary context for the callback function
80  * )
81  * {
82  * int keyCheck = *((int*)context);
83  * int currentKey = *((int*)key);
84  *
85  * if (keyCheck == currentKey) return false;
86  *
87  * // Do some stuff, maybe print out data or do a calculation
88  * return true;
89  * }
90  *
91  * {
92  * // ... somewhere else in the code ...
93  * int lastKey = 10;
94  * le_hashmap_ForEach (myTable, processTableData, &lastKey);
95  * }
96  * @endcode
97  *
98  * This code sample shows the callback function must also be aware of the
99  * types stored in the table.
100  *
101  * However, keep in mind that it is unsafe and undefined to modify the map during
102  * this style of iteration.
103  *
104  * Alternatively, the calling function can control the iteration by first
105  * calling @c le_hashmap_GetIterator(). This returns an iterator that is ready
106  * to return each key/value pair in the map in the order in which they are
107  * stored. The iterator is controlled by calling @c le_hashmap_NextNode(), and must
108  * be called before accessing any elements. You can then retrieve pointers to
109  * the key and value by using le_hashmap_GetKey() and le_hashmap_GetValue().
110  *
111  * @note There is only one iterator per hashtable. Calling le_hashmap_GetIterator()
112  * will simply re-initialize the current iterator
113  *
114  * It is possible to add and remove items during this style of iteration. When
115  * adding items during an iteration it is not guaranteed that the newly added item
116  * will be iterated over. It's very possible that the newly added item is added in
117  * an earlier location than the iterator is curently pointed at.
118  *
119  * When removing items during an iteration you also have to keep in mind that the
120  * iterator's current item may be the one removed. If this is the case,
121  * le_hashmap_GetKey, and le_hashmap_GetValue will return NULL until either,
122  * le_hashmap_NextNode, or le_hashmap_PrevNode are called.
123  *
124  * For example (assuming a table of string/string):
125  *
126  * @code
127  * void ProcessTable(le_hashmap_Ref_t myTable)
128  * {
129  * char* nextKey;
130  * char* nextVal;
131  *
132  * le_hashmap_It_Ref_t myIter = le_hashmap_GetIterator(myTable);
133  *
134  * while (LE_OK == le_hashmap_NextNode(myIter))
135  * {
136  * // Do something with the strings
137  * nextKey = le_hashmap_GetKey(myIter);
138  * nextVal = le_hashmap_GetValue(myIter);
139  * }
140  * }
141  * @endcode
142  *
143  * If you need to control access to the hashmap, then a mutex can be used.
144  *
145  * @section c_hashmap_tracing Tracing a map
146  *
147  * Hashmaps can be traced using the logging system.
148  *
149  * If @c le_hashmap_MakeTraceable() is called for a specified hashmap object, the name of that
150  * hashmap (the name passed into le_hashmap_Create() ) becomes a trace keyword
151  * to enable and disable tracing of that particular hashmap.
152  *
153  * If @c le_hashmap_EnableTrace() is called for a hashmap object, tracing is
154  * immediately activated for that hashmap.
155  *
156  * See @ref c_log_controlling for more information on how to enable and disable tracing using
157  * configuration and/or the log control tool.
158  *
159  * <HR>
160  *
161  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
162  */
164 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 /**
166  * @file le_hashmap.h
167  *
168  * Legato @ref c_hashmap include file.
169  *
170  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
171  */
172 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 #else /* if not LE_CONFIG_REDUCE_FOOTPRINT */
183 #endif /* end LE_CONFIG_REDUCE_FOOTPRINT */
185 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 /**
187  * Reference to a HashMap.
188  */
189 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 typedef struct le_hashmap* le_hashmap_Ref_t;
192 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 /**
194  * Reference to a HashMap Iterator.
195  */
196 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 typedef struct le_hashmap_It* le_hashmap_It_Ref_t;
199 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 /**
201  * Prototype for hash functions. The hash function must generate a good spread of hashes without
202  * consuming lots of processing power.
203  *
204  * @param keyToHashPtr Pointer to the key which will be hashed
205  * @return The calculated hash value
206  */
207 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 typedef size_t (*le_hashmap_HashFunc_t)
209 (
210  const void* keyToHashPtr
211 );
213 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 /**
215  * Prototype for equality functions. The equality function returns true if the the keys point to
216  * values are equivalent. The HashMap doesn't know in advance which types are to be stored so
217  * this function must be supplied by the caller.
218  *
219  * @param firstKeyPtr Pointer to the first key for comparing.
220  * @param secondKeyPtr Pointer to the second key for comparing.
221  * @return Returns true if the values are the same, false otherwise
222  */
223 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
224 typedef bool (*le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t)
225 (
226  const void* firstKeyPtr,
227  const void* secondKeyPtr
228 );
231 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 /**
233  * Prototype for callback functions for the iterator function le_hashmap_ForEach(). This function should
234  * return true in order to continue iterating, or false to stop.
235  *
236  * @param keyPtr Pointer to the key at the current position in the map
237  * @param valuePtr Pointer to the value associated to this key
238  * @param contextPtr Pointer to the context supplied to le_hashmap_ForEach()
239  * @return Returns true to continue, false to stop
240  */
241 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 typedef bool (*le_hashmap_ForEachHandler_t)
243 (
244  const void* keyPtr,
245  const void* valuePtr,
246  void* contextPtr
247 );
250 /**
251  * A struct to hold the data in the table
252  *
253  * @note This is an internal structure which should not be instantiated directly
254  */
255 typedef struct le_hashmap_Entry
256 {
257  le_hashmap_Link_t entryListLink; ///< Next entry in bucket.
258  const void *keyPtr; ///< Pointer to key data.
259  const void *valuePtr; ///< Pointer to value data.
260 }
263 /**
264  * A hashmap iterator
265  *
266  * @note This is an internal structure which should not be instantiated directly
267  */
268 typedef struct le_hashmap_It
269 {
270  size_t currentIndex; ///< Current bucket index.
271  le_hashmap_Link_t *currentLinkPtr; ///< Current bucket list item pointer.
272 }
275 /**
276  * The hashmap itself
277  *
278  * @note This is an internal structure which should not be instantiated directly
279  */
280 typedef struct le_hashmap
281 {
282  le_hashmap_HashmapIt_t iterator; ///< Iterator instance.
284  le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFuncPtr; ///< Equality operator.
285  le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFuncPtr; ///< Hash operator.
287  le_hashmap_Bucket_t *bucketsPtr; ///< Pointer to the array of hash map buckets.
288  le_mem_PoolRef_t entryPoolRef; ///< Memory pool to expand into for expanding buckets.
289  size_t bucketCount; ///< Number of buckets.
290  size_t size; ///< Number of inserted entries.
293  const char *nameStr; ///< Name of the hashmap for diagnostic purposes.
294  le_log_TraceRef_t traceRef; ///< Log trace reference for debugging the hashmap.
296 }
301 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
302 /**
303  * Create a HashMap.
304  *
305  * If you create a hashmap with a smaller capacity than you actually use, then
306  * the map will continue to work, but performance will degrade the more you put in the map.
307  *
308  * @param[in] nameStr Name of the HashMap. This must be a static string as it is not copied.
309  * @param[in] capacity Size of the hashmap
310  * @param[in] hashFunc Hash function
311  * @param[in] equalsFunc Equality function
312  *
313  * @return Returns a reference to the map.
314  *
315  * @note Terminates the process on failure, so no need to check the return value for errors.
316  */
317 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 (
320  const char *nameStr,
321  size_t capacity,
322  le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFunc,
323  le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFunc
324 );
325 #else /* if not LE_CONFIG_HASHMAP_NAMES_ENABLED */
326 /// @cond HIDDEN_IN_USER_DOCS
327 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
328 /**
329  * Internal function used to implement le_hashmap_Create().
330  */
331 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 le_hashmap_Ref_t _le_hashmap_Create
333 (
334  size_t capacity,
335  le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFunc,
336  le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFunc
337 );
338 /// @endcond
339 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 /**
341  * Create a HashMap.
342  *
343  * If you create a hashmap with a smaller capacity than you actually use, then
344  * the map will continue to work, but performance will degrade the more you put in the map.
345  *
346  * @param[in] nameStr Name of the HashMap. This must be a static string as it is not copied.
347  * @param[in] capacity Size of the hashmap
348  * @param[in] hashFunc Hash function
349  * @param[in] equalsFunc Equality function
350  *
351  * @return Returns a reference to the map.
352  *
353  * @note Terminates the process on failure, so no need to check the return value for errors.
354  */
355 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 (
358  const char *nameStr,
359  size_t capacity,
360  le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFunc,
361  le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFunc
362 )
363 {
364  return _le_hashmap_Create(capacity, hashFunc, equalsFunc);
365 }
370 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 /**
372  * Calculate number of buckets for a hashmap of a given size
373  *
374  * 0.75 load factor. We have more buckets than expected keys as we want
375  * to reduce the chance of collisions. 1-1 would assume a perfect hashing
376  * function which is rather unlikely. Also, ensure that the capacity is
377  * at least 3 which avoids strange issues in the hashing algorithm
378  *
379  * @note Used internally to calculate static hashmap sizes. Should not be used by users
380  * of liblegato. Caps out at 65536 entries
381  */
382 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
383 #define LE_HASHMAP_BUCKET_COUNT(capacity) \
384  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x4?0x4: \
385  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x8?0x8: \
386  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x10?0x10: \
387  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x20?0x20: \
388  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x40?0x40: \
389  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x80?0x80: \
390  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x100?0x100: \
391  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x200?0x200: \
392  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x400?0x400: \
393  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x800?0x800: \
394  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x1000?0x1000: \
395  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x2000?0x2000: \
396  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x4000?0x4000: \
397  ((capacity)*4/3<=0x8000?0x8000: \
398  0x10000))))))))))))))
400 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 /**
402  * Statically define a hash-map.
403  *
404  * This allocates all the space required for a hash-map at file scope so no dynamic memory
405  * is needed for the hash map. This allows a better estimate of memory usage of an app
406  * to be obtained by examining the linker map, and ensures initializing the static map
407  * will not fail at run-time.
408  *
409  * @note Dynamic hash maps set initial pool to bucket count/2, static hash maps set
410  * pool size to capacity to avoid overflowing the pool.
411  */
412 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
413 #define LE_HASHMAP_DEFINE_STATIC(name, capacity) \
414  static le_hashmap_Hashmap_t _hashmap_##name##Hashmap; \
415  LE_MEM_DEFINE_STATIC_POOL(_hashmap_##name, (capacity), sizeof(le_hashmap_Entry_t)); \
416  static le_hashmap_Bucket_t _hashmap_##name##Buckets[LE_HASHMAP_BUCKET_COUNT(capacity)]
419 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
420 /**
421  * Initialize a statically-defined hashmap
422  *
423  * If you create a hashmap with a smaller capacity than you actually use, then
424  * the map will continue to work, but performance will degrade the more you put in the map.
425  *
426  * @param name Name used when defining the static hashmap.
427  * @param capacity Capacity specified when defining the static hashmap.
428  * @param hashFunc Callback to invoke to hash an entry's key.
429  * @param equalsFunc Callback to invoke to test key equality.
430  *
431  * @return Returns a reference to the map.
432  */
433 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
435 # define le_hashmap_InitStatic(name, capacity, hashFunc, equalsFunc) \
436  (inline_static_assert( \
437  sizeof(_hashmap_##name##Buckets) == \
438  sizeof(le_hashmap_Entry_t *[LE_HASHMAP_BUCKET_COUNT(capacity)]), \
439  "hashmap init capacity does not match definition"), \
440  _le_hashmap_InitStatic(#name, (capacity), (hashFunc), (equalsFunc), \
441  &_hashmap_##name##Hashmap, \
442  le_mem_InitStaticPool(_hashmap_##name, \
443  (capacity), \
444  sizeof(le_hashmap_Entry_t)), \
445  _hashmap_##name##Buckets))
446 #else
447 # define le_hashmap_InitStatic(name, capacity, hashFunc, equalsFunc) \
448  (inline_static_assert( \
449  sizeof(_hashmap_##name##Buckets) == \
450  sizeof(le_hashmap_Entry_t *[LE_HASHMAP_BUCKET_COUNT(capacity)]), \
451  "hashmap init capacity does not match definition"), \
452  _le_hashmap_InitStatic((capacity), (hashFunc), (equalsFunc), \
453  &_hashmap_##name##Hashmap, \
454  le_mem_InitStaticPool(_hashmap_##name, \
455  (capacity), \
456  sizeof(le_hashmap_Entry_t)), \
457  _hashmap_##name##Buckets))
458 #endif
460 /// @cond HIDDEN_IN_USER_DOCS
461 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 /**
463  * Internal function to initialize a statically-defined hashmap
464  *
465  * @note use le_hashmap_InitStatic() macro instead
466  */
467 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 le_hashmap_Ref_t _le_hashmap_InitStatic
469 (
471  const char *nameStr, ///< [in] Name of the HashMap
472 #endif
473  size_t capacity, ///< [in] Expected capacity of the map
474  le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFunc, ///< [in] The hash function
475  le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFunc, ///< [in] The equality function
476  le_hashmap_Hashmap_t *mapPtr, ///< [in] The static hash map to initialize
477  le_mem_PoolRef_t entryPoolRef, ///< [in] The memory pool for map entries
478  le_hashmap_Bucket_t *bucketsPtr ///< [in] The buckets
479 );
480 /// @endcond
483 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
484 /**
485  * Add a key-value pair to a HashMap. If the key already exists in the map, the previous value
486  * will be replaced with the new value passed into this function.
487  *
488  * @return Returns NULL for a new entry or a pointer to the old value if it is replaced.
489  *
490  */
491 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
493 void* le_hashmap_Put
494 (
495  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map.
496  const void* keyPtr, ///< [in] Pointer to the key to be stored.
497  const void* valuePtr ///< [in] Pointer to the value to be stored.
498 );
500 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 /**
502  * Retrieve a value from a HashMap.
503  *
504  * @return Returns a pointer to the value or NULL if the key is not found.
505  *
506  */
507 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
509 void* le_hashmap_Get
510 (
511  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map.
512  const void* keyPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the key to be retrieved.
513 );
515 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
516 /**
517  * Retrieve a stored key from a HashMap.
518  *
519  * @return Returns a pointer to the key that was stored in the HashMap by le_hashmap_Put() or
520  * NULL if the key is not found.
521  *
522  */
523 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
525 (
526  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map.
527  const void* keyPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the key to be retrieved.
528 );
530 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
531 /**
532  * Remove a value from a HashMap.
533  *
534  * @return Returns a pointer to the value or NULL if the key is not found.
535  *
536  */
537 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 void* le_hashmap_Remove
540 (
541  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map.
542  const void* keyPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the key to be removed.
543 );
545 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
546 /**
547  * Tests if the HashMap is empty (i.e. contains zero keys).
548  *
549  * @return Returns true if empty, false otherwise.
550  *
551  */
552 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
555 (
556  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef ///< [in] Reference to the map.
557 );
559 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
560 /**
561  * Calculates the number of keys in the HashMap.
562  *
563  * @return The number of keys in the HashMap.
564  *
565  */
566 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
568 size_t le_hashmap_Size
569 (
570  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef ///< [in] Reference to the map.
571 );
573 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 /**
575  * Tests if the HashMap contains a particular key.
576  *
577  * @return Returns true if the key is found, false otherwise.
578  *
579  */
580 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
583 (
584  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map.
585  const void* keyPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the key to be searched.
586 );
588 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
589 /**
590  * Deletes all the entries held in the hashmap. This will not delete the data pointed to by the
591  * key and value pointers. That cleanup is the responsibility of the caller.
592  * This allows the map to be re-used. Currently maps can't be deleted.
593  *
594  */
595 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
598 (
599  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef ///< [in] Reference to the map.
600 );
602 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603 /**
604  * Iterates over the whole map, calling the supplied callback with each key-value pair. If the callback
605  * returns false for any key then this function will return.
606  *
607  * @return Returns true if all elements were checked; or false if iteration was stopped early
608  *
609  */
610 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
612 (
613  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map.
614  le_hashmap_ForEachHandler_t forEachFn, ///< [in] Callback function to be called with each pair.
615  void* contextPtr ///< [in] Pointer to a context to be supplied to the callback.
616 );
618 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
619 /**
620  * Gets an iterator for step-by-step iteration over the map. In this mode,
621  * the iteration is controlled by the calling function using the le_hashmap_NextNode() function.
622  * There is one iterator per map, and calling this function resets the
623  * iterator position to the start of the map.
624  * The iterator is not ready for data access until le_hashmap_NextNode() has been called
625  * at least once.
626  *
627  * @return Returns A reference to a hashmap iterator which is ready
628  * for le_hashmap_NextNode() to be called on it
629  *
630  */
631 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
633 (
634  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef ///< [in] Reference to the map.
635 );
637 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
638 /**
639  * Moves the iterator to the next key/value pair in the map. Order is dependent
640  * on the hash algorithm and the order of inserts, and is not sorted at all.
641  *
642  * @return Returns LE_OK unless you go past the end of the map, then returns LE_NOT_FOUND.
643  *
644  */
645 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
647 (
648  le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef ///< [IN] Reference to the iterator.
649 );
651 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
652 /**
653  * Moves the iterator to the previous key/value pair in the map. Order is dependent
654  * on the hash algorithm and the order of inserts, and is not sorted at all.
655  *
656  * @return Returns LE_OK unless you go past the beginning of the map, then returns LE_NOT_FOUND.
657  *
658  */
659 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
661 (
662  le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef ///< [IN] Reference to the iterator
663 );
665 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
666 /**
667  * Retrieves a pointer to the key where the iterator is currently pointing.
668  * If the iterator has just been initialized and le_hashmap_NextNode() has not been
669  * called, or if the iterator has been invalidated, this will return NULL.
670  *
671  * @return Pointer to the current key, or NULL if the iterator has been invalidated or is not
672  * ready.
673  *
674  */
675 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
676 const void* le_hashmap_GetKey
677 (
678  le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef ///< [IN] Reference to the iterator.
679 );
681 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
682 /**
683  * Retrieves a pointer to the value where the iterator is currently pointing.
684  * If the iterator has just been initialized and le_hashmap_NextNode() has not been
685  * called, or if the iterator has been invalidated, this will return NULL.
686  *
687  * @return Pointer to the current value, or NULL if the iterator has been invalidated or is not
688  * ready.
689  *
690  */
691 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
693 (
694  le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef ///< [IN] Reference to the iterator.
695 );
697 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
698 /**
699  * Retrieves the key and value of the first node stored in the hashmap.
700  * The hashmap is not sorted so this will simply return the first node stored in the map.
701  * There is no guarantee that a subsequent call to this function will return the same pair
702  * if new keys have been added to the map.
703  * If NULL is passed as the firstValuePointer then only the key will be returned.
704  *
705  * @return LE_OK if the first node is returned or LE_NOT_FOUND if the map is empty.
706  * LE_BAD_PARAMETER if the key is NULL.
707  *
708  */
709 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
711 (
712  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map
713  void **firstKeyPtr, ///< [out] Pointer to the first key
714  void **firstValuePtr ///< [out] Pointer to the first value
715 );
717 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
718 /**
719  * Retrieves the key and value of the node after the passed in key.
720  * The hashmap is not sorted so this will simply return the next node stored in the map.
721  * There is no guarantee that a subsequent call to this function will return the same pair
722  * if new keys have been added to the map.
723  * If NULL is passed as the nextValuePtr then only the key will be returned.
724  *
725  * @return LE_OK if the next node is returned. If the keyPtr is not found in the
726  * map then LE_BAD_PARAMETER is returned. LE_NOT_FOUND is returned if the passed
727  * in key is the last one in the map.
728  *
729  */
730 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
732 (
733  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, ///< [in] Reference to the map
734  const void* keyPtr, ///< [in] Pointer to the key to be searched for
735  void **nextKeyPtr, ///< [out] Pointer to the first key
736  void **nextValuePtr ///< [out] Pointer to the first value
737 );
740 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
741 /**
742  * Counts the total number of collisions in the map. A collision occurs
743  * when more than one entry is stored in the map at the same index.
744  *
745  * @return Returns the total collisions in the map.
746  *
747  */
748 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
751 (
752  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef ///< [in] Reference to the map.
753 );
755 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
756 /**
757  * String hashing function. Can be used as a parameter to le_hashmap_Create() if the key to
758  * the table is a string.
759  *
760  * @return Returns the hash value of the string pointed to by stringToHash.
761  *
762  */
763 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
766 (
767  const void* stringToHashPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the string to be hashed.
768 );
770 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
771 /**
772  * String equality function. Can be used as a parameter to le_hashmap_Create() if the key to
773  * the table is a string
774  *
775  * @return Returns true if the strings are identical, false otherwise.
776  *
777  */
778 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
781 (
782  const void* firstStringPtr, ///< [in] Pointer to the first string for comparing.
783  const void* secondStringPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the second string for comparing.
784 );
786 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
787 /**
788  * Integer hashing function. Can be used as a parameter to le_hashmap_Create() if the key to
789  * the table is a uint32_t.
790  *
791  * @return Returns the hash value of the uint32_t pointed to by intToHash.
792  *
793  */
794 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
797 (
798  const void* intToHashPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the integer to be hashed.
799 );
801 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
802 /**
803  * Integer equality function. Can be used as a parameter to le_hashmap_Create() if the key to
804  * the table is a uint32_t.
805  *
806  * @return Returns true if the integers are equal, false otherwise.
807  *
808  */
809 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
812 (
813  const void* firstIntPtr, ///< [in] Pointer to the first integer for comparing.
814  const void* secondIntPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the second integer for comparing.
815 );
817 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
818 /**
819  * Long integer hashing function. This can be used as a paramter to le_hashmap_Create if the key to
820  * the table is a uint64_t
821  *
822  * @return Returns the hash value of the uint64_t pointed to by intToHash
823  *
824  */
825 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
828 (
829  const void* intToHashPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the long integer to be hashed
830 );
832 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
833 /**
834  * Long integer equality function. This can be used as a paramter to le_hashmap_Create if the key to
835  * the table is a uint64_t
836  *
837  * @return Returns true if the integers are equal, false otherwise
838  *
839  */
840 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
843 (
844  const void* firstIntPtr, ///< [in] Pointer to the first long integer for comparing.
845  const void* secondIntPtr ///< [in] Pointer to the second long integer for comparing.
846 );
848 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
849 /**
850  * Pointer hashing function. Can be used as a parameter to le_hashmap_Create() if the key to
851  * the table is an pointer or reference. Simply pass in the address as the key.
852  *
853  * @return Returns the hash value of the pointer pointed to by voidToHashPtr
854  *
855  */
856 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
859 (
860  const void* voidToHashPtr ///< [in] Pointer to be hashed
861 );
863 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
864 /**
865  * Pointer equality function. Can be used as a parameter to le_hashmap_Create() if the key to
866  * the table is an pointer or reference.
867  *
868  * @return Returns true if the pointers are equal, false otherwise
869  *
870  */
871 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
874 (
875  const void* firstVoidPtr, ///< [in] First pointer for comparing.
876  const void* secondVoidPtr ///< [in] Second pointer for comparing.
877 );
880 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
881 /**
882  * Generic hash for any plain-old-datatype.
883  */
884 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
885 #define LE_HASHMAP_MAKE_HASH(type) \
886  static size_t Hash##type \
887  ( \
888  const void* type##Name \
889  ) \
890  { \
891  size_t byte=0, hash = 0; \
892  unsigned char c; \
893  const unsigned char* ptr = type##Name; \
894  for (byte = 0; byte < sizeof(type); ++byte) \
895  { \
896  c = *ptr++; \
897  hash = c + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash; \
898  } \
899  return hash; \
900  } \
901  static bool Equals##type \
902  ( \
903  const void* first##type, \
904  const void* second##type \
905  ) \
906  { \
907  return memcmp(first##type, second##type, sizeof(type)) == 0; \
908  }
912 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
913 /**
914  * Makes a particular hashmap traceable without enabling the tracing. After this is called, when
915  * the trace keyword for this hashmap (the hashmap's name) is enabled for the "framework" component
916  * in the process, tracing will start. If that keyword was enabled before
917  * this function was called, tracing will start immediately when it is called.
918  **/
919 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
921 (
922  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef ///< [in] Reference to the map.
923 );
926 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
927 /**
928  * Immediately enables tracing on a particular hashmap object.
929  **/
930 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
932 (
933  le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef ///< [in] Reference to the map.
934 );
const void * le_hashmap_GetKey(le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef)
Definition: le_hashmap.h:280
Definition: le_hashmap.h:268
void le_hashmap_EnableTrace(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef)
bool le_hashmap_ForEach(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, le_hashmap_ForEachHandler_t forEachFn, void *contextPtr)
void * le_hashmap_GetStoredKey(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, const void *keyPtr)
le_log_TraceRef_t traceRef
Log trace reference for debugging the hashmap.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:294
Definition: le_basics.h:35
le_hashmap_It_Ref_t le_hashmap_GetIterator(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef)
struct le_hashmap_It * le_hashmap_It_Ref_t
Definition: le_hashmap.h:197
le_hashmap_Bucket_t * bucketsPtr
Pointer to the array of hash map buckets.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:287
size_t(* le_hashmap_HashFunc_t)(const void *keyToHashPtr)
Definition: le_hashmap.h:209
le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFuncPtr
Hash operator.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:285
struct le_hashmap * le_hashmap_Ref_t
Definition: le_hashmap.h:190
le_hashmap_HashmapIt_t iterator
Iterator instance.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:282
size_t le_hashmap_Size(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef)
bool le_hashmap_EqualsString(const void *firstStringPtr, const void *secondStringPtr)
Definition: le_hashmap.h:255
size_t le_hashmap_HashUInt32(const void *intToHashPtr)
size_t le_hashmap_HashString(const void *stringToHashPtr)
le_hashmap_Link_t * currentLinkPtr
Current bucket list item pointer.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:271
bool le_hashmap_isEmpty(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef)
bool le_hashmap_EqualsVoidPointer(const void *firstVoidPtr, const void *secondVoidPtr)
size_t size
Number of inserted entries.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:290
void * le_hashmap_Put(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, const void *keyPtr, const void *valuePtr)
le_mem_PoolRef_t entryPoolRef
Memory pool to expand into for expanding buckets.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:288
void * le_hashmap_GetValue(le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef)
struct le_mem_Pool * le_mem_PoolRef_t
Definition: le_mem.h:540
bool(* le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t)(const void *firstKeyPtr, const void *secondKeyPtr)
Definition: le_hashmap.h:225
le_hashmap_Link_t entryListLink
Next entry in bucket.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:257
bool(* le_hashmap_ForEachHandler_t)(const void *keyPtr, const void *valuePtr, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_hashmap.h:243
size_t le_hashmap_CountCollisions(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef)
le_result_t le_hashmap_GetFirstNode(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, void **firstKeyPtr, void **firstValuePtr)
size_t le_hashmap_HashVoidPointer(const void *voidToHashPtr)
void le_hashmap_MakeTraceable(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef)
const void * valuePtr
Pointer to value data.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:259
void * le_hashmap_Remove(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, const void *keyPtr)
const void * keyPtr
Pointer to key data.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:258
le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFuncPtr
Equality operator.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:284
bool le_hashmap_ContainsKey(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, const void *keyPtr)
Definition: le_singlyLinkedList.h:201
le_hashmap_Ref_t le_hashmap_Create(const char *nameStr, size_t capacity, le_hashmap_HashFunc_t hashFunc, le_hashmap_EqualsFunc_t equalsFunc)
void le_hashmap_RemoveAll(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef)
bool le_hashmap_EqualsUInt64(const void *firstIntPtr, const void *secondIntPtr)
const char * nameStr
Name of the hashmap for diagnostic purposes.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:293
void * le_hashmap_Get(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, const void *keyPtr)
le_result_t le_hashmap_NextNode(le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef)
size_t bucketCount
Number of buckets.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:289
Definition: le_doublyLinkedList.h:216
bool le_hashmap_EqualsUInt32(const void *firstIntPtr, const void *secondIntPtr)
size_t le_hashmap_HashUInt64(const void *intToHashPtr)
size_t currentIndex
Current bucket index.
Definition: le_hashmap.h:270
le_result_t le_hashmap_PrevNode(le_hashmap_It_Ref_t iteratorRef)
Definition: le_basics.h:274
le_result_t le_hashmap_GetNodeAfter(le_hashmap_Ref_t mapRef, const void *keyPtr, void **nextKeyPtr, void **nextValuePtr)