
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 /*
4  * ====================== WARNING ======================
5  *
8  *
9  * ====================== WARNING ======================
10  */
12 /**
13  * @page c_le_dcs le_dcs Interface
14  *
15  * @ref le_dcs_interface.h "API Reference" <br>
16  *
17  * When applications need to exchange data with other devices on the packet switched data network,
18  * a data channel needs to be first established. After such channel is successfully established,
19  * then applications can open up IP sockets on this data channel as necessary as a data pipe for
20  * sending and receiving data.
21  *
22  * @section le_dcs_ChannelOps Channel Operations
23  *
24  * The Data Channel Service (DCS) provides an API interface for a client application to learn
25  * about all the data channels available on a device, and administratively start or stop a selected
26  * channel. Data channels that are managed by DCS can be shared by multiple applications.
27  *
28  * @note In the context of this documentation the acronym DCS refers to the @c le_dcs
29  * interface, unless specified otherwise.
30  *
31  * When one application asks DCS to start a specified channel, DCS associates it with this channel;
32  * similarly when it asks DCS to stop this channel, DCS disassociates it from its use. Therefore,
33  * in this way what a client application sees and gets as a channel's state is its administrative
34  * state, not its operational state. A channel is operationally brought up when its
35  * administratively state goes up to indicate that it is needed by at least one application.
36  * Similarly, it is operationally brought down when its administrative state goes down to indicate
37  * that it is needed by no application anymore. Thus, it is possible for a chanel to be
38  * administratively up, meaning that it is associated with some applications, but operationally
39  * down due to certain reasons, including network errors, weak signal, temporary downtime, etc.
40  *
41  * @section le_dcs_ChannelReferenceUniqueID Channel Reference
42  *
43  * Since DCS provides channel choices, a channel's object reference is used in most of its APIs
44  * as the input identifier to uniquely identify the channel of choice. This channel reference is
45  * unique across the device over all supported technologies, and is managed and provided by DCS.
46  *
47  * Before a channel can be specified as an input argument of choice, an application needs to
48  * call le_dcs_GetChannels() to get the list of all channels and from those results learn about
49  * each one's channel reference for use in any other @c le_dcs and le_net API calls.
50  *
51  * @section le_dcs_RelateToLeNet le_net Interface
52  *
53  * Associated with the @c le_dcs interface, the @c le_net interface provides network services to
54  * DCS-managed channels. @c le_net provides APIs for setting the device's default gateway
55  * addresses, DNS server addresses, adding routes, etc.
56  *
57  * @section le_dcs_TechConfigs Technical Configurations
58  *
59  * With the use of le_data, there used to be technology-specific configurations saved in Legato's
60  * configuration tree under DCS's paths. @c le_dcs expanded DCS's capabilities to
61  * modularize technology-specific implementations and support multiple active channels over
62  * different technologies simultaneously, @c le_dcs no longer keeps technology-specific
63  * configurations under its tree paths.
64  *
65  * For WiFi-specific configurations, the @c le_dcs interface no longer saves them on its common
66  * path dataConnectionService:/wifi/SSID. Per-SSID configurations are saved now on the wifiService
67  * path under the SSID name itself, e.g. wifiService:/wifi/channel/MY-MOBILE/setProtocol
68  * and wifiService:/wifi/channel/MY-WLAN/hidden where MY-MOBILE and MY-WLAN are both SSIDs.
69  * Moreover, confidential user credentials, like passphrase, PSK, user name with password, are now
70  * kept in secure storage. In the case of WiFi, these are kept and managed there by the
71  * wifiClient, only through which reading and writing of such info can be done. Note that the WiFi
72  * security protocol used for each SSID remains on the config tree mentioned above for easy
73  * reference and debugging. In this way, @c le_dcs keeps technology-specific configurations on the
74  * path of the technology itself.
75  *
76  * Example of WiFi Config:
77  * @verbatim
78  wifiService:/
79  wifi/
80  channel/
82  secProtocol<string> == 3
83  MY-WLAN/
84  secProtocol<string> == 3
85  hidden<bool> == true
86  @endverbatim
87  *
88  * The above illustration shows that under this new path structure multiple configurations for
89  * multiple channels can be stored and easily expanded for future needs.
90  * For more details about WiFi configurations, please refer to @ref le_wifiClient_interface.h.
91  *
92  * For cellular-specific configurations, each time a cellular channel needs to be
93  * specified as an input argument in calling a @c le_dcs API.@c le_dcs does
94  * not use nor refer to the default cellular profile index saved under the path
95  * dataConnectionService:/cellular/profileIndex.
96  *
97  * @section le_dcs_APIOverview API Overview
98  *
99  * The @c le_dcs APIs provide applications the interfaces to:
100  *
101  *
102  * | Function | Description |
103  * | -------------------------------| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
104  * | le_dcs_GetChannels() | Retrieves the list of all available channels across all supported technologies |
105  * | le_dcs_GetTechnology() | Queries for a channel reference's technology type |
106  * | le_dcs_GetReference() | Queries for a channel's reference by its name and technology |
107  * | le_dcs_GetState() | Queries for a channel's administrative state and network interface name by its reference |
108  * | le_dcs_AddEventHandler() | Adds a channel event notification handler for a specific channel |
109  * | le_dcs_RemoveEventHandler() | Removes a channel event notification handler for a specific channel |
110  * | le_dcs_Start() | Starts a channel |
111  * | le_dcs_Stop() | Stops a channel |
112  *
113  *
114  * @subsection le_dcs_APIDetails_GetChannels Get Channel
115  *
116  * For an application that seeks to use the @c le_dcs APIs, the first step is to call
117  * le_dcs_GetChannels() to obtain an up-to-date list of all channels available over all supported
118  * technologies on which are the channel reference and technology type of each available channel.
119  * The channel that the app wishes to communicate with can then be chosen from this list.
120  *
121  * @note To call le_dcs_GetChannels() the application needs to provide a handler function
122  * to handle the results to be returned, and wait until such results come back before calling
123  * subsequent @c le_dcs APIs. le_dcs_GetChannels() is asynchronous, due to need of some technologies
124  * to actively re-scan for their latest lists of available channels, i.e., WiFi.
125  *
126  * Example of le_dcs_GetChannels():
127  * @code
128  * // This is the callback function for handling the results of a channel list query
129  * static void ClientChannelQueryHandler
130  * (
131  * le_result_t result, ///< [IN] Result of the query
132  * const le_dcs_ChannelInfo_t *channelList, ///< [IN] Channel list returned
133  * size_t channelListSize, ///< [IN] Channel list's size
134  * void *contextPtr ///< [IN] Associated user context pointer
135  * )
136  * {
137  * uint16_t i;
138  *
139  * LE_INFO("Received channel query result %d, channel list size %d", result, channelListSize);
140  *
141  * if (channelListSize == 0)
142  * {
143  * return;
144  * }
145  *
146  * for (i = 0; i < channelListSize; i++)
147  * {
148  * LE_INFO("Available channel #%d: name %s from technology %d, state %d, reference %p",
149  * i + 1, channelList[i].name, channelList[i].technology, channelList[i].state,
150  * channelList[i].ref);
151  * }
152  * }
153  *
154  * // This is the function initiating a channel list query
155  * void ClientGetChannels
156  * (
157  * void
158  * )
159  * {
160  * le_dcs_GetChannels(ClientChannelQueryHandler, NULL);
161  * }
162  * @endcode
163  *
164  * @subsection le_dcs_APIDetails_GetReference Get Channel Reference
165  *
166  * If an application wants to user @c le_dcs over a channel that is already known and won't come
167  * and go frequently, i.e., a cellular channel, then the app can learn
168  * about its channel reference via either le_dcs_GetChannels() or le_dcs_GetReference().
169  * le_dcs_GetChannels() provides better reliability, le_dcs_GetReference() is a synchronous
170  * transaction that provides the technology and channel type faster but without the reliability of
171  * le_dcs_GetChannels().
172  *
173  * Example of le_dcs_GetChannels() used to retrieve a specific channel's channel reference:
174  * @code
175  * void ClientGetReference
176  * (
177  * char channelName[LE_DCS_CHANNEL_NAME_MAX_LEN],
178  * le_dcs_Technology_t channelTech
179  * )
180  * {
181  * le_dcs_ChannelRef_t ref = le_dcs_GetReference(channelName, channelTech);
182  * if (ref == 0)
183  * {
184  * LE_ERROR("Failed to retrieve channel reference for channel %s of tech %d",
185  * channelName, channelTech);
186  * return;
187  * }
188  * LE_INFO("Retrieved channel reference %p for channel %s of tech %d", channelName,
189  * channelTech, ref);
190  * }
191  * @endcode
192  *
193  * @subsection le_dcs_APIDetails_GetTechnology Channel Technology
194  *
195  * DCS provides le_dcs_GetTechnology() to applications for querying for the technology type of
196  * a known channel reference. This should be used when those applications are seeking to
197  * remember all channel references returned via le_dcs_GetChannels() but not all the details about
198  * each channel.
199  *
200  * Example over how to use le_dcs_GetTechnology():
201  * @code
202  * void ClientGetTechnology
203  * (
204  * le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef
205  * )
206  * {
207  * le_dcs_Technology_t channelTech = le_dcs_GetTechnology(channelRef);
208  * LE_INFO("Retrieved tech type %d for channel reference %p ", channelTech, channelRef);
209  * }
210  * @endcode
211  *
212  * @subsection le_dcs_APIDetails_GetState Channel State
213  *
214  * As a channel's administrative state might change over time, le_dcs_GetState() queries for
215  * a given channel's up-to-date state.
216  *
217  * Example of checking for State:
218  * @code
219  * void ClientGetAdminState
220  * (
221  * le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef
222  * )
223  * {
224  * le_dcs_State_t state;
225  * char interfaceName[LE_DCS_INTERFACE_NAME_MAX_LEN+1];
226  * le_result_t ret;
227  *
228  * ret = le_dcs_GetState(channelRef, &state, interfaceName, LE_DCS_INTERFACE_NAME_MAX_LEN);
229  * if (LE_OK != ret)
230  * {
231  * LE_ERROR("Failed to get admin state of channel reference %p; return code %d",
232  * channelRef, ret);
233  * return;
234  * }
235  * LE_INFO("Retrieved for channel reference %s network interface %s, admin state %s",
236  * channelRef, interfaceName, (state==LE_DCS_STATE_UP) ? "up" : "down");
237  * }
238  * @endcode
239  *
240  * @subsection le_dcsAPIDetails_EventHandler Channel Event Handler
241  *
242  * Applications that want to be kept posted about any state changes of the channel can fulfill this
243  * need by providing DCS a channel event handler via le_dcs_AddEventHandler() per channel.
244  * For each channel managed by le_dcs, there could be a chain of event handlers provided by multiple
245  * applications interested in it. After an application is disassociated from a channel or
246  * uninterested in it, it can call le_dcs_RemoveEventHandler() to remove its event handler.
247  *
248  * Example of checking for state within an event handler:
249  * @code
250  * static void clientEventHandler
251  * (
252  * le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef, ///< [IN] The channel for which the event is
253  * le_dcs_Event_t event, ///< [IN] Event up or down
254  * int32_t code, ///< [IN] Additional event code, like error code
255  * void *contextPtr ///< [IN] Associated user context pointer
256  * )
257  * {
258  * LE_INFO("Received for channel reference %p event %s", channelRef,
259  * (event == LE_DCS_EVENT_UP) ? "Up" : "Down");
260  * }
261  *
262  * void ClientAddEventHandler
263  * (
264  * le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef,
265  * le_dcs_EventHandlerRef_t *eventHandlerRef
266  * )
267  * {
268  * if ((channelRef == 0) || !eventHandlerRef)
269  * {
270  * LE_ERROR("Invalid inputs for adding event handler for channel reference %p",
271  * channelRef);
272  * return;
273  * }
274  * *eventHandlerRef = le_dcs_AddEventHandler(channelRef, clientEventHandler, NULL);
275  * LE_INFO("Added event handler for channel reference %p; event handler reference %p",
276  * channelRef, *eventHandlerRef);
277  * }
278  *
279  * void ClientRemoveEventHandler
280  * (
281  * le_dcs_EventHandlerRef_t eventHandlerRef
282  * )
283  * {
284  * if (!eventHandlerRef)
285  * {
286  * LE_ERROR("Got null channel event handler to remove");
287  * return;
288  * }
289  * le_dcs_RemoveEventHandler(eventHandlerRef);
290  * }
291  * @endcode
292  *
293  * @subsubsection le_dcsAPIDetails_StartStop Starting and Stopping Channel
294  *
295  * The function for an application to start a selected data channel and associate itself with it is
296  * le_dcs_Start(), while the opposite to stop and disassociate with it is le_dcs_Stop().
297  *
298  * Example of starting and stoping a channel:
299  * @code
300  * void ClientStartChannel
301  * (
302  * le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef,
303  * le_dcs_ReqObjRef_t *reqObj
304  * )
305  * {
306  * if ((channelRef == 0) || !reqObj)
307  * {
308  * LE_ERROR("Invalid inputs for starting channel with reference %p", channelRef);
309  * return;
310  * }
311  * *reqObj = le_dcs_Start(channelRef);
312  * LE_INFO("Started channel with reference %p and request reference %p", channelRef, *reqObj);
313  * }
314  *
315  * void ClientStopChannel
316  * (
317  * le_dcs_ReqObjRef_t reqObj
318  * )
319  * {
320  * le_result_t ret;
321  * if (!reqObj)
322  * {
323  * LE_ERROR("Invalid input for stopping channel with request reference %p", reqObj);
324  * return;
325  * }
326  *
327  * ret = le_dcs_Stop(reqObj);
328  * LE_INFO("Stopped channel with request reference %p, release status %d", reqObj, ret);
329  * }
330  * @endcode
331  *
332  * @section le_dcs_ConnectionFailure Handling of Connection Failures
333  *
334  * With the @c le_dcs interface, connection failures over a channel are handled within the channel
335  * itself. Connection retries over another channel of the same or different technology will not be
336  * internally attempted like with the @c le_data interface.
337  *
338  * If the channel fails the default behavior is for DCS to try to reconnect over the same
339  * channel. If a different channel is wanted to be tried as a backup that logic and direction needs
340  * to be added to the application logic. If there is an issue with a channel, the application
341  * associated with the channel needs to disassociate from it and re-associate with another channel.
342  *
343  * Technology-specific conditions and custom-made handlings in @c le_dcs are now implemented and
344  * attempted within the technology itself, i.e. the default behavior for cellular channels will
345  * have a different behavior than WiFi's.
346  *
347  * Best practices are to retry a reconnect over a certain limited duration with a back-off duration.
348  * After all allowed attempts have exhausted with no success, then DCS will send a channel down
349  * event notification to the interested applications and stop the retries. In situations
350  * involving a system-wide blackout, one example is in the cellular packet switched state's becoming
351  * false, a retry won't be attempted until its recovery, i.e. in the example the cellular packet
352  * switched state's going back to true, where DCS will resume retrying to reconnect back all the
353  * channels of the corresponding technology that are administratively up.
354  *
355  * It is very necessary to note that for some technologies after a channel has failed and then
356  * reconnected back, the network interface and IP address assigned to its use might have changed
357  * (depending on settings like DHCP). The default gateway and DNS addresses for this channel might
358  * have changed as well and applications must take this into account and might need to re-adjust
359  * the routes and/or gateway address settings after a channel state flapped.
360  *
361  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
362  */
363 /**
364  * @file le_dcs_interface.h
365  *
366  * Legato @ref c_le_dcs include file.
367  *
368  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
369  */
375 #include "legato.h"
377 // Internal includes for this interface
378 #include "le_dcs_common.h"
379 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
380 /**
381  * Type for handler called when a server disconnects.
382  */
383 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
384 typedef void (*le_dcs_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *);
386 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 /**
388  *
389  * Connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Block until the service is
390  * available.
391  *
392  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
393  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
394  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
395  *
396  * This function is created automatically.
397  */
398 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 (
401  void
402 );
404 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
405 /**
406  *
407  * Try to connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Return with an error
408  * if the service is not available.
409  *
410  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
411  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
412  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
413  *
414  * This function is created automatically.
415  *
416  * @return
417  * - LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
418  * - LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is
419  * bound.
420  * - LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
421  * - LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.
422  */
423 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
425 (
426  void
427 );
429 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
430 /**
431  * Set handler called when server disconnection is detected.
432  *
433  * When a server connection is lost, call this handler then exit with LE_FATAL. If a program wants
434  * to continue without exiting, it should call longjmp() from inside the handler.
435  */
436 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
438 (
439  le_dcs_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler,
440  void *contextPtr
441 );
443 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 /**
445  *
446  * Disconnect the current client thread from the service providing this API.
447  *
448  * Normally, this function doesn't need to be called. After this function is called, there's no
449  * longer a connection to the service, and the functions in this API can't be used. For details, see
450  * @ref apiFilesC_client.
451  *
452  * This function is created automatically.
453  */
454 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
456 (
457  void
458 );
461 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 /**
463  * Reference returned by Request function and used by Release function
464  */
465 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
469 /**
470  * Reference to a data channel
471  */
472 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
475 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
476 /**
477  * Technologies.
478  */
479 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
482 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
483 /**
484  * Channel states.
485  */
486 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
489 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
490 /**
491  * Channel events.
492  */
493 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
496 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
497 /**
498  * Handler for channel state changes
499  */
500 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
503 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 /**
505  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_dcs_Event'
506  */
507 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 /**
512  * This is the structure with info about each available channel
513  */
514 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
517 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 /**
519  * Handler for the receiving the results of a channel list query
520  */
521 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
524 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
525 /**
526  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_dcs_Event'
527  *
528  * This event provides information on channel events
529  */
530 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
531 le_dcs_EventHandlerRef_t le_dcs_AddEventHandler
532 (
533  le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef,
534  ///< [IN] The channel for which the event is
535  le_dcs_EventHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr,
536  ///< [IN]
537  void* contextPtr
538  ///< [IN]
539 );
541 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
542 /**
543  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_dcs_Event'
544  */
545 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
547 (
548  le_dcs_EventHandlerRef_t handlerRef
549  ///< [IN]
550 );
552 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
553 /**
554  * Query for a channel's technology type
555  *
556  * @return
557  * - The given channel's technology type as an enumberator from @ref le_dcs_Technology_t
558  */
559 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
560 le_dcs_Technology_t le_dcs_GetTechnology
561 (
562  le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef
563  ///< [IN] channel which technology type is to be queried
564 );
566 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
567 /**
568  * Query for a channel's state
569  *
570  * @return
571  * - The given channel's state in the 2nd argument and associated network interface
572  * in 'name'
573  */
574 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
576 (
577  le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef,
578  ///< [IN] channel which status is to be queried
579  le_dcs_State_t* statePtr,
580  ///< [OUT] channel state returned as output
581  char* interfaceName,
582  ///< [OUT] channel's network interface name
583  size_t interfaceNameSize
584  ///< [IN]
585 );
587 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
588 /**
589  * Request by an app to start a data channel
590  *
591  * @return
592  * - Object reference to the request (to be used later for releasing the channel)
593  * - NULL if it has failed to process the request
594  */
595 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
596 le_dcs_ReqObjRef_t le_dcs_Start
597 (
598  le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef
599  ///< [IN] channel requested to be started
600 );
602 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603 /**
604  * Stop for an app its previously started data channel
605  */
606 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
608 (
609  le_dcs_ReqObjRef_t reqRef
610  ///< [IN] the start request's reference earlier returned
611 );
613 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
614 /**
615  * Get the object reference of the channel given by the name and its technology type in the first
616  * and second arguments as input
617  *
618  * @return
619  * - The retrieved channel reference is returned in the function's return value upon success.
620  * - Upon failure, 0 is returned back
621  */
622 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
623 le_dcs_ChannelRef_t le_dcs_GetReference
624 (
625  const char* LE_NONNULL name,
626  ///< [IN] name of channel which reference is to be retrieved
627  le_dcs_Technology_t technology
628  ///< [IN] technology of the channel given by its name above
629 );
631 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
632 /**
633  * Trigger a query for the list of all available data channels that will be returned asynchronously
634  * via the ChannelQueryHandler callback notification
635  */
636 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
638 (
639  le_dcs_GetChannelsHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr,
640  ///< [IN] requester's handler for receiving results
641  void* contextPtr
642  ///< [IN]
643 );
le_dcs_EventHandlerRef_t le_dcs_AddEventHandler(le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef, le_dcs_EventHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_basics.h:35
le_result_t le_dcs_TryConnectService(void)
le_dcs_Technology_t le_dcs_GetTechnology(le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef)
le_dcs_ReqObjRef_t le_dcs_Start(le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef)
void le_dcs_ConnectService(void)
LE_FULL_API void le_dcs_SetServerDisconnectHandler(le_dcs_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr)
le_dcs_ChannelRef_t le_dcs_GetReference(const char *LE_NONNULL name, le_dcs_Technology_t technology)
void le_dcs_DisconnectService(void)
le_result_t le_dcs_Stop(le_dcs_ReqObjRef_t reqRef)
#define LE_FULL_API
Definition: le_basics.h:288
void le_dcs_RemoveEventHandler(le_dcs_EventHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
void(* le_dcs_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *)
Definition: le_dcs_interface.h:384
void le_dcs_GetChannels(le_dcs_GetChannelsHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_dcs_GetState(le_dcs_ChannelRef_t channelRef, le_dcs_State_t *statePtr, char *interfaceName, size_t interfaceNameSize)