17.05.0 Release Notes

Release Date: June 23, 2017

See Licenses to view Legato AF Licensing Information.

The following provides a summary of changes that have been made in the 17.05 Legato AF Release.

Download the source code and get started with building Legato AF.

New Features

fwupdate Service

fwupdate now includes the following features:

  • Suspend/Resume feature added - the fwupdate service now supports suspending and resuming updates in the case of a loss of connection or power.
  • fwupdate is split into two functions le_fwupdate_Download() to download updates, and le_fwupdate_Install() to install the update.

See fwupdate for further information the new features for updating firmware

Def Files Inclusion in other Def Files

To allow extensions of systems, apps and components Def Files are now allowed to be included into other Def Files. To reuse common parts of the definition file, these parts can be separated into a common file, which is then included in each definition file where it is needed. This new feature is done by using include directives.

Target Definition Files replaced with Sdef includes

With the improvement of including Def Files into other Def Files, we have also been able to replace our Target Definition files with Sdef Include files. All build variables are now defined by target/*.sinc and are included in the target sdef's. This allows a target to be built by running mksys -t <target> with only toolchain settings from the environment.

Remote SIM Service added

The Modem Services Platform Adapter now includes support for Remote SIMs. The following features are supported:

  • Connection management
  • Transfer APDU
  • Transfer ATR
  • Power SIM off
  • Power SIM on
  • Reset SIM
  • Report Status
  • Error handling

The following optional features are not supported:

  • Transfer Card Reader Status
  • Set Transport Protocol

See Remote SIM service to implement this feature.

build .ko file with sources

The .mdef files now support 2 methods of building drivers within the Legato AF. A new method has been added to build drivers straight from the source code instead of needed a pre-compiled .ko file.

See Kernel Module Definition .mdef for details on how to bundle .c files into a kernel object.

Dual System Support

Dual System consists of managing 2 copies of most code areas, the ACTIVE system (currently used, Read-Only) and UPDATE system (backup, Read-Write). Modem Firmware Update now supports updating both the ACTIVE and UPDATE systems.

For more information please see Dual System mechanism.

Minimum array and string sizes deprecated

In API files the Minimum array and string sizes have been deprecated, due to minimum sizes not being properly enforced.

The following function will now return the error: reusable/INFRA_CmdMng/CmdServer/api/CmdMngIpc.api:8:16: error: Unexpected character u'.'

FUNCTION SomeFunction(string aString[1..255]);

Change to:

FUNCTION SomeFunction(string aString[255]);

Tooling Changes

The following changes have been made to the Legato AF Tools:

  • Auto-Complete is now added for both zsh and bash commands
  • mkexe is now able to package and build drivers from kernel objects or .c sources.
  • ifgen - data type handler has been deprecated; User-defined type HANDLER is to be used instead

Experimental Features

AirVantage Connector Version 2

AirVantage Connect version 2 has been launched as an experimental version. Version 2 upgrades the AirVantage Connector to improve support for Asset Data and TimeSeries management.

AirVantage 1.0 is no longer enabled in 17.05.0 and above.

AVC 2.0 New Features:

  • Asset data can be dynamically created within the application and there is no need to define the data model in the .cdef
  • Asset data settings now support read/write from the Air Vantage Server
  • Asset data definitions have changed to resources (paths)
  • TimeSeries is no longer coupled with asset data
  • TimeSeries enables users to aggregate multiple data points into a single push
  • TimeSeries Observe function has been replaced with a push function.

The AirVantage 1.0 to 2.0 Migration contains details on the changes between AirVantage V1 and AirVantage V2 and how to migrate your configuration.

To sync AirVantage with a 17.05 Legato System Build, an extra step must be done to update the version number before you upload the System Bundle to sync with AirVantage.

The AirVantage documentation has been reorganized and is now located within the AirVantage Connector Documentation

Read Only Mode

In Legato AF Read-Only mode the system tree is built and deployed into a squashfs or ubifs image making the system read-only. Any system configuration must be done before the system is built an installed on to the Target Device.

While Legato is built as Read-Only the following actions are restricted: -Running Apps within Sandboxes -Installation or removal of Legato Apps and/or Services -Software over-the-air updates through AirVantage -Additions of new nodes to the Config Tree (values can still be changed) -Modifications to the root file-system (e.g., changing passwords)

For more information please see Legato Read Only R/O .

Fixed Issues

All development work is tagged in GitHub as "17.05.0". The list of changes and commitm messages can be found on GitHub.

Legato AF 17.05.0 Fixes

Known Issues

Constraints and Limitations

Dev Machine Linux Version

To develop applications within the Legato AF, a Long Term Support version of Ubuntu Linux is needed on your dev machine (or running in a virtual box on Windows). Any release older then Ubuntu 12.04 is no longer supported by the Legato AF.

ECM-USB modem manager issue

Ubuntu 15.10 and newer is default installed with Modem Manager version 1.4.12-1ubuntu1 which conflicts with the ECM-USB driver when connecting a target. Modem manager may cause the Ubuntu Network Manager to crash on your host and/or your target device to become unavailable over USB.


  • NetworkManager crashing when plugging into your device over USB, or
  • The target device becomes inaccessible after 30 seconds.

Recommended Work Around:

Open Issues

The following is the list of known issues that still exist in Legato 17.05.0 and are currently under investigation:

Legato AF

  • Apps can't share writable files with each other unless both apps are "un-sandboxed".
  • Real time scheduling policies are not able to promote themselves if needed.

Config Tree

  • Removing an app may remove another apps tree if the first apps requires section lists the second app.


  • app runProc does not work for apps running outside of a Sandbox. If you wish to run app runProc your app must be running in a Sandbox.
  • app status doesn’t have a "waiting" status if an app is waiting it gets reported as "running".
  • configEcm will give a confusing error message about IP's not being on the same subnet when other errors are present.

Audio API

  • No sound recorded when using an Analog interface.
  • Not able to resume a playback after a recording has been paused.
  • "Pop" noise on usb audio at the end of a play or when stopping an ongoing file

Data Connection API

  • "wifi client disconnect" does not release current Wifi connection

eCall API

  • First tone in DTMF is often missed or has a shorter duration.
  • LE_ECALL_STATE_TIMEOUT_T6 is not handled when T6 expires. The timeout event is not generated in the eCall handler.
  • MSD transmissions fail over SMS when the FDN is locked.
  • The fall-back SMS is not received during an Era-Glonass eCall session.


  • Only one service is able to access a GPIO pin at a time


  • Driver does not support speeds lower than 960000 baud


  • Modem does not support serial baud rate of 1000000