Use the uartMode tool to set the mode for either UART1 or UART2 (requires a reboot for the new mode to take effect).
uartMode [OPTIONS]
get <uartNum>
Gets the mode for the specified UART. uartNum can be either 1 or 2.
set <uartNum> <mode>
Sets the mode for the specified UART. uartNum can be either 1 or 2.
mode can be:
- 'disable' = Disable UART.
- 'atCmds' = AT Command services (not valid for UART2).
- 'diag' = Diagnostic Message service.
- 'nmea' = NMEA service.
- 'console' = Linux /dev/console.
- 'app' = Linux application usage.
--help | -h
Display help and exit.
Output Sample
# uartMode get 1 UART1 is available for use by Linux applications. # uartMode get 2 UART2 is being used for the /dev/console. # uartMode set 1 diag UART1 will be set to 'diag' after the next reboot.
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