
Please refer to the Product Technical specification document of your platform for further details.

Flash image names

This service is not supported on all platforms.
  • The image names for AR759x/AR758x can be:
Partitions names strings construction:
  • For duplicates partitions of dual systems, the names follow the syntax: <partitionName>_<systemNumber>
    For instance, modem_1 refers to modem partition of system 1, modem_2 refers to modem partition of system 2
  • For common partitions, the name string syntax is: <partitionName>

Possible values returned by handler of type le_flash_BadImageDetectionHandlerRef_t:

API partition name mtd name
sbl sbl
tz_1 tz
tz_2 tz
rpm_1 rpm
rpm_2 rpm
modem_1 modem
modem_2 modem2
aboot_1 aboot
aboot_2 aboot2
boot_1 boot
boot_2 boot2
system_1 system
system_2 system2
lefwkro_1 lefwkro
lefwkro_2 lefwkro2
customer0 customer0
customer1 customer1