
1 /**
2  * @page c_fs File System service
3  *
4  * @ref le_fs.h
5  *
6  * <HR>
7  *
8  * The File System (FS) service allows accessing the file system on different platforms:
9  * - providing a Read/Write space to create/store/read files.
10  * - on Read Only platforms, the /tmp/data/le_fs is used as base of the FS sevice.
11  *
12  * The File System service offers the following file operations:
13  * - open a file with le_fs_Open()
14  * - close a file with le_fs_Close()
15  * - read in a file with le_fs_Read()
16  * - write in a file with le_fs_Write()
17  * - change the current position in a file with le_fs_Seek()
18  * - get the size of a file with le_fs_GetSize()
19  * - delete a file with le_fs_Delete()
20  * - move a file with le_fs_Move()
21  * - recursively deletes a folder with le_fs_RemoveDirRecursive()
22  * - checks whether a regular file exists le_fs_Exists()
23  *
24  *
25  * <HR>
26  *
27  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
28  */
33 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 /**
35  * Define the maximal bit mask for file access mode.
36  *
37  * @note This maximal value should be coherent with @ref le_fs_AccessMode_t
38  */
39 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 #define LE_FS_ACCESS_MODE_MAX 127
42 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 /**
44  * Maximum number of characters permitted for a file path.
45  */
46 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 /**
51  * File access modes used when opening a file.
52  */
53 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 typedef enum
55 {
56  LE_FS_RDONLY = 0x1, ///< Read only
57  LE_FS_WRONLY = 0x2, ///< Write only
58  LE_FS_RDWR = 0x4, ///< Read/Write
59  LE_FS_CREAT = 0x8, ///< Create a new file
60  LE_FS_TRUNC = 0x10, ///< Truncate
61  LE_FS_APPEND = 0x20, ///< Append
62  LE_FS_SYNC = 0x40 ///< Synchronized
63 }
64 le_fs_AccessMode_t;
67 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 /**
69  * Offset position used when seeking in a file.
70  */
71 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 typedef enum
73 {
74  LE_FS_SEEK_SET = 0, ///< From the current position
75  LE_FS_SEEK_CUR = 1, ///< From the beginning of the file
76  LE_FS_SEEK_END = 2 ///< From the end of the file
77 }
78 le_fs_Position_t;
81 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 /**
83  * Reference of a file
84  */
85 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 typedef struct le_fs_File* le_fs_FileRef_t;
89 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 /**
91  * This function is called to create or open an existing file.
92  *
93  * @return
94  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
95  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
96  * - LE_OVERFLOW The file path is too long.
97  * - LE_NOT_FOUND The file does not exists or a directory in the path does not exist
98  * - LE_NOT_PERMITTED Access denied to the file or to a directory in the path
99  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED The prefix cannot be added and the function is unusable
100  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
101  */
102 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 le_result_t le_fs_Open
104 (
105  const char* filePath, ///< [IN] File path
106  le_fs_AccessMode_t accessMode, ///< [IN] Access mode for the file
107  le_fs_FileRef_t* fileRefPtr ///< [OUT] File reference (if successful)
108 );
110 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 /**
112  * This function is called to close an opened file.
113  *
114  * @return
115  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
116  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
117  */
118 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 le_result_t le_fs_Close
120 (
121  le_fs_FileRef_t fileRef ///< [IN] File reference
122 );
124 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 /**
126  * This function is called to read the requested data length from an opened file.
127  * The data is read at the current file position.
128  *
129  * @return
130  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
131  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
132  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
133  */
134 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
135 le_result_t le_fs_Read
136 (
137  le_fs_FileRef_t fileRef, ///< [IN] File reference
138  uint8_t* bufPtr, ///< [OUT] Buffer to store the data read in the file
139  size_t* bufSizePtr ///< [INOUT] Size to read and size really read on file
140 );
142 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 /**
144  * This function is called to write the requested data length to an opened file.
145  * The data is written at the current file position.
146  *
147  * @return
148  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
149  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
150  * - LE_UNDERFLOW The write succeed but was not able to write all bytes
151  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
152  */
153 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 le_result_t le_fs_Write
155 (
156  le_fs_FileRef_t fileRef, ///< [IN] File reference
157  const uint8_t* bufPtr, ///< [IN] Buffer to write in the file
158  size_t bufSize ///< [IN] Size of the buffer to write
159 );
161 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 /**
163  * This function is called to change the file position of an opened file.
164  *
165  * @return
166  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
167  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
168  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
169  */
170 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 le_result_t le_fs_Seek
172 (
173  le_fs_FileRef_t fileRef, ///< [IN] File reference
174  int32_t offset, ///< [IN] Offset to apply
175  le_fs_Position_t position, ///< [IN] Offset is relative to this position
176  int32_t* currentOffsetPtr ///< [OUT] Offset from the beginning after the seek operation
177 );
179 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 /**
181  * This function is called to get the size of a file.
182  *
183  * @return
184  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
185  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
186  * - LE_OVERFLOW The file path is too long.
187  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED The prefix cannot be added and the function is unusable
188  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
189  */
190 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 le_result_t le_fs_GetSize
192 (
193  const char* filePath, ///< [IN] File path
194  size_t* sizePtr ///< [OUT] File size (if successful)
195 );
197 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
198 /**
199  * This function is called to delete a file.
200  *
201  * @return
202  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
203  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
204  * - LE_OVERFLOW The file path is too long.
205  * - LE_NOT_FOUND The file does not exist or a directory in the path does not exist
206  * - LE_NOT_PERMITTED The access right fails to delete the file or access is not granted to a
207  * a directory in the path
208  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED The prefix cannot be added and the function is unusable
209  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
210  */
211 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 le_result_t le_fs_Delete
213 (
214  const char* filePath ///< [IN] File path
215 );
217 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 /**
219  * This function is called to rename an existing file.
220  * If rename fails, the file will keep its original name.
221  *
222  * @return
223  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
224  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
225  * - LE_OVERFLOW A file path is too long.
226  * - LE_FAULT The function failed.
227  */
228 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 le_result_t le_fs_Move
230 (
231  const char* srcPath, ///< [IN] Path to file to rename
232  const char* destPath ///< [IN] New path to file
233 );
235 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 /**
237  * Removes a directory located at storage managed by file system service by first recursively
238  * removing sub-directories, files, symlinks, hardlinks, devices, etc. Symlinks are not followed,
239  * only the links themselves are deleted.
240  *
241  * A file or device may not be able to be removed if it is busy, in which case an error message
242  * is logged and LE_FAULT is returned.
243  *
244  * @return
245  * - LE_OK The function succeeded.
246  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER A parameter is invalid.
247  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED The prefix cannot be added and the function is unusable
248  * - LE_FAULT There is an error.
249  */
250 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 le_result_t le_fs_RemoveDirRecursive
252 (
253  const char* dirPathPtr ///< [IN] Directory path
254 );
256 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
257 /**
258  * This function checks whether a regular file exists at the provided path under file system service
259  * storage.
260  *
261  * @return
262  * - true If file exists and it is a regular file.
263  * - false Otherwise.
264  */
265 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
266 bool le_fs_Exists
267 (
268  const char* filePathPtr ///< [IN] File path
269 );
271 #endif // LE_FS_H_INCLUDE_GUARD
Definition: le_basics.h:35