Making and Updating Builds

This topic explains how to build a Legato update for a Target Device.

Make an Update for a Target

All supported platforms use the make tool and have pre-configured makefiles included in the Framework.

Make sure you have the appropriate toolchain installed before you run make.

Run make to build the framework for the target from your Legato Root Directory:

$ make wp85  # makes an update file for a WP85 series device


$ make raspi # makes an update file for a Raspberry Pi device

List of Supported Platforms (see your module vendor for information and the toolchain required to build)

Platform Description
localhost Test build process, very limited functionality
raspi Raspberry Pi running Raspbian
wp85 Sierra Wireless WP85xx modules
wp77xx Sierra Wireless WP77xx modules
wp76xx Sierra Wireless WP76xx modules
wp750x Sierra Wireless WP750x modules
ar86 Sierra Wireless AR86xx modules
ar759x Sierra Wireless AR759x modules
ar758x Sierra Wireless AR758x modules
ar7 Sierra Wireless AR7xxx modules

This will build a system update pack for the target, located under the build directory for your target (e.g., build/wp85/system.wp85.update).

If you are having problems successfully running make you may need to remove ccache from your host.
$ sudo apt-get remove ccache 

See instlegato tool for details on how to install your system update pack onto your target device.

Configure your Shell

You will need to configure your shell so you can use the command line tools included with Legato AF.

Running make for a supported platform creates the bin directory in your local Legato repo. (e.g.; make wp85)

First cd into the legato root directory (e.g.; ~/legato-repo/legato) and run ./bin/legs or source bin/configlegatoenv. legs (legato shell) will open up a new shell and configure the Legato environment variables such as setting $LEGATO_ROOT and adding it to your path. Sourcing configlegatoenv will do the same thing but will configure your current shell, preserving your history.

For the list of tools and further instructions on configuring your shell see Tools .

$ ./bin/legs


$ source bin/configlegatoenv
You can also add bin/configlegatoenv to your bash profile so that the environment variables will automatically be configured each time you log into your Dev Machine.

Update a Target

To update the app and framework binaries on your target use the update tool to pass the system update pack to the target device for installation.

$ update build/wp85/system.wp85.update


$ update build/raspi/system.raspi.update <target IP>