
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 /*
4  * ====================== WARNING ======================
5  *
8  *
9  * ====================== WARNING ======================
10  */
12 /**
13  * @page c_mrc Modem Radio Control
14  *
15  * @ref le_mrc_interface.h "API Reference"
16  *
17  * <HR>
18  *
19  * The Modem Radio Control (MRC) APIs is used to control cellular network environments.
20  *
21  * It's important for many M2M apps to know details about cellular network environments (like
22  * network registration and signal quality).
23  * It allows you to limit some M2M services based on the reliability of the network environment, and
24  * provides information to control power consumption (power on or shutdown the radio module).
25  *
26  * @section le_mrc_binding IPC interfaces binding
27  *
28  * All the functions of this API are provided by the @b modemService service.
29  *
30  * Here's a code sample binding to modem services:
31  * @verbatim
32  bindings:
33  {
34  clientExe.clientComponent.le_mrc -> modemService.le_mrc
35  }
36  @endverbatim
37  *
38  * @section le_mrc_power Radio Power Management
39  * le_mrc_SetRadioPower() API allows the application to power up or shutdown the radio module.
40  *
41  * le_mrc_GetRadioPower() API displays radio module power state.
42  *
43  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
44  * - @subpage c_mrcRadioPower
45  *
46  * @section le_mrc_configuration Radio Configuration preferences
47  *
48  * The following functions let you configure and retrieve the radio configuration preferences:
49  * le_mrc_SetAutomaticRegisterMode(), le_mrc_SetManualRegisterMode() and le_mrc_GetRegisterMode()
50  * let you set/get the selected Scan mode.
51  *
52  * le_mrc_SetBandPreferences(), le_mrc_GetBandPreferences() let you set/get the 2G/3G band
53  * preferences by using a bit mask built with @c le_mrc_BandBitMask_t
54  *
55  * The 2G/3G band preferences can be:
56  * - Band-Class-0-A-System
57  * - Band-Class-0-B-System
58  * - Band-Class-1-All-Blocks
59  * - Band-Class-2-Placeholder
60  * - Band-Class-3-A-System
61  * - Band-Class-4-All-Blocks
62  * - Band-Class-5-All-Blocks
63  * - Band-Class-6
64  * - Band-Class-7
65  * - Band-Class-8
66  * - Band-Class-9
67  * - Band-Class-10
68  * - Band-Class-11
69  * - Band-Class-12
70  * - Band-Class-13
71  * - Band-Class-14
72  * - Band-Class-15
73  * - Band-Class-16
74  * - Band-Class-17
75  * - Band-Class-18
76  * - Band-Class-19
77  * - GSM-DCS-1800
78  * - E-GSM-900 (for Extended GSM 900 band)
79  * - Primary-GSM-900
80  * - GSM-450
81  * - GSM-480
82  * - GSM-750
83  * - GSM-850
84  * - GSMR-900 (for GSM Railways GSM 900 band)
85  * - GSM-PCS-1900
86  * - WCDMA-EU-J-CH-IMT-2100 (for WCDMA Europe, Japan, and China IMT 2100 band)
87  * - WCDMA-US-PCS-1900 (for WCDMA U.S. PCS 1900 band)
88  * - WCDMA-EU-CH-DCS-1800 (for WCDMA Europe and China DCS 1800 band)
89  * - WCDMA-US-1700 (for WCDMA U.S. 1700 band)
90  * - WCDMA-US-850 (for WCDMA U.S. 850 band)
91  * - WCDMA-J-800 (for WCDMA Japan 800 band)
92  * - WCDMA-EU-2600 (for WCDMA Europe 2600 band)
93  * - WCDMA-EU-J-900 (for WCDMA Europe and Japan 900 band)
94  * - WCDMA-J-1700 (for WCDMA Japan 1700 band)
95  *
96  * le_mrc_SetLteBandPreferences(), le_mrc_GetLteBandPreferences() let you set/get the LTE band
97  * preferences by using a bit mask built with @c le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t.
98  *
99  * The LTE band preferences can be 0 to 43 except 15, 16, 22, 23, and 26 to 32.
100  *
101  * le_mrc_SetTdScdmaBandPreferences(), le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandPreferences() let you set/get the
102  * TD-SCDMA band preferences by using a bit mask built with @c le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t
103  *
104  * The TD-SCDMA band preferences can be 'A' to 'F'
105  *
106  * @warning Ensure to check the supported preferences for your specific platform.
107  *
108  * le_mrc_AddPreferredOperator() , le_mrc_RemovePreferredOperator() to add/remove a preferred
109  * operator by specifying the MCC/MNC and the Radio Access Technology.
110  *
111  * le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorsList(), le_mrc_GetFirstPreferredOperator(),
112  * le_mrc_GetNextPreferredOperator(), le_mrc_DeletePreferredOperatorsList(),
113  * le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorDetails() let you retrieve a list of the selected preferred
114  * operators and get their details.
115  *
116  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
117  * - @subpage c_mrcRadioConfigurationPreferences
118  *
119  * @section le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler Report Network Reject Indication
120  *
121  * The application can register a handler function to report network reject with MNC/MCC code and
122  * the Radio Access Technology using le_mrc_AddNetworkRejectHandler() API.
123  *
124  * le_mrc_RemoveNetworkRejectHandler() API uninstalls the handler function.
125  *
126  * @section le_mrc_capabilities Radio Capabilities
127  *
128  * le_mrc_GetBandCapabilities() let you get the 2G/3G band capabilities by retrieving a bit mask
129  * built with @c le_mrc_BandBitMask_t
130  *
131  * le_mrc_GetLteBandCapabilities() let you get the LTE band capabilities by retrieving a bit mask
132  * built with @c le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t
133  *
134  * le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandCapabilities() let you get the TD-SCDMA band capabilities by retrieving
135  * a bit mask built with @c le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t
136  *
137  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
138  * - @subpage c_mrcBandCapabilities
139  *
140  * @section le_mrc_rat Radio Access Technology (RAT)
141  * le_mrc_GetRadioAccessTechInUse() API retrieves the current active Radio Access Technology.
142  *
143  * The application can register a handler function to retrieve the Radio Access Technology each time
144  * the RAT changes.
145  *
146  * le_mrc_AddRatChangeHandler() API installs a RAT change handler.
147  *
148  * le_mrc_RemoveRatChangeHandler() API uninstalls the handler function.
149  *
150  * le_mrc_SetRatPreferences(), le_mrc_GetRatPreferences() let you set/get the Radio Access
151  * Technology preferences by using a bit mask built with @c le_mrc_RatBitMask_t.
152  *
153  * The Radio Access Technology preferences can be:
154  * - CDMA (CDMA2000-1X + CDMA2000-HRPD)
155  * - GSM
156  * - UMTS (UMTS)
158  * - LTE
159  *
160  * @note LE_MRC_BITMASK_RAT_ALL value can be used to select the RAT in automatic mode.
161  *
162  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
163  * - @subpage c_mrcRAT
164  *
165  * @section le_mrc_registration Network Registration
166  * le_mrc_GetNetRegState() API retrieves the radio module network registration status.
167  *
168  * The application can register a handler function to retrieve the registration status each time the
169  * registration state changes.
170  *
171  * le_mrc_AddNetRegStateEventHandler() API installs a registration state handler.
172  *
173  * le_mrc_RemoveNetRegStateEventHandler() API uninstalls the handler function.
174  * @note If only one handler is registered, the le_mrc_RemoveNetRegStateHandler() API
175  * resets the registration mode to its original value before any handler functions were added.
176  *
177  * le_mrc_SetManualRegisterMode() API registers on a cellular network.
178  *
179  * Call le_mrc_SetManualRegisterModeAsync() function to set the manual registration mode
180  * asynchronously. The function is not blocking. The response will be returned with the
181  * @c le_mrc_ManualSelectionHandlerFunc_t handler function.
182  *
183  * When the network registration fails, the platform specific network registration error code can
184  * be known by using le_mrc_GetPlatformSpecificRegistrationErrorCode() (refer to your platform
185  * documentation for further details).
186  *
187  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
188  * - @subpage c_mrcNetworkRegistration
189  *
190  * @section le_mrc_service Packet services state
191  *
192  * le_mrc_GetPacketSwitchedState() API retrieves the current Packet Switched state
193  * @ref le_mrc_NetRegState_t.
194  *
195  * The Packet Switched services state can be:
196  * - NONE
197  * - HOME
198  * - ROAMING
199  *
200  * The application can register a handler function to retrieve the Packet
201  * Switched state each time the service state changes.
202  *
203  * le_mrc_AddPacketSwitchedChangeHandler() API installs a Packet Switched state handler.
204  *
205  * le_mrc_RemovePacketSwitchedChangeHandler() API uninstalls the handler function.
206  *
207  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
208  * - @subpage c_mrcGetService
209  *
210  * @section le_mrc_signal Signal Quality
211  *
212  * le_mrc_GetSignalQual() retrieves the received signal strength details.
213  *
214  * You must call le_mrc_MeasureSignalMetrics() to measure the signal metrics of the serving cell
215  * (aka the 'serving' cell). It returns a reference of le_mrc_MetricsRef_t type.
216  *
217  * When the signal metrics are no longer needed, you must call le_mrc_DeleteSignalMetrics() to free
218  * all allocated ressources associated with the Metrics object.
219  *
220  * le_mrc_GetRatOfSignalMetrics() returns the Radio Access Technology of the signal measures.
221  *
222  * le_mrc_GetGsmSignalMetrics() the signal strength in dBm and the bit error rate measured on GSM
223  * network.
224  *
225  * le_mrc_GetUmtsSignalMetrics() returns the signal metrics measured on UMTS or TD-SCDMA networks.
226  *
227  * le_mrc_GetLteSignalMetrics() returns the signal metrics measured on LTE network.
228  *
229  * le_mrc_GetCdmaSignalMetrics() returns the signal metrics measured on CDMA network.
230  *
231  * The application can register a handler function to get notifications when the signal strength
232  * changes of a certain threshold value.
233  *
234  * le_mrc_AddSignalStrengthChangeHandler() API installs a signal strength change handler.
235  * The RAT, the lower-range and the upper-range thresholds must be passed as input parameters. These
236  * parameters are updated each time the function is called, the previous thresholds are replaced by
237  * the new ones if the function is called with the same RAT. The event is notified when we cross the
238  * range limits in both direction.
239  *
240  * @warning The threshold values must be in the allowed platform range and the RAT must be valid,
241  * else, it's a fatal error, le_mrc_AddSignalStrengthChangeHandler API won't return.
242  *
243  * le_mrc_RemoveSignalStrengthChangeHandler() API uninstalls the handler function.
244  *
245  * le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndThresholds() API changes or sets new thresholds.
246  *
247  * le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndDelta() API sets a signal strength indication delta value for a
248  * specific RAT. The event is notified when the delta range is crossed in both direction.
249  *
250  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
251  * - @subpage c_mrcQuality
252  *
253  * @section le_mrc_location Serving cell's location information
254  *
255  * le_mrc_GetServingCellId() retrieves the the serving Cell Identifier.
256  *
257  * le_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode() retrieves the Location Area Code of the serving cell.
258  *
259  * le_mrc_GetServingCellLteTracAreaCode() retrieves the the Tracking Area Code of the serving cell
260  * (LTE only).
261  *
262  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
263  * - @subpage c_mrcLocationinformation
264  *
265  * @section le_mrc_network_information Current Network Information
266  * le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkName() retrieves the Current Network Name.
267  * le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkMccMnc() retrieves the Current Network PLMN information.
268  *
269  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
270  * - @subpage c_mrcGetCurrentNetwork
271  *
272  * @section le_mrc_networkScan Network Scan
273  *
274  * Call le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan() to fill a list of all network in sight.
275  * You can go through all Scan Information by calling le_mrc_GetFirstCellularNetworkScan() and
276  * le_mrc_GetNextCellularNetworkScan().
277  *
278  * Call le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScanAsync() to start a network scan asynchronously. The
279  * function is not blocking. The scan list reference will be returned with the handler function
280  * response (@c le_mrc_CellularNetworkScanHandlerFunc_t).
281  *
282  * For each Scan Information, you can call:
283  *
284  * - le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkMccMnc() to have the operator code.
285  * - le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkName() to get the operator name.
286  * - le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkRat() to get the radio access technology.
287  * - le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkInUse() to check if this is currently in use by the network.
288  * - le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkAvailable() to check if this is available.
289  * - le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkHome() to check if this is in home status.
290  * - le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkForbidden() to check if this is forbidden by the network.
291  *
292  * le_mrc_DeleteCellularNetworkScan() should be called when you do not need the list anymore.
293  *
294  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
295  * - @subpage c_mrcNetworkScan
296  *
297  * @section le_mrc_ngbr Neighboring Cells Information
298  *
299  * @warning The following functions do not apply to CDMA network.
300  *
301  * You must call le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo() to retrieve the neighboring cells
302  * information. It returns a reference of le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t type.
303  *
304  * When the neighboring cells information is no longer needed, you must call
305  * le_mrc_DeleteNeighborCellsInfo() to free all allocated resources associated with the
306  * object.
307  *
308  * Then, you can use the following function to get the information:
309  * - le_mrc_GetFirstNeighborCellInfo() and le_mrc_GetFirstNeighborCellInfo() allow to go among
310  * the single cell information retrieved with le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo(). These two functions
311  * return a reference of le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t type.
312  * - le_mrc_GetNeighborCellId() gets the identifier of the cell specified with the
313  * le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t parameter (can be called for any kind of RAT).
314  * - le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLocAreaCode() gets the location area code of the cell specified with the
315  * le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t parameter (can be called for any kind of RAT). UINT16_MAX value is
316  * returned if the value is not available.
317  * - le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRxLevel() gets the signal strength (in dBm) of the cell specified with
318  * the le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t parameter (can be called for any kind of RAT).
319  * - le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRat() gets the Radio Access Technology of the cell specified with
320  * the le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t parameter.
321  * - le_mrc_GetNeighborCellUmtsEcIo() gets the Ec/Io (the received energy per chip divided by the
322  * power density in the band measured in dBm on the primary CPICH channel of serving cell) of the
323  * cell specified with the le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t parameter.
324  * - le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteIntraFreq() gets the RSRP and RSRQ of the Interfrequency of the cell
325  * specified with the le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t parameter.
326  * - le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteInterFreq() gets the RSRP and RSRQ of the Interfrequency of the cell
327  * specified with the le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t parameter.
328  *
329  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
330  * - @subpage c_mrcNeighborCells
331  *
332  *c_mrcNeighborCells
333  * <HR>
334  *
335  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
336  */
337 /**
338  * @page c_mrcRadioPower Sample code for Radio Power Management
339  *
340  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Radio Power
341  */
342 /**
343  * @page c_mrcRadioConfigurationPreferences Sample code for Radio Configuration Preferences
344  *
345  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Band Preferences
346  *
347  */
348 /**
349  * @page c_mrcRAT Sample code for Radio Access Technology
350  *
351  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" RAT in Use
352  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" RAT Preferences
353  *
354  */
355 /**
356  * @page c_mrcNetworkRegistration Sample code for Network Registration
357  *
358  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Register
359  *
360  */
361 /**
362  * @page c_mrcQuality Sample code for Signal Quality
363  *
364  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Signal Quality
365  *
366  */
367 /**
368  * @page c_mrcLocationinformation Sample code for Location information
369  *
370  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Loc information
371  *
372  */
373 /**
374  * @page c_mrcBandCapabilities Sample code for Band Capabilities
375  *
376  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Band Capabilities
377  *
378  */
379 /**
380  * @page c_mrcGetCurrentNetwork Sample code for Get Current Network Information
381  *
382  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Get Network
383  *
384  */
385 /**
386  * @page c_mrcNetworkScan Sample code for Network Scan
387  *
388  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Network Scan
389  *
390  */
391 /**
392  * @page c_mrcNeighborCells Sample code for Neighboring Cells Information
393  *
394  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Neighbor Cells
395  *
396  */
397 /**
398  * @page c_mrcGetService Sample code for Get the Current Packet Switched state
399  *
400  * @snippet "apps/test/modemServices/mrc/mrcIntegrationTest/mrcTest/le_mrcTest.c" Service State
401  *
402  */
403 /**
404  * @file le_mrc_interface.h
405  *
406  * Legato @ref c_mrc include file.
407  *
408  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
409  */
415 #include "legato.h"
418 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
419 /**
420  * Type for handler called when a server disconnects.
421  */
422 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
423 typedef void (*le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *);
425 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 /**
427  *
428  * Connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Block until the service is
429  * available.
430  *
431  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
432  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
433  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
434  *
435  * This function is created automatically.
436  */
437 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
439 (
440  void
441 );
443 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 /**
445  *
446  * Try to connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Return with an error
447  * if the service is not available.
448  *
449  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
450  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
451  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
452  *
453  * This function is created automatically.
454  *
455  * @return
456  * - LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
457  * - LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is
458  * bound.
459  * - LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
460  * - LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.
461  */
462 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
464 (
465  void
466 );
468 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
469 /**
470  * Set handler called when server disconnection is detected.
471  *
472  * When a server connection is lost, call this handler then exit with LE_FATAL. If a program wants
473  * to continue without exiting, it should call longjmp() from inside the handler.
474  */
475 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
477 (
478  le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler,
479  void *contextPtr
480 );
482 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
483 /**
484  *
485  * Disconnect the current client thread from the service providing this API.
486  *
487  * Normally, this function doesn't need to be called. After this function is called, there's no
488  * longer a connection to the service, and the functions in this API can't be used. For details, see
489  * @ref apiFilesC_client.
490  *
491  * This function is created automatically.
492  */
493 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 (
496  void
497 );
500 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 /**
502  * Mobile Country Code length
503  */
504 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
505 #define LE_MRC_MCC_LEN 3
507 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
508 /**
509  * Mobile Country Code length
510  * One extra byte is added for the null character.
511  */
512 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
513 #define LE_MRC_MCC_BYTES 4
515 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
516 /**
517  * Mobile Network Code length
518  */
519 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
520 #define LE_MRC_MNC_LEN 3
522 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
523 /**
524  * Mobile Network Code length
525  * One extra byte is added for the null character.
526  */
527 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
528 #define LE_MRC_MNC_BYTES 4
530 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
531 /**
532  * Cellular Network length.
533  *
534  */
535 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
538 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 /**
540  * 2G/3G Band Bit Mask (64 bits)
541  */
542 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
543 typedef enum
544 {
556  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_10 = 0x800,
557  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_11 = 0x1000,
558  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_12 = 0x2000,
559  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_14 = 0x4000,
560  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_15 = 0x8000,
561  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_16 = 0x10000,
562  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_17 = 0x20000,
563  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_18 = 0x40000,
564  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_CLASS_19 = 0x80000,
565  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_GSM_DCS_1800 = 0x100000,
566  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_EGSM_900 = 0x200000,
567  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_PRI_GSM_900 = 0x400000,
568  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_GSM_450 = 0x800000,
569  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_GSM_480 = 0x1000000,
570  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_GSM_750 = 0x2000000,
571  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_GSM_850 = 0x4000000,
572  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_GSMR_900 = 0x8000000,
573  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_GSM_PCS_1900 = 0x10000000,
574  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_EU_J_CH_IMT_2100 = 0x20000000,
575  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_US_PCS_1900 = 0x40000000,
576  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_EU_CH_DCS_1800 = 0x80000000,
577  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_US_1700 = 0x100000000,
578  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_US_850 = 0x200000000,
579  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_J_800 = 0x400000000,
580  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_EU_2600 = 0x800000000,
581  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_EU_J_900 = 0x1000000000,
582  LE_MRC_BITMASK_BAND_WCDMA_J_1700 = 0x2000000000
583 }
587 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
588 /**
589  * LTE Band Bit Mask (32bits)
590  *
591  */
592 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
593 typedef enum
594 {
623  LE_MRC_BITMASK_LTE_BAND_E_UTRA_OP_BAND_40 = 0x10000000,
624  LE_MRC_BITMASK_LTE_BAND_E_UTRA_OP_BAND_41 = 0x20000000,
625  LE_MRC_BITMASK_LTE_BAND_E_UTRA_OP_BAND_42 = 0x40000000,
627 }
631 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
632 /**
633  * TDSCDMA Band Bit Mask
634  *
635  */
636 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 typedef enum
638 {
645 }
649 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
650 /**
651  * Reference type for referring to MRC Scan Information objects.
652  */
653 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
654 typedef struct le_mrc_ScanInformation* le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t;
657 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
658 /**
659  * Reference type for Scan Information Listing.
660  */
661 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
662 typedef struct le_mrc_ScanInformationList* le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t;
665 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
666 /**
667  * Reference type for referring to the Preferred Operator objects.
668  */
669 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
670 typedef struct le_mrc_PreferredOperator* le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t;
673 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
674 /**
675  * Reference type for Preferred Operator Listing.
676  */
677 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
678 typedef struct le_mrc_PreferredOperatorList* le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t;
681 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
682 /**
683  * Reference type for one Cell Information.
684  */
685 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
686 typedef struct le_mrc_CellInfo* le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t;
689 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
690 /**
691  * Reference type for all Neighboring Cells Information.
692  */
693 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
694 typedef struct le_mrc_NeighborCells* le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t;
697 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
698 /**
699  * Reference type for the signal metrics.
700  */
701 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
702 typedef struct le_mrc_Metrics* le_mrc_MetricsRef_t;
705 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
706 /**
707  * Network Registration states.
708  */
709 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
710 typedef enum
711 {
713  ///< Not registered and not currently searching for new operator.
715  ///< Registered, home network.
717  ///< Not registered but currently searching for a new operator.
719  ///< Registration was denied, usually because of invalid access credentials.
721  ///< Registered to a roaming network.
723  ///< Unknown state.
724 }
728 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
729 /**
730  * Radio Access Technology enum
731  */
732 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
733 typedef enum
734 {
736  ///< Unknown
738  ///< GSM network
740  ///< UMTS networks
742  ///< TD-SCDMA networks
744  ///< LTE network
746  ///< CDMA network
747 }
751 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
752 /**
753  * Radio Bitmask Access Technology Bit Mask
754  */
755 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
756 typedef enum
757 {
758  LE_MRC_BITMASK_RAT_GSM = 0x1, ///< GSM RAT Bit Mask
759  LE_MRC_BITMASK_RAT_UMTS = 0x2, ///< UMTS RAT Bit Mask
761  LE_MRC_BITMASK_RAT_LTE = 0x8, ///< LTE RAT Bit Mask
762  LE_MRC_BITMASK_RAT_CDMA = 0x10, ///< CDMA RAT Bit Mask
763  LE_MRC_BITMASK_RAT_ALL = 0x20, ///< To Set all RAT preference Bit Mask
765 }
769 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
770 /**
771  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegStateEvent'
772  */
773 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
774 typedef struct le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandler* le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t;
777 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 /**
779  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_RatChange'
780  */
781 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
782 typedef struct le_mrc_RatChangeHandler* le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t;
785 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
786 /**
787  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChange'
788  */
789 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
790 typedef struct le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandler* le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t;
793 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
794 /**
795  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_SignalStrengthChange'
796  */
797 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
798 typedef struct le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandler* le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t;
801 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
802 /**
803  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetworkReject'
804  */
805 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
806 typedef struct le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler* le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t;
809 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
810 /**
811  * Handler for Network registration state changes.
812  *
813  */
814 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
815 typedef void (*le_mrc_NetRegStateHandlerFunc_t)
816 (
817  le_mrc_NetRegState_t state,
818  ///< Parameter ready to receive the Network Registration state.
819  void* contextPtr
820  ///<
821 );
823 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
824 /**
825  * Handler for Radio Access Technology changes.
826  *
827  */
828 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
829 typedef void (*le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerFunc_t)
830 (
831  le_mrc_Rat_t rat,
832  ///< Parameter ready to receive the Radio Access Technology.
833  void* contextPtr
834  ///<
835 );
837 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
838 /**
839  * Handler for Packet Switched service state changes.
840  *
841  */
842 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
844 (
845  le_mrc_NetRegState_t state,
846  ///< Parameter ready to receive the Packet Switched service state.
847  void* contextPtr
848  ///<
849 );
851 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
852 /**
853  * Handler for Signal Strength value changes.
854  *
855  */
856 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
858 (
859  int32_t ss,
860  ///< Signal strength in dBm
861  void* contextPtr
862  ///<
863 );
865 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
866 /**
867  * Handler for cellular asynchronous network scan Sending result.
868  * Returns the reference to the List object. Null pointer if the scan failed.
869  *
870  */
871 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
873 (
875  ///< Reference to the List object. Null pointer if the
876  ///< scan failed.
877  void* contextPtr
878  ///<
879 );
881 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
882 /**
883  * Handler for asynchronous manual selection response
884  *
885  */
886 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
888 (
889  le_result_t result,
890  ///< Manual selection response
891  void* contextPtr
892  ///<
893 );
895 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
896 /**
897  * Handler to report Network Reject indication.
898  *
899  */
900 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
901 typedef void (*le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerFunc_t)
902 (
903  const char* LE_NONNULL mcc,
904  ///< Mobile Country Code
905  const char* LE_NONNULL mnc,
906  ///< Mobile Network Code
907  le_mrc_Rat_t rat,
908  ///< Radio Access Technology.
909  void* contextPtr
910  ///<
911 );
913 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
914 /**
915  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegStateEvent'
916  *
917  * This event provides information on network registration state changes.
918  *
919  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
920  */
921 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
923 (
925  ///< [IN]
926  void* contextPtr
927  ///< [IN]
928 );
930 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
931 /**
932  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetRegStateEvent'
933  */
934 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
936 (
938  ///< [IN]
939 );
941 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
942 /**
943  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_RatChange'
944  *
945  * This event provides information on Radio Access Technology changes.
946  *
947  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
948  */
949 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
951 (
953  ///< [IN]
954  void* contextPtr
955  ///< [IN]
956 );
958 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
959 /**
960  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_RatChange'
961  */
962 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
964 (
966  ///< [IN]
967 );
969 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
970 /**
971  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChange'
972  *
973  * This event provides information on Packet Switched service changes.
974  *
975  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
976  */
977 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
979 (
981  ///< [IN]
982  void* contextPtr
983  ///< [IN]
984 );
986 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
987 /**
988  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChange'
989  */
990 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
992 (
994  ///< [IN]
995 );
997 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
998 /**
999  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_SignalStrengthChange'
1000  *
1001  * This event provides information on Signal Strength value changes.
1002  *
1003  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1004  */
1005 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1007 (
1008  le_mrc_Rat_t rat,
1009  ///< [IN] Radio Access Technology
1010  int32_t lowerRangeThreshold,
1011  ///< [IN] Lower-range Signal strength threshold in dBm
1012  int32_t upperRangeThreshold,
1013  ///< [IN] Upper-range Signal strength threshold in dBm
1015  ///< [IN]
1016  void* contextPtr
1017  ///< [IN]
1018 );
1020 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1021 /**
1022  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_SignalStrengthChange'
1023  */
1024 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1026 (
1028  ///< [IN]
1029 );
1031 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1032 /**
1033  * This function sets signal strength indication thresholds for a specific RAT.
1034  *
1035  * @return
1036  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1037  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad parameters
1038  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1039  *
1040  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1041  */
1042 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1044 (
1045  le_mrc_Rat_t rat,
1046  ///< [IN] Radio Access Technology
1047  int32_t lowerRangeThreshold,
1048  ///< [IN] Lower-range Signal strength threshold in dBm
1049  int32_t upperRangeThreshold
1050  ///< [IN] Upper-range Signal strength threshold in dBm
1051 );
1053 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1054 /**
1055  * This function sets a signal strength indication delta for a specific RAT.
1056  *
1057  * @return
1058  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1059  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad parameters.
1060  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1061  *
1062  * @note The minimum signal delta is one unit of 0.1 dBm
1063  *
1064  */
1065 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1067 (
1068  le_mrc_Rat_t rat,
1069  ///< [IN] Radio Access Technology
1070  uint16_t delta
1071  ///< [IN] Signal delta in units of 0.1 dBm
1072 );
1074 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1075 /**
1076  * Enable the automatic Selection Register mode.
1077  *
1078  * @return
1079  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1080  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1081  *
1082  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1083  */
1084 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1086 (
1087  void
1088 );
1090 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1091 /**
1092  * Set the manual Selection Register mode with the MCC/MNC parameters.
1093  *
1094  * @return
1095  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1096  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1097  *
1098  * @note If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too
1099  * short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function
1100  * won't return.
1101  *
1102  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1103  */
1104 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1106 (
1107  const char* LE_NONNULL mcc,
1108  ///< [IN] Mobile Country Code
1109  const char* LE_NONNULL mnc
1110  ///< [IN] Mobile Network Code
1111 );
1113 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1114 /**
1115  * Set the manual selection register mode asynchronously. This function is not blocking,
1116  * the response will be returned with a handler function.
1117  *
1118  * @note If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too
1119  * short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function
1120  * won't return.
1121  *
1122  *@note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1123  *
1124  */
1125 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1127 (
1128  const char* LE_NONNULL mcc,
1129  ///< [IN] Mobile Country Code
1130  const char* LE_NONNULL mnc,
1131  ///< [IN] Mobile Network Code
1133  ///< [IN] handler for sending result
1134  void* contextPtr
1135  ///< [IN]
1136 );
1138 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1139 /**
1140  * Get the selected Selection Register mode.
1141  *
1142  * @return
1143  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1144  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1145  *
1146  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1147  */
1148 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1150 (
1151  bool* isManualPtrPtr,
1152  ///< [OUT] true if the scan mode is manual, false if the scan mode is automatic.
1153  char* mccPtr,
1154  ///< [OUT] Mobile Country Code
1155  size_t mccPtrSize,
1156  ///< [IN]
1157  char* mncPtr,
1158  ///< [OUT] Mobile Network Code
1159  size_t mncPtrSize
1160  ///< [IN]
1161 );
1163 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1164 /**
1165  * Get the Packet Switched state.
1166  *
1167  * @return
1168  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1169  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1170  *
1171  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1172  */
1173 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1175 (
1176  le_mrc_NetRegState_t* statePtr
1177  ///< [OUT] The current Packet switched state.
1178 );
1180 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1181 /**
1182  * Get the platform specific network registration error code.
1183  *
1184  * @return the platform specific registration error code
1185  *
1186  */
1187 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1189 (
1190  void
1191 );
1193 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1194 /**
1195  * Set the Radio Access Technology preferences by using a bit mask.
1196  *
1197  * @return
1198  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1199  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1200  *
1201  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1202  */
1203 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1205 (
1206  le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask
1207  ///< [IN] Bit mask for the Radio Access Technology preferences.
1208 );
1210 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1211 /**
1212  * Get the Radio Access Technology preferences
1213  *
1214  * @return
1215  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1216  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1217  *
1218  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1219  */
1220 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1222 (
1223  le_mrc_RatBitMask_t* ratMaskPtrPtr
1224  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for the Radio Access Technology preferences.
1225 );
1227 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1228 /**
1229  * Set the 2G/3G Band preferences by using a bit mask.
1230  *
1231  * @return
1232  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1233  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1234  *
1235  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1236  */
1237 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1239 (
1240  le_mrc_BandBitMask_t bandMask
1241  ///< [IN] Bit mask for 2G/3G Band preferences.
1242 );
1244 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1245 /**
1246  * Get the Bit mask for 2G/3G Band preferences.
1247  *
1248  * @return
1249  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1250  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1251  *
1252  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1253  */
1254 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1256 (
1257  le_mrc_BandBitMask_t* bandMaskPtrPtr
1258  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for 2G/3G Band preferences.
1259 );
1261 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1262 /**
1263  * Set the LTE Band preferences by using a bit mask.
1264  *
1265  * @return
1266  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1267  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1268  *
1269  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1270  */
1271 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1273 (
1274  le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t bandMask
1275  ///< [IN] Bit mask for LTE Band preferences.
1276 );
1278 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1279 /**
1280  * Get the Bit mask for LTE Band preferences.
1281  *
1282  * @return
1283  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1284  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1285  *
1286  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1287  */
1288 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1290 (
1291  le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t* bandMaskPtrPtr
1292  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for LTE Band preferences.
1293 );
1295 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1296 /**
1297  * Set the TD-SCDMA Band preferences by using a bit mask.
1298  *
1299  * @return
1300  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1301  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1302  *
1303  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1304  */
1305 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1307 (
1309  ///< [IN] Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
1310 );
1312 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1313 /**
1314  * Get the Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
1315  *
1316  * @return
1317  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1318  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1319  *
1320  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1321  */
1322 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1324 (
1325  le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t* bandMaskPtrPtr
1326  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band preferences.
1327 );
1329 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1330 /**
1331  * Add a preferred operator by specifying the MCC/MNC and the Radio Access Technology.
1332  *
1333  * @return
1334  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED List of User Preferred operators not available.
1335  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1336  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER RAT mask is invalid.
1337  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1338  *
1339  * @note If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too
1340  * short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function
1341  * won't return.
1342  *
1343  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1344  */
1345 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1347 (
1348  const char* LE_NONNULL mcc,
1349  ///< [IN] Mobile Country Code
1350  const char* LE_NONNULL mnc,
1351  ///< [IN] Mobile Network Code
1352  le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask
1353  ///< [IN] Bit mask for the Radio Access Technology preferences.
1354 );
1356 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1357 /**
1358  * Remove a preferred operator by specifying the MCC/MNC.
1359  *
1360  * @return
1361  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED List of User Preferred operators not available.
1362  * - LE_NOT_FOUND Operator not found in the User Preferred operators list.
1363  * - LE_FAULT Function failed.
1364  * - LE_OK Function succeeded.
1365  *
1366  * @note If strings are not set, too long (bigger than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN digits), or too
1367  * short (less than LE_MRC_MCC_LEN/LE_MRC_MNC_LEN-1 digits) it's a fatal error, the function
1368  * won't return.
1369  *
1370  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1371  */
1372 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1374 (
1375  const char* LE_NONNULL mcc,
1376  ///< [IN] Mobile Country Code
1377  const char* LE_NONNULL mnc
1378  ///< [IN] Mobile Network Code
1379 );
1381 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1382 /**
1383  * This function must be called to retrieve a list of the preferred operators.
1384  *
1385  * @return
1386  * - Reference to the List object.
1387  * - Null pointer if there is no preferences list.
1388  *
1389  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1390  */
1391 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1393 (
1394  void
1395 );
1397 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1398 /**
1399  * This function must be called to get the first Operator object reference in the list of the
1400  * preferred operators retrieved with le_mrc_GetPreferredOperators().
1401  *
1402  * @return
1403  * - NULL No operator information found.
1404  * - le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef The Operator object reference.
1405  *
1406  * @note If the caller is passing a bad reference into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1407  * function won't return.
1408  *
1409  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1410  */
1411 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1413 (
1414  le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef
1415  ///< [IN] The list of the preferred operators.
1416 );
1418 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1419 /**
1420  * This function must be called to get the next Operator object reference in the list of the
1421  * preferred operators retrieved with le_mrc_GetPreferredOperators().
1422  *
1423  * @return
1424  * - NULL No operator information found.
1425  * - le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef The Operator object reference.
1426  *
1427  * @note If the caller is passing a bad reference into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1428  * function won't return.
1429  *
1430  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1431  */
1432 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1434 (
1435  le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef
1436  ///< [IN] The list of the preferred operators.
1437 );
1439 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1440 /**
1441  * This function must be called to delete the list of the preferred operators retrieved with
1442  * le_mrc_GetPreferredOperators().
1443  *
1444  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1445  * reference for validity.
1446  *
1447  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1448  */
1449 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1451 (
1452  le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef
1453  ///< [IN] The list of the preferred operators.
1454 );
1456 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1457 /**
1458  * This function must be called to get the Operator information details.
1459  *
1460  * @return
1461  * - LE_OK on success
1462  * - LE_OVERFLOW if the MCC or MNC would not fit in buffer
1463  * - LE_FAULT for all other errors
1464  *
1465  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1466  */
1467 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1469 (
1470  le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t preferredOperatorRef,
1471  ///< [IN] Operator object reference.
1472  char* mccPtr,
1473  ///< [OUT] Mobile Country Code.
1474  size_t mccPtrSize,
1475  ///< [IN]
1476  char* mncPtr,
1477  ///< [OUT] Mobile Network Code.
1478  size_t mncPtrSize,
1479  ///< [IN]
1480  le_mrc_RatBitMask_t* ratMaskPtr
1481  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for the RAT preferences.
1482 );
1484 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1485 /**
1486  * Get the network registration state.
1487  *
1488  * @return LE_FAULT The function failed to get the Network registration state.
1489  * @return LE_BAD_PARAMETER A bad parameter was passed.
1490  * @return LE_OK The function succeeded.
1491  *
1492  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1493  * function won't return.
1494  *
1495  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1496  */
1497 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1499 (
1500  le_mrc_NetRegState_t* statePtr
1501  ///< [OUT] Network Registration state.
1502 );
1504 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1505 /**
1506  * Get the signal quality.
1507  *
1508  * @return LE_FAULT The function failed to get the Signal Quality information.
1509  * @return LE_BAD_PARAMETER A bad parameter was passed.
1510  * @return LE_OK The function succeeded.
1511  *
1512  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1513  * function won't return.
1514  *
1515  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1516  */
1517 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1519 (
1520  uint32_t* qualityPtr
1521  ///< [OUT] [OUT] Received signal strength quality (0 = no signal strength,
1522  ///< 5 = very good signal strength).
1523 );
1525 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1526 /**
1527  * Set the power of the Radio Module.
1528  *
1529  * @return LE_BAD_PARAMETER Bad power mode specified.
1530  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed.
1531  * @return LE_OK Function succeed.
1532  *
1533  * @note <b>NOT multi-app safe</b>
1534  */
1535 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1537 (
1538  le_onoff_t power
1539  ///< [IN] The power state.
1540 );
1542 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1543 /**
1544  * Must be called to get the Radio Module power state.
1545  *
1546  * @return LE_FAULT The function failed to get the Radio Module power state.
1547  * @return LE_BAD_PARAMETER if powerPtr is NULL.
1548  * @return LE_OK The function succeed.
1549  *
1550  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1551  * function won't return.
1552  *
1553  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1554  */
1555 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1557 (
1558  le_onoff_t* powerPtr
1559  ///< [OUT] Power state.
1560 );
1562 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1563 /**
1564  * This function must be called to perform a cellular network scan.
1565  *
1566  * @return Reference to the List object. Null pointer if the scan failed.
1567  *
1568  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1569  */
1570 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1572 (
1573  le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask
1574  ///< [IN] Radio Access Technology mask
1575 );
1577 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1578 /**
1579  * This function must be called to perform a cellular network scan asynchronously. This function
1580  * is not blocking, the response will be returned with a handler function.
1581  *
1582  *@note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1583  *
1584  */
1585 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1587 (
1588  le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask,
1589  ///< [IN] Radio Access Technology mask
1591  ///< [IN] handler for sending result.
1592  void* contextPtr
1593  ///< [IN]
1594 );
1596 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1597 /**
1598  * This function must be called to get the first Scan Information object reference in the list of
1599  * scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan().
1600  *
1601  * @return NULL No scan information found.
1602  * @return le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t The Scan Information object reference.
1603  *
1604  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1605  * function won't return.
1606  *
1607  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1608  */
1609 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1611 (
1612  le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef
1613  ///< [IN] The list of scan information.
1614 );
1616 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1617 /**
1618  * This function must be called to get the next Scan Information object reference in the list of
1619  * scan Information retrieved with le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan().
1620  *
1621  * @return NULL No scan information found.
1622  * @return le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t The Scan Information object reference.
1623  *
1624  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1625  * function won't return.
1626  *
1627  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1628  */
1629 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1631 (
1632  le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef
1633  ///< [IN] The list of scan information.
1634 );
1636 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1637 /**
1638  * This function must be called to delete the list of the Scan Information retrieved with
1639  * le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan().
1640  *
1641  * @note
1642  * On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1643  * reference for validity.
1644  *
1645  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1646  */
1647 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1649 (
1650  le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef
1651  ///< [IN] The list of scan information.
1652 );
1654 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1655 /**
1656  * This function must be called to get the Cellular Network Code [mcc:mnc]
1657  *
1658  * @return
1659  * - LE_OK on success
1660  * - LE_OVERFLOW if the MCC or MNC would not fit in buffer
1661  * - LE_FAULT for all other errors
1662  *
1663  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1664  * reference for validity.
1665  *
1666  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1667  */
1668 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1670 (
1671  le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef,
1672  ///< [IN] Scan information reference
1673  char* mccPtr,
1674  ///< [OUT] Mobile Country Code
1675  size_t mccPtrSize,
1676  ///< [IN]
1677  char* mncPtr,
1678  ///< [OUT] Mobile Network Code
1679  size_t mncPtrSize
1680  ///< [IN]
1681 );
1683 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1684 /**
1685  * This function must be called to get the Cellular Network Name.
1686  *
1687  * @return
1688  * - LE_OK on success
1689  * - LE_OVERFLOW if the operator name would not fit in buffer
1690  * - LE_FAULT for all other errors
1691  *
1692  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1693  * reference for validity.
1694  *
1695  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1696  */
1697 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1699 (
1700  le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef,
1701  ///< [IN] Scan information reference
1702  char* namePtr,
1703  ///< [OUT] Name of operator
1704  size_t namePtrSize
1705  ///< [IN]
1706 );
1708 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1709 /**
1710  * This function must be called to get the radio access technology of a scanInformationRef.
1711  *
1712  * @return the radio access technology
1713  *
1714  * @note On failure, the process exits.
1715  *
1716  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1717  */
1718 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1720 (
1721  le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef
1722  ///< [IN] Scan information reference
1723 );
1725 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1726 /**
1727  * This function must be called to check if a cellular network is currently in use.
1728  *
1729  * @return true The network is in use
1730  * @return false The network isn't in use
1731  *
1732  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1733  * reference for validity.
1734  *
1735  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1736  */
1737 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1739 (
1740  le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef
1741  ///< [IN] Scan information reference
1742 );
1744 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1745 /**
1746  * This function must be called to check if a cellular network is available.
1747  *
1748  * @return true The network is available
1749  * @return false The network isn't available
1750  *
1751  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1752  * reference for validity.
1753  *
1754  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1755  */
1756 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1758 (
1759  le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef
1760  ///< [IN] Scan information reference
1761 );
1763 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1764 /**
1765  * This function must be called to check if a cellular network is currently in home mode.
1766  *
1767  * @return true The network is home
1768  * @return false The network is roaming
1769  *
1770  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1771  * reference for validity.
1772  *
1773  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1774  */
1775 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1777 (
1778  le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef
1779  ///< [IN] Scan information reference
1780 );
1782 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1783 /**
1784  * This function must be called to check if a cellular network is forbidden by the operator.
1785  *
1786  * @return true The network is forbidden
1787  * @return false The network is allowed
1788  *
1789  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1790  * reference for validity.
1791  *
1792  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1793  */
1794 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1796 (
1797  le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef
1798  ///< [IN] Scan information reference
1799 );
1801 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1802 /**
1803  * This function must be called to get the current network name information.
1804  *
1805  * @return
1806  * - LE_OK on success
1807  * - LE_BAD_PARAMETER if nameStr is NULL
1808  * - LE_OVERFLOW if the Home Network Name can't fit in nameStr
1809  * - LE_FAULT on any other failure
1810  *
1811  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1812  * function won't return.
1813  *
1814  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1815  */
1816 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1818 (
1819  char* nameStr,
1820  ///< [OUT] the home network Name
1821  size_t nameStrSize
1822  ///< [IN]
1823 );
1825 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1826 /**
1827  * This function must be called to get the current network PLMN information.
1828  *
1829  * @return
1830  * - LE_OK on success
1831  * - LE_FAULT on any other failure
1832  *
1833  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1834  */
1835 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1837 (
1838  char* mccStr,
1839  ///< [OUT] the mobile country code
1840  size_t mccStrSize,
1841  ///< [IN]
1842  char* mncStr,
1843  ///< [OUT] the mobile network code
1844  size_t mncStrSize
1845  ///< [IN]
1846 );
1848 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1849 /**
1850  * This function must be called to get the current Radio Access Technology in use.
1851  *
1852  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the Radio Access Technology.
1853  * @return LE_BAD_PARAMETER A bad parameter was passed.
1854  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
1855  *
1856  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1857  * function won't return.
1858  *
1859  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1860  */
1861 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1863 (
1864  le_mrc_Rat_t* ratPtr
1865  ///< [OUT] The Radio Access Technology.
1866 );
1868 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1869 /**
1870  * This function must be called to retrieve the Neighboring Cells information. It creates and
1871  * returns a reference to the Neighboring Cells information.
1872  *
1873  * @return A reference to the Neighboring Cells information.
1874  * @return NULL if no Cells Information are available.
1875  *
1876  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1877  */
1878 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1880 (
1881  void
1882 );
1884 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1885 /**
1886  * This function must be called to delete the Neighboring Cells information.
1887  *
1888  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
1889  * reference for validity.
1890  *
1891  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1892  */
1893 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1895 (
1896  le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef
1897  ///< [IN] Neighboring Cells reference.
1898 );
1900 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1901 /**
1902  * This function must be called to get the first Cell Information reference in the list of
1903  * Neighboring Cells information retrieved with le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo().
1904  *
1905  * @return NULL No Cell information object found.
1906  * @return le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t The Cell information object reference.
1907  *
1908  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1909  * function won't return.
1910  *
1911  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1912  */
1913 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1915 (
1916  le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef
1917  ///< [IN] Neighboring Cells reference.
1918 );
1920 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1921 /**
1922  * This function must be called to get the next Cell Information reference in the list of
1923  * Neighboring Cells information retrieved with le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo().
1924  *
1925  * @return NULL No Cell information object found.
1926  * @return le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t Cell information object reference.
1927  *
1928  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1929  * function won't return.
1930  *
1931  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1932  */
1933 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1935 (
1936  le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef
1937  ///< [IN] Neighboring Cells reference.
1938 );
1940 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1941 /**
1942  * This function must be called to get the Cell Identifier.
1943  *
1944  * @return The Cell Identifier.
1945  *
1946  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1947  * function won't return.
1948  *
1949  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1950  */
1951 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1952 uint32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellId
1953 (
1954  le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef
1955  ///< [IN] Cell information reference.
1956 );
1958 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1959 /**
1960  * This function must be called to get the Location Area Code of a cell.
1961  *
1962  * @return The Location Area Code of a cell. UINT16_MAX value is returned if the value is not
1963  * available.
1964  *
1965  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1966  * function won't return.
1967  *
1968  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1969  */
1970 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1972 (
1973  le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef
1974  ///< [IN] Cell information reference.
1975 );
1977 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1978 /**
1979  * This function must be called to get the signal strength of a cell.
1980  *
1981  * @return The signal strength of a cell in dBm.
1982  *
1983  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
1984  * function won't return.
1985  *
1986  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
1987  */
1988 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1990 (
1991  le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef
1992  ///< [IN] Cell information reference.
1993 );
1995 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1996 /**
1997  * This function must be called to get the Radio Access Technology of a cell.
1998  *
1999  * @return The Radio Access Technology of a cell.
2000  *
2001  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2002  * function won't return.
2003  *
2004  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2005  */
2006 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008 (
2009  le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef
2010  ///< [IN] Cell information reference.
2011 );
2013 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014 /**
2015  * This function must be called to get the Ec/Io; the received energy per chip divided by the power
2016  * density in the band measured in dBm on the primary CPICH channel of serving cell (negative value)
2017  *
2018  * @return
2019  * - The Ec/Io of a cell given in dB with 1 decimal place. (only applicable for UMTS network).
2020  * - INT32_MAX when the value isn't available.
2021  *
2022  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2023  * function won't return.
2024  *
2025  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2026  */
2027 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2029 (
2030  le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef
2031  ///< [IN] Cell information reference.
2032 );
2034 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2035 /**
2036  * This function must be called to get the RSRP and RSRQ of the Intrafrequency of a LTE cell.
2037  *
2038  * @return
2039  * - LE_OK on success
2040  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2041  *
2042  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2043  * function won't return.
2044  *
2045  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2046  */
2047 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2049 (
2050  le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef,
2051  ///< [IN] Cell information reference.
2052  int32_t* rsrqPtr,
2053  ///< [OUT] Reference Signal Received Quality value in dB with 1 decimal
2054  ///< place
2055  int32_t* rsrpPtr
2056  ///< [OUT] Reference Signal Receiver Power value in dBm with 1 decimal
2057  ///< place
2058 );
2060 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2061 /**
2062  * This function must be called to get the RSRP and RSRQ of the Interfrequency of a LTE cell.
2063  *
2064  * @return
2065  * - LE_OK on success
2066  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2067  *
2068  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2069  * function won't return.
2070  *
2071  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2072  */
2073 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2075 (
2076  le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef,
2077  ///< [IN] Cell information reference.
2078  int32_t* rsrqPtr,
2079  ///< [OUT] Reference Signal Received Quality value in dB with 1 decimal
2080  ///< place
2081  int32_t* rsrpPtr
2082  ///< [OUT] Reference Signal Receiver Power value in dBm with 1 decimal
2083  ///< place
2084 );
2086 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2087 /**
2088  * This function must be called to measure the signal metrics. It creates and returns a reference
2089  * to the signal metrics.
2090  *
2091  * @return A reference to the signal metrics.
2092  * @return NULL if no signal metrics are available.
2093  *
2094  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2095  */
2096 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2098 (
2099  void
2100 );
2102 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2103 /**
2104  * This function must be called to delete the the signal metrics.
2105  *
2106  * @note On failure, the process exits, so you don't have to worry about checking the returned
2107  * reference for validity.
2108  *
2109  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2110  */
2111 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2113 (
2114  le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef
2115  ///< [IN] Signal metrics reference.
2116 );
2118 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2119 /**
2120  * This function returns the Radio Access Technology of the signal metrics.
2121  *
2122  * @return The Radio Access Technology of the signal measure.
2123  *
2124  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2125  * function won't return.
2126  *
2127  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2128  */
2129 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2131 (
2132  le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef
2133  ///< [IN] Signal metrics reference.
2134 );
2136 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2137 /**
2138  * This function returns the signal strength in dBm and the bit error rate measured on GSM network.
2139  *
2140  * @return
2141  * - LE_OK on success
2142  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2143  *
2144  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2145  * function won't return.
2146  *
2147  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2148  */
2149 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2151 (
2152  le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef,
2153  ///< [IN] Signal metrics reference.
2154  int32_t* rssiPtr,
2155  ///< [OUT] Signal strength in dBm
2156  uint32_t* berPtr
2157  ///< [OUT] Bit error rate.
2158 );
2160 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2161 /**
2162  * This function returns the signal metrics measured on UMTS or TD-SCDMA networks.
2163  *
2164  * @return
2165  * - LE_OK on success
2166  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2167  *
2168  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2169  * function won't return.
2170  *
2171  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2172  */
2173 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2175 (
2176  le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef,
2177  ///< [IN] Signal metrics reference.
2178  int32_t* ssPtr,
2179  ///< [OUT] Signal strength in dBm
2180  uint32_t* blerPtr,
2181  ///< [OUT] Block error rate
2182  int32_t* ecioPtr,
2183  ///< [OUT] Ec/Io value in dB with 1 decimal place (-15 = -1.5 dB) (Negative
2184  ///< value)
2185  int32_t* rscpPtr,
2186  ///< [OUT] Measured RSCP in dBm (only applicable for TD-SCDMA network,
2187  ///< negative value, value INT32_MAX means that RSCP is not available)
2188  int32_t* sinrPtr
2189  ///< [OUT] Measured SINR in dB (only applicable for TD-SCDMA network, value
2190  ///< INT32_MAX means that the SINR is not available)
2191 );
2193 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2194 /**
2195  * This function returns the signal metrics measured on LTE network.
2196  *
2197  * @return
2198  * - LE_OK on success
2199  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2200  * - sinrPtr and ioPtr return INT32_MAX when the value isn't available.
2201  *
2202  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2203  * function won't return.
2204  *
2205  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2206  */
2207 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2209 (
2210  le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef,
2211  ///< [IN] Signal metrics reference.
2212  int32_t* ssPtr,
2213  ///< [OUT] Signal strength in dBm
2214  uint32_t* blerPtr,
2215  ///< [OUT] Block error rate
2216  int32_t* rsrqPtr,
2217  ///< [OUT] RSRQ value in dB as measured by L1 with 1 decimal place
2218  int32_t* rsrpPtr,
2219  ///< [OUT] Current RSRP in dBm as measured by L1 with 1 decimal place
2220  int32_t* sinrPtr
2221  ///< [OUT] SNR level in dB with 1 decimal place (15 = 1.5 dB)
2222 );
2224 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2225 /**
2226  * This function returns the signal metrics measured on CDMA network.
2227  *
2228  * @return
2229  * - LE_OK on success
2230  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2231  * - rscpPtr and sinrPtr return INT32_MAX when the value isn't available.
2232  *
2233  * @note If the caller is passing a bad pointer into this function, it's a fatal error, the
2234  * function won't return.
2235  *
2236  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2237  */
2238 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2240 (
2241  le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef,
2242  ///< [IN] Signal metrics reference.
2243  int32_t* ssPtr,
2244  ///< [OUT] Signal strength in dBm
2245  uint32_t* erPtr,
2246  ///< [OUT] Frame/Packet error rate
2247  int32_t* ecioPtr,
2248  ///< [OUT] ECIO value in dB with 1 decimal place (-15 = -1.5 dB) (Negative
2249  ///< value)
2250  int32_t* sinrPtr,
2251  ///< [OUT] SINR level in dB with 1 decimal place, (only applicable for
2252  ///< 1xEV-DO, value INT32_MAX means that the value is not available)
2253  int32_t* ioPtr
2254  ///< [OUT] Received IO in dBm (only applicable for 1xEV-DO, value INT32_MAX
2255  ///< means that the value is not available)
2256 );
2258 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2259 /**
2260  * This function must be called to get the serving Cell Identifier.
2261  *
2262  * @return The Cell Identifier. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
2263  *
2264  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2265  */
2266 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2267 uint32_t le_mrc_GetServingCellId
2268 (
2269  void
2270 );
2272 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2273 /**
2274  * This function must be called to get the Location Area Code of the serving cell.
2275  *
2276  * @return The Location Area Code. UINT32_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
2277  *
2278  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2279  */
2280 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2282 (
2283  void
2284 );
2286 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2287 /**
2288  * This function must be called to get the Tracking Area Code of the serving cell (LTE only).
2289  *
2290  * @return The Tracking Area Code. UINT16_MAX value is returned if the value is not available.
2291  *
2292  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2293  */
2294 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2296 (
2297  void
2298 );
2300 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2301 /**
2302  * Get the Bit mask for 2G/3G Band capabilities.
2303  *
2304  * @return
2305  * - LE_OK on success
2306  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2307  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED The platform does not support this operation.
2308  *
2309  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2310  */
2311 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2313 (
2314  le_mrc_BandBitMask_t* bandMaskPtrPtr
2315  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for 2G/3G Band capabilities.
2316 );
2318 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2319 /**
2320  * Get the Bit mask for LTE Band capabilities.
2321  *
2322  * @return
2323  * - LE_OK on success
2324  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2325  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED The platform does not support this operation.
2326  *
2327  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2328  */
2329 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2331 (
2332  le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t* bandMaskPtrPtr
2333  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for LTE Band capabilities.
2334 );
2336 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2337 /**
2338  * Get the Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band capabilities.
2339  *
2340  * @return
2341  * - LE_OK on success
2342  * - LE_FAULT on failure
2343  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED The platform does not support this operation.
2344  *
2345  * @note <b>multi-app safe</b>
2346  */
2347 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2349 (
2350  le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t* bandMaskPtrPtr
2351  ///< [OUT] Bit mask for TD-SCDMA Band capabilities.
2352 );
2354 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2355 /**
2356  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetworkReject'
2357  *
2358  * Event to report Network Reject indication.
2359  *
2360  */
2361 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2363 (
2365  ///< [IN]
2366  void* contextPtr
2367  ///< [IN]
2368 );
2370 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2371 /**
2372  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_mrc_NetworkReject'
2373  */
2374 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2376 (
2378  ///< [IN]
2379 );
le_result_t le_mrc_GetLteBandCapabilities(le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr)
uint32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellId(le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorDetails(le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t preferredOperatorRef, char *mccPtr, size_t mccPtrSize, char *mncPtr, size_t mncPtrSize, le_mrc_RatBitMask_t *ratMaskPtr)
TD-SCDMA networks.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:741
LTE RAT Bit Mask.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:761
le_result_t le_mrc_GetGsmSignalMetrics(le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *rssiPtr, uint32_t *berPtr)
CDMA RAT Bit Mask.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:762
le_result_t le_mrc_GetSignalQual(uint32_t *qualityPtr)
uint16_t le_mrc_GetServingCellLteTracAreaCode(void)
void le_mrc_DeleteNeighborCellsInfo(le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef)
le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t le_mrc_GetNextNeighborCellInfo(le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef)
void le_mrc_RemovePacketSwitchedChangeHandler(le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetNetRegState(le_mrc_NetRegState_t *statePtr)
le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddRatChangeHandler(le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_SetAutomaticRegisterMode(void)
struct le_mrc_PreferredOperatorList * le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:678
le_result_t le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndThresholds(le_mrc_Rat_t rat, int32_t lowerRangeThreshold, int32_t upperRangeThreshold)
struct le_mrc_PreferredOperator * le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:670
le_result_t le_mrc_RemovePreferredOperator(const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc)
le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddSignalStrengthChangeHandler(le_mrc_Rat_t rat, int32_t lowerRangeThreshold, int32_t upperRangeThreshold, le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRadioPower(le_onoff_t *powerPtr)
uint32_t le_mrc_GetServingCellId(void)
le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddNetRegStateEventHandler(le_mrc_NetRegStateHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
void(* le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:423
Definition: le_basics.h:35
le_result_t le_mrc_SetRadioPower(le_onoff_t power)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkMccMnc(char *mccStr, size_t mccStrSize, char *mncStr, size_t mncStrSize)
struct le_mrc_NeighborCells * le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:694
le_result_t le_mrc_SetTdScdmaBandPreferences(le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t bandMask)
struct le_mrc_Metrics * le_mrc_MetricsRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:702
le_result_t le_mrc_GetPacketSwitchedState(le_mrc_NetRegState_t *statePtr)
UMTS networks.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:739
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:760
le_mrc_Rat_t le_mrc_GetRatOfSignalMetrics(le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef)
struct le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandler * le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:774
le_result_t le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandPreferences(le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr)
void le_mrc_DeleteSignalMetrics(le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef)
struct le_mrc_RatChangeHandler * le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:782
le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstNeighborCellInfo(le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t ngbrCellsRef)
Registered to a roaming network.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:720
void(* le_mrc_ManualSelectionHandlerFunc_t)(le_result_t result, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:888
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCdmaSignalMetrics(le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *ssPtr, uint32_t *erPtr, int32_t *ecioPtr, int32_t *sinrPtr, int32_t *ioPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_SetManualRegisterMode(const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteIntraFreq(le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef, int32_t *rsrqPtr, int32_t *rsrpPtr)
struct le_mrc_ScanInformationList * le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:662
le_result_t le_mrc_TryConnectService(void)
le_result_t le_mrc_SetSignalStrengthIndDelta(le_mrc_Rat_t rat, uint16_t delta)
void(* le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerFunc_t)(le_mrc_NetRegState_t state, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:844
LTE network.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:743
void(* le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerFunc_t)(le_mrc_Rat_t rat, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:830
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRatPreferences(le_mrc_RatBitMask_t *ratMaskPtrPtr)
struct le_mrc_CellInfo * le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:686
le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScan(le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask)
le_result_t le_mrc_SetBandPreferences(le_mrc_BandBitMask_t bandMask)
le_result_t le_mrc_SetRatPreferences(le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask)
void le_mrc_DeleteCellularNetworkScan(le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef)
int32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRxLevel(le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef)
le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddPacketSwitchedChangeHandler(le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerFunc_t packetHandlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLteInterFreq(le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef, int32_t *rsrqPtr, int32_t *rsrpPtr)
void le_mrc_RemoveSignalStrengthChangeHandler(le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
struct le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandler * le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:798
le_mrc_NeighborCellsRef_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellsInfo(void)
le_mrc_Rat_t le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkRat(le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef)
void le_mrc_RemoveRatChangeHandler(le_mrc_RatChangeHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
struct le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandler * le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:806
Registered, home network.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:714
uint32_t le_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode(void)
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstPreferredOperator(le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef)
void le_mrc_PerformCellularNetworkScanAsync(le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask, le_mrc_CellularNetworkScanHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
GSM network.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:737
void(* le_mrc_NetRegStateHandlerFunc_t)(le_mrc_NetRegState_t state, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:816
void le_mrc_RemoveNetworkRejectHandler(le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
To Set all RAT preference Bit Mask.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:763
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:756
int32_t le_mrc_GetPlatformSpecificRegistrationErrorCode(void)
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorRef_t le_mrc_GetNextPreferredOperator(le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef)
CDMA network.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:745
void le_mrc_SetManualRegisterModeAsync(const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc, le_mrc_ManualSelectionHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:733
le_result_t le_mrc_GetTdScdmaBandCapabilities(le_mrc_TdScdmaBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRegisterMode(bool *isManualPtrPtr, char *mccPtr, size_t mccPtrSize, char *mncPtr, size_t mncPtrSize)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:735
le_result_t le_mrc_SetLteBandPreferences(le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t bandMask)
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkForbidden(le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef)
struct le_mrc_ScanInformation * le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:654
int32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellUmtsEcIo(le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkMccMnc(le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef, char *mccPtr, size_t mccPtrSize, char *mncPtr, size_t mncPtrSize)
le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetNextCellularNetworkScan(le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef)
void le_mrc_SetServerDisconnectHandler(le_mrc_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCurrentNetworkName(char *nameStr, size_t nameStrSize)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetRadioAccessTechInUse(le_mrc_Rat_t *ratPtr)
le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t le_mrc_GetPreferredOperatorsList(void)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetLteBandPreferences(le_mrc_LteBandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_AddPreferredOperator(const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc, le_mrc_RatBitMask_t ratMask)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetBandCapabilities(le_mrc_BandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr)
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkHome(le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetCellularNetworkName(le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef, char *namePtr, size_t namePtrSize)
void le_mrc_ConnectService(void)
void le_mrc_DeletePreferredOperatorsList(le_mrc_PreferredOperatorListRef_t preferredOperatorListRef)
void(* le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerFunc_t)(const char *LE_NONNULL mcc, const char *LE_NONNULL mnc, le_mrc_Rat_t rat, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:902
Not registered but currently searching for a new operator.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:716
le_result_t le_mrc_GetLteSignalMetrics(le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *ssPtr, uint32_t *blerPtr, int32_t *rsrqPtr, int32_t *rsrpPtr, int32_t *sinrPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:543
le_result_t le_mrc_GetUmtsSignalMetrics(le_mrc_MetricsRef_t MetricsRef, int32_t *ssPtr, uint32_t *blerPtr, int32_t *ecioPtr, int32_t *rscpPtr, int32_t *sinrPtr)
void(* le_mrc_SignalStrengthChangeHandlerFunc_t)(int32_t ss, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:858
void le_mrc_DisconnectService(void)
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkInUse(le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef)
void(* le_mrc_CellularNetworkScanHandlerFunc_t)(le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t listRef, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:873
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:710
uint32_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellLocAreaCode(le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef)
le_mrc_MetricsRef_t le_mrc_MeasureSignalMetrics(void)
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:593
Unknown state.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:722
bool le_mrc_IsCellularNetworkAvailable(le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t scanInformationRef)
Registration was denied, usually because of invalid access credentials.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:718
UMTS RAT Bit Mask.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:759
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:637
Not registered and not currently searching for new operator.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:712
GSM RAT Bit Mask.
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:758
le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerRef_t le_mrc_AddNetworkRejectHandler(le_mrc_NetworkRejectHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_mrc_GetBandPreferences(le_mrc_BandBitMask_t *bandMaskPtrPtr)
struct le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandler * le_mrc_PacketSwitchedChangeHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_mrc_interface.h:790
void le_mrc_RemoveNetRegStateEventHandler(le_mrc_NetRegStateEventHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
le_mrc_ScanInformationRef_t le_mrc_GetFirstCellularNetworkScan(le_mrc_ScanInformationListRef_t scanInformationListRef)
le_mrc_Rat_t le_mrc_GetNeighborCellRat(le_mrc_CellInfoRef_t ngbrCellInfoRef)
Definition: le_basics.h:70