
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 /*
4  * ====================== WARNING ======================
5  *
8  *
9  * ====================== WARNING ======================
10  */
12 /**
13  * @page c_pos Positioning
14  *
15  * @ref le_pos_interface.h "API Reference" <br>
16  * @subpage c_posCtrl "Positioning Control Reference"
17  *
18  * <HR>
19  *
20  * This API provides access to the device's physical position and movement information.
21  *
22  * @note Enabling and disabling the positioning system is a privileged operation available
23  * only through the @ref c_posCtrl.
24  *
25  * @section le_pos_binding IPC interfaces binding
26  *
27  * All the functions of this API are provided by the @b positioningService application service.
28  *
29  * Here's a code sample binding to Positioning services:
30  * @verbatim
31  bindings:
32  {
33  clientExe.clientComponent.le_pos -> positioningService.le_pos
34  }
35  @endverbatim
36  *
37  * @section le_pos_fix Fix On Demand
38  * The @c le_pos_Get2DLocation() function gets the last updated latitude, longitude
39  * and the horizontal accuracy values:
40  *
41  * - latitude is in degrees, positive North.
42  * - longitude is in degrees, positive East.
43  * - horizontal accuracy is in meters.
44  *
45  * The latitude and longitude are given in degrees with 6 decimal places like:
46  * - Latitude +48858300 = 48.858300 degrees North
47  * - Longitude +2294400 = 2.294400 degrees East
48  *
49  * The @c le_pos_Get3DLocation() function gets the last updated latitude, longitude,
50  * altitude and their associated accuracy values.
51  * - altitude is in meters, above Mean Sea Level, with 3 decimal places (3047 = 3.047 meters).
52  * - horizontal and vertical accuracies are in meters.
53  *
54  * The @c le_pos_GetTime() function gets the time of last updated position:
55  * - Hours into the day [range 0..23].
56  * - Minutes into the hour [range 0..59].
57  * - Seconds into the minute [range 0..59].
58  * - Milliseconds into the second [range 0..999].
59  *
60  * The @c le_pos_GetDate() function gets the date of last updated position:
61  * - Year A.D. [e.g. 2014].
62  * - Month into the year [range 1...12].
63  * - Days into the month [range 1...31].
64  *
65  * The @c le_pos_GetMotion() function gets the last updated horizontal and vertical
66  * speed values and the associated accuracy values:
67  * - horizontal speed is in m/sec.
68  * - vertical speed is in m/sec, positive up.
69  *
70  * The @c le_pos_GetHeading() function gets the last updated heading value in degrees and
71  * its associated accuracy value:
72  * - Heading in degrees, ranges from 0 to 359, 0 being True North.
73  * Heading is the direction that the vehicle or person is facing.
74  *
75  * The @c le_pos_GetDirection() function gets the last updated direction value in degrees and
76  * its associated accuracy value:
77  * - Direction in degrees, ranges from 0 to 359, 0 being True North.
78  * Direction of movement is the direction that the vehicle or person is actually moving.
79  *
80  * The @c le_pos_GetFixState() function gets the position fix state. The fix state allows the user
81  * to determine if it is a 2-Dimensional or a 3-Dimensional position fix.
82  *
83  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
84  * - @subpage c_posSampleCodeFixOnDemand
85  *
86  * @section le_pos_navigation Navigation
87  * To be notified when the device is in motion, you must register an handler function
88  * to get the new position's data. The @c le_pos_AddMovementHandler() API registers
89  * that handler. The horizontal and vertical change is measured in meters so only movement over
90  * the threshhold will trigger notification (0 means we don't care about changes).
91  *
92  * The handler will give a reference to the position sample object that has triggered the
93  * notification. You can then access parameters using accessor functions, and release
94  * the object when done with it.
95  *
96  * The accessor functions are:
97  * - le_pos_sample_Get2DLocation()
98  * - le_pos_sample_GetDate()
99  * - le_pos_sample_GetTime()
100  * - le_pos_sample_GetAltitude()
101  * - le_pos_sample_GetHorizontalSpeed()
102  * - le_pos_sample_GetVerticalSpeed()
103  * - le_pos_sample_GetHeading()
104  * - le_pos_sample_GetDirection()
105  * - le_pos_sample_GetFixState()
106  *
107  * @c le_pos_sample_Release() releases the object.
108  *
109  * You can uninstall the handler function by calling the le_pos_RemoveMovementHandler() API.
110  * @note The le_pos_RemoveMovementHandler() API does not delete the Position Object. The caller has
111  * to delete it by calling the le_pos_sample_Release() function.
112  *
113  * A sample code can be seen in the following page:
114  * - @subpage c_posSampleCodeNavigation
115  *
116  * @section le_pos_acquisitionRate Positioning acquisition rate
117  *
118  * The acquisition rate value can be set or get with le_pos_SetAcquisitionRate() and
119  * le_pos_GetAcquisitionRate().
120  * @note
121  * If the acquisition rate was not previously configured, it will be set to a default value
122  * of 5 seconds.
123  * @note
124  * The acquisition rate set with le_pos_SetAcquisitionRate() will take effect once a request of
125  * activation of the positioning service by le_posCtrl_Request() is done.
126  *
127  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
128  */
129 /**
130  * @page c_posSampleCodeFixOnDemand Sample code for Fix On Demand
131  *
132  * @include "apps/test/positioning/positioningTest/positioningTest/positioningTest.c"
133  */
134 /**
135  * @page c_posSampleCodeNavigation Sample code for Navigation
136  *
137  * @include "apps/test/positioning/posDaemonTest/le_posTest.c"
138  */
139 /**
140  * @file le_pos_interface.h
141  *
142  * Legato @ref c_pos include file.
143  *
144  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
145  */
151 #include "legato.h"
154 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 /**
156  * Type for handler called when a server disconnects.
157  */
158 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 typedef void (*le_pos_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *);
161 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 /**
163  *
164  * Connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Block until the service is
165  * available.
166  *
167  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
168  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
169  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
170  *
171  * This function is created automatically.
172  */
173 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 (
176  void
177 );
179 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 /**
181  *
182  * Try to connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Return with an error
183  * if the service is not available.
184  *
185  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
186  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
187  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
188  *
189  * This function is created automatically.
190  *
191  * @return
192  * - LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
193  * - LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is
194  * bound.
195  * - LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
196  * - LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.
197  */
198 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 (
201  void
202 );
204 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 /**
206  * Set handler called when server disconnection is detected.
207  *
208  * When a server connection is lost, call this handler then exit with LE_FATAL. If a program wants
209  * to continue without exiting, it should call longjmp() from inside the handler.
210  */
211 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 (
214  le_pos_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler,
215  void *contextPtr
216 );
218 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219 /**
220  *
221  * Disconnect the current client thread from the service providing this API.
222  *
223  * Normally, this function doesn't need to be called. After this function is called, there's no
224  * longer a connection to the service, and the functions in this API can't be used. For details, see
225  * @ref apiFilesC_client.
226  *
227  * This function is created automatically.
228  */
229 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 (
232  void
233 );
236 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 /**
238  * Fix position states.
239  */
240 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 typedef enum
242 {
244  ///< The position is not fixed.
246  ///< 2-Dimensional position fix.
248  ///< 3-Dimensional position fix.
250  ///< Estimated (i.e. forward predicted) position fix.
252  ///< Unknow state.
253 }
257 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 /**
259  * Reference type for dealing with Position samples.
260  */
261 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 typedef struct le_pos_Sample* le_pos_SampleRef_t;
265 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
266 /**
267  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_pos_Movement'
268  */
269 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 typedef struct le_pos_MovementHandler* le_pos_MovementHandlerRef_t;
273 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 /**
275  * Handler for Movement changes.
276  *
277  */
278 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
279 typedef void (*le_pos_MovementHandlerFunc_t)
280 (
281  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
282  ///< Position's sample reference
283  void* contextPtr
284  ///<
285 );
287 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 /**
289  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_pos_Movement'
290  *
291  * This event provides information on movement changes.
292  *
293  */
294 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 (
297  uint32_t horizontalMagnitude,
298  ///< [IN] Horizontal magnitude in meters.
299  ///< 0 means that I don't care about
300  ///< changes in the latitude and longitude.
301  uint32_t verticalMagnitude,
302  ///< [IN] Vertical magnitude in meters.
303  ///< 0 means that I don't care about
304  ///< changes in the altitude.
305  le_pos_MovementHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr,
306  ///< [IN]
307  void* contextPtr
308  ///< [IN]
309 );
311 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 /**
313  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_pos_Movement'
314  */
315 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
317 (
318  le_pos_MovementHandlerRef_t handlerRef
319  ///< [IN]
320 );
322 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 /**
324  * Get the 2D location's data (Latitude, Longitude, Horizontal
325  * accuracy).
326  *
327  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the 2D location's data
328  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to INT32_MAX).
329  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
330  *
331  * @note latitudePtr, longitudePtr, hAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
332  */
333 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 (
336  int32_t* latitudePtr,
337  ///< [OUT] WGS84 Latitude in degrees, positive North [resolution 1e-6].
338  int32_t* longitudePtr,
339  ///< [OUT] WGS84 Longitude in degrees, positive East [resolution 1e-6].
340  int32_t* hAccuracyPtr
341  ///< [OUT] Horizontal position's accuracy in meters.
342 );
344 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 /**
346  * Get the 3D location's data (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude,
347  * Horizontal accuracy, Vertical accuracy).
348  *
349  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the 3D location's data
350  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to INT32_MAX).
351  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
352  *
353  * @note latitudePtr, longitudePtr,hAccuracyPtr, altitudePtr, vAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL
354  * if not needed.
355  */
356 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
358 (
359  int32_t* latitudePtr,
360  ///< [OUT] WGS84 Latitude in degrees, positive North [resolution 1e-6].
361  int32_t* longitudePtr,
362  ///< [OUT] WGS84 Longitude in degrees, positive East [resolution 1e-6].
363  int32_t* hAccuracyPtr,
364  ///< [OUT] Horizontal position's accuracy in meters.
365  int32_t* altitudePtr,
366  ///< [OUT] Altitude in meters, above Mean Sea Level.
367  int32_t* vAccuracyPtr
368  ///< [OUT] Vertical position's accuracy in meters.
369 );
371 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
372 /**
373  * Get the time of the last updated location
374  *
375  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the time.
376  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE The retrieved time is invalid (all fields are set to 0).
377  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
378  *
379  */
380 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
382 (
383  uint16_t* hoursPtr,
384  ///< [OUT] UTC Hours into the day [range 0..23].
385  uint16_t* minutesPtr,
386  ///< [OUT] UTC Minutes into the hour [range 0..59].
387  uint16_t* secondsPtr,
388  ///< [OUT] UTC Seconds into the minute [range 0..59].
389  uint16_t* millisecondsPtr
390  ///< [OUT] UTC Milliseconds into the second [range 0..999].
391 );
393 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 /**
395  * Get the date of the last updated location
396  *
397  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the date.
398  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE The retrieved date is invalid (all fields are set to 0).
399  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
400  *
401  */
402 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
404 (
405  uint16_t* yearPtr,
406  ///< [OUT] UTC Year A.D. [e.g. 2014].
407  uint16_t* monthPtr,
408  ///< [OUT] UTC Month into the year [range 1...12].
409  uint16_t* dayPtr
410  ///< [OUT] UTC Days into the month [range 1...31].
411 );
413 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 /**
415  * Get the motion's data (Horizontal Speed, Horizontal Speed's
416  * accuracy, Vertical Speed, Vertical Speed's accuracy).
417  *
418  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the motion's data.
419  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to INT32_MAX,
420  * UINT32_MAX).
421  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
422  *
423  * @note hSpeedPtr, hSpeedAccuracyPtr, vSpeedPtr, vSpeedAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not
424  * needed.
425  */
426 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 (
429  uint32_t* hSpeedPtr,
430  ///< [OUT] Horizontal Speed in m/sec.
431  uint32_t* hSpeedAccuracyPtr,
432  ///< [OUT] Horizontal Speed's accuracy in m/sec.
433  int32_t* vSpeedPtr,
434  ///< [OUT] Vertical Speed in m/sec, positive up.
435  int32_t* vSpeedAccuracyPtr
436  ///< [OUT] Vertical Speed's accuracy in m/sec.
437 );
439 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
440 /**
441  * Get the heading indication.
442  *
443  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the heading indication.
444  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to UINT32_MAX).
445  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
446  *
447  * @note Heading is given in degrees.
448  * Heading ranges from 0 to 359 degrees, where 0 is True North.
449  *
450  * @note headingPtr, headingAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
451  */
452 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
454 (
455  uint32_t* headingPtr,
456  ///< [OUT] Heading in degrees.
457  ///< Range: 0 to 359, where 0 is True North.
458  uint32_t* headingAccuracyPtr
459  ///< [OUT] Heading's accuracy in degrees.
460 );
462 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
463 /**
464  * Get the direction indication. Direction of movement is the direction that the vehicle or person
465  * is actually moving.
466  *
467  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the direction indication.
468  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to UINT32_MAX).
469  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
470  *
471  * @note Direction is given in degrees.
472  * Direction ranges from 0 to 359 degrees, where 0 is True North.
473  *
474  * @note directionPtr, directionAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
475  */
476 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
478 (
479  uint32_t* directionPtr,
480  ///< [OUT] Direction indication in degrees.
481  ///< Range: 0 to 359, where 0 is True North.
482  uint32_t* directionAccuracyPtr
483  ///< [OUT] Direction's accuracy estimate in degrees.
484 );
486 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
487 /**
488  * Get the position fix state
489  *
490  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the position fix state.
491  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
492  *
493  * @note In case the function fails to get the position fix state, a fatal error occurs,
494  * the function will not return.
495  */
496 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
498 (
499  le_pos_FixState_t* statePtr
500  ///< [OUT] Position fix state.
501 );
503 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 /**
505  * Get the position sample's 2D location (latitude, longitude,
506  * horizontal accuracy).
507  *
508  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to find the positionSample.
509  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to INT32_MAX).
510  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
511  *
512  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
513  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
514  *
515  * @note latitudePtr, longitudePtr, horizontalAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
516  */
517 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
519 (
520  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
521  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
522  int32_t* latitudePtr,
523  ///< [OUT] WGS84 Latitude in degrees, positive North [resolution 1e-6].
524  int32_t* longitudePtr,
525  ///< [OUT] WGS84 Longitude in degrees, positive East [resolution 1e-6].
526  int32_t* horizontalAccuracyPtr
527  ///< [OUT] Horizontal position's accuracy in meters.
528 );
530 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
531 /**
532  * Get the position sample's time.
533  *
534  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the time.
535  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE The retrieved time is invalid (all fields are set to 0).
536  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
537  *
538  */
539 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
541 (
542  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
543  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
544  uint16_t* hoursPtr,
545  ///< [OUT] UTC Hours into the day [range 0..23].
546  uint16_t* minutesPtr,
547  ///< [OUT] UTC Minutes into the hour [range 0..59].
548  uint16_t* secondsPtr,
549  ///< [OUT] UTC Seconds into the minute [range 0..59].
550  uint16_t* millisecondsPtr
551  ///< [OUT] UTC Milliseconds into the second [range 0..999].
552 );
554 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
555 /**
556  * Get the position sample's date.
557  *
558  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the date.
559  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE The retrieved date is invalid (all fields are set to 0).
560  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
561  *
562  */
563 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
565 (
566  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
567  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
568  uint16_t* yearPtr,
569  ///< [OUT] UTC Year A.D. [e.g. 2014].
570  uint16_t* monthPtr,
571  ///< [OUT] UTC Month into the year [range 1...12].
572  uint16_t* dayPtr
573  ///< [OUT] UTC Days into the month [range 1...31].
574 );
576 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
577 /**
578  * Get the position sample's altitude.
579  *
580  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to find the positionSample.
581  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to INT32_MAX).
582  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
583  *
584  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
585  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
586  *
587  * @note altitudePtr, altitudeAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
588  */
589 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
591 (
592  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
593  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
594  int32_t* altitudePtr,
595  ///< [OUT] Altitude in meters, above Mean Sea Level.
596  int32_t* altitudeAccuracyPtr
597  ///< [OUT] Vertical position's accuracy in meters.
598 );
600 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
601 /**
602  * Get the position sample's horizontal speed.
603  *
604  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to find the positionSample.
605  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to INT32_MAX,
606  * UINT32_MAX).
607  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
608  *
609  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
610  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
611  *
612  * @note hSpeedPtr, hSpeedAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
613  */
614 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
616 (
617  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
618  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
619  uint32_t* hSpeedPtr,
620  ///< [OUT] The Horizontal Speed in m/sec.
621  uint32_t* hSpeedAccuracyPtr
622  ///< [OUT] The Horizontal Speed's accuracy in m/sec.
623 );
625 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
626 /**
627  * Get the position sample's vertical speed.
628  *
629  * @return LE_FAULT The function failed to find the positionSample.
630  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is not valid (set to INT32_MAX).
631  * @return LE_OK The function succeeded.
632  *
633  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
634  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
635  *
636  * @note vSpeedPtr, vSpeedAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
637  */
638 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
640 (
641  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
642  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
643  int32_t* vspeedPtr,
644  ///< [OUT] The Vertical Speed in m/sec, positive up.
645  int32_t* vspeedAccuracyPtr
646  ///< [OUT] The Vertical Speed's accuracy in m/sec.
647 );
649 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
650 /**
651  * Get the position sample's heading. Heading is the direction that the vehicle or person is facing.
652  *
653  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to find the positionSample.
654  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to UINT32_MAX).
655  * @return LE_OK TFunction succeeded.
656  *
657  * @note Heading is given in degrees.
658  * Heading ranges from 0 to 359 degrees, where 0 is True North.
659  *
660  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
661  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
662  *
663  * @note headingPtr, headingAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
664  */
665 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
667 (
668  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
669  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
670  uint32_t* headingPtr,
671  ///< [OUT] Heading in degrees.
672  ///< Range: 0 to 359, where 0 is True North.
673  uint32_t* headingAccuracyPtr
674  ///< [OUT] Heading's accuracy estimate in degrees.
675 );
677 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
678 /**
679  * Get the position sample's direction. Direction of movement is the direction that the vehicle or
680  * person is actually moving.
681  *
682  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to find the positionSample.
683  * @return LE_OUT_OF_RANGE One of the retrieved parameter is invalid (set to UINT32_MAX).
684  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
685  *
686  * @note Direction is given in degrees.
687  * Direction ranges from 0 to 359 degrees, where 0 is True North.
688  *
689  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
690  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
691  *
692  * @note directionPtr, directionAccuracyPtr can be set to NULL if not needed.
693  */
694 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 (
697  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
698  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
699  uint32_t* directionPtr,
700  ///< [OUT] Direction indication in degrees.
701  ///< Range: 0 to 359, where 0 is True North.
702  uint32_t* directionAccuracyPtr
703  ///< [OUT] Direction's accuracy estimate in degrees.
704 );
706 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
707 /**
708  * Get the position sample's fix state.
709  *
710  * @return LE_FAULT Function failed to get the position sample's fix state.
711  * @return LE_OK Function succeeded.
712  *
713  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
714  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
715  */
716 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
718 (
719  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef,
720  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
721  le_pos_FixState_t* statePtr
722  ///< [OUT] Position fix state.
723 );
725 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
726 /**
727  * Release the position sample.
728  *
729  * @note If the caller is passing an invalid Position reference into this function,
730  * it is a fatal error, the function will not return.
731  */
732 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
734 (
735  le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef
736  ///< [IN] Position sample's reference.
737 );
739 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
740 /**
741  * Set the acquisition rate.
742  *
743  * @return
744  * LE_OUT_OF_RANGE Invalid acquisition rate.
745  * LE_OK The function succeeded.
746  */
747 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
749 (
750  uint32_t acquisitionRate
751  ///< [IN] Acquisition rate in milliseconds.
752 );
754 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
755 /**
756  * Retrieve the acquisition rate.
757  *
758  * @return
759  * Acquisition rate in milliseconds.
760  */
761 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
763 (
764  void
765 );
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetDirection(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint32_t *directionPtr, uint32_t *directionAccuracyPtr)
le_result_t le_pos_sample_Get2DLocation(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, int32_t *latitudePtr, int32_t *longitudePtr, int32_t *horizontalAccuracyPtr)
le_result_t le_pos_GetDate(uint16_t *yearPtr, uint16_t *monthPtr, uint16_t *dayPtr)
Definition: le_basics.h:35
le_pos_MovementHandlerRef_t le_pos_AddMovementHandler(uint32_t horizontalMagnitude, uint32_t verticalMagnitude, le_pos_MovementHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
le_result_t le_pos_TryConnectService(void)
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetTime(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint16_t *hoursPtr, uint16_t *minutesPtr, uint16_t *secondsPtr, uint16_t *millisecondsPtr)
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:241
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetDate(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint16_t *yearPtr, uint16_t *monthPtr, uint16_t *dayPtr)
The position is not fixed.
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:243
le_result_t le_pos_GetHeading(uint32_t *headingPtr, uint32_t *headingAccuracyPtr)
2-Dimensional position fix.
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:245
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetAltitude(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, int32_t *altitudePtr, int32_t *altitudeAccuracyPtr)
void le_pos_DisconnectService(void)
le_result_t le_pos_GetMotion(uint32_t *hSpeedPtr, uint32_t *hSpeedAccuracyPtr, int32_t *vSpeedPtr, int32_t *vSpeedAccuracyPtr)
void le_pos_ConnectService(void)
le_result_t le_pos_Get3DLocation(int32_t *latitudePtr, int32_t *longitudePtr, int32_t *hAccuracyPtr, int32_t *altitudePtr, int32_t *vAccuracyPtr)
struct le_pos_Sample * le_pos_SampleRef_t
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:262
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetHorizontalSpeed(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint32_t *hSpeedPtr, uint32_t *hSpeedAccuracyPtr)
void le_pos_SetServerDisconnectHandler(le_pos_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr)
uint32_t le_pos_GetAcquisitionRate(void)
le_result_t le_pos_Get2DLocation(int32_t *latitudePtr, int32_t *longitudePtr, int32_t *hAccuracyPtr)
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetHeading(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, uint32_t *headingPtr, uint32_t *headingAccuracyPtr)
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetVerticalSpeed(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, int32_t *vspeedPtr, int32_t *vspeedAccuracyPtr)
Unknow state.
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:251
void(* le_pos_MovementHandlerFunc_t)(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:280
3-Dimensional position fix.
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:247
le_result_t le_pos_GetDirection(uint32_t *directionPtr, uint32_t *directionAccuracyPtr)
le_result_t le_pos_GetTime(uint16_t *hoursPtr, uint16_t *minutesPtr, uint16_t *secondsPtr, uint16_t *millisecondsPtr)
le_result_t le_pos_SetAcquisitionRate(uint32_t acquisitionRate)
void le_pos_RemoveMovementHandler(le_pos_MovementHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
le_result_t le_pos_sample_GetFixState(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef, le_pos_FixState_t *statePtr)
void(* le_pos_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *)
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:159
struct le_pos_MovementHandler * le_pos_MovementHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:270
le_result_t le_pos_GetFixState(le_pos_FixState_t *statePtr)
void le_pos_sample_Release(le_pos_SampleRef_t positionSampleRef)
Estimated (i.e. forward predicted) position fix.
Definition: le_pos_interface.h:249