
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 /*
4  * ====================== WARNING ======================
5  *
8  *
9  * ====================== WARNING ======================
10  */
12 /**
13  * @page c_le_avc AirVantage Connector
14  *
15  * @ref le_avc_interface.h "Type/Function Reference" <br>
16  * @ref legatoServicesAirVantage "Air Vantage Platform Service"
17  *
18  * <HR>
19  *
20  * The AirVantage connector service provides an API to communicate with the AirVantage server.
21  *
22  * @section c_le_avc_update Firmware/Application Update
23  *
24  * The API for firmware/application update is divided into two parts:
25  * - Allow an app to contact the server for pending updates. If available,
26  * can select to download or install the update.
27  * <br>
28  * - Allow an app to block an update from being installed. An app may need this if it's
29  * performing a critical operation that can't be interrupted (e.g., eCall). This is necessary
30  * as installing an update will cause the app to restart (either the app itself needs to restart
31  * or a firmware change causes the modem to reset).
32  *
33  * @subsection c_le_avc_update_control Update Control
34  *
35  * Any app can start a session with an AirVantage server to determine if there
36  * is a pending update. This is done with le_avc_StartSession(). The current session can be
37  * stopped using le_avc_StopSession(). This cancels any query for pending update, or suspends a
38  * download in progress; however, it <b>won't stop</b> an install in progress.
39  *
40  * The status of a pending update is sent to all apps registered for receiving a notification.
41  * An app can use le_avc_AddStatusEventHandler() to register a handler function to
42  * receive this notification. The notification will be received after a session is started using
43  * le_avc_StartSession(). Sometimes, avcService may decide to start a session with the AirVantage
44  * server; for instance if a call to le_avc_AcceptDownload() when the session is stopped, avcService
45  * will open a session to proceed with the download. In this case, a session started
46  * notification could also be received, even if le_avc_StartSession() is not called explicitly.
47  *
48  * There can only be one pending update. To query the type of update, use le_avc_GetUpdateType().
49  * If it's an app update, then le_avc_GetAppUpdateName() can be used to get the name of
50  * the app.
51  *
52  * If a download is pending, then le_avc_AcceptDownload() can be used to allow the update to be
53  * downloaded. If this API is called while no AirVantage session is active, calling this API will
54  * initiate an AirVantage session. To defer the decision, le_avc_DeferDownload() can be used
55  * to defer the download for the specified number of minutes. After the defer time has elapsed,
56  * the pending download notification will be re-sent again to all registered apps.
57  *
58  * Once an update has been downloaded, a new notification will be received to indicate that an
59  * install is pending. Apps can then use le_avc_AcceptInstall() to allow the install to proceed.
60  * Note that even if an app calls le_avc_AcceptInstall(), the install may still be blocked by another
61  * app using the @ref c_le_avc_update_app functions. To defer the decision, an app can use
62  * le_avc_DeferInstall() to defer the install for the specified number of minutes. After the defer
63  * time has elapsed, the pending install notification will be re-sent to allow apps to make a new
64  * decision, or again defer.
65  *
66  * If an uninstall is pending, then le_avc_AcceptUninstall() can be used to allow the uninstall to
67  * proceed. To defer the decision, le_avc_DeferUninstall() can be used to defer the uninstall for
68  * the specified number of minutes. In case of an upgrade, the existing application will not be
69  * uninstalled after le_avc_AcceptUninstall() is called. le_avc_AcceptUninstall() is only used to
70  * signal the server to start downloading the new application. To proceed with an upgrade process,
71  * accept the uninstall of the existing version followed by accepting the download and install of
72  * the new version.
73  *
74  * Accepting an app install or uninstall will not initiate an AirVantage session if no session
75  * is active. An app should start an AirVantage session before accepting an app install/uninstall,
76  * to ensure the process is completed, and the server is updated.
77  *
78  * If no app has registered for notifications using le_avc_AddStatusEventHandler(),
79  * then any pending downloads and installs will happen automatically, subject to any restrictions
80  * imposed by app using the @ref c_le_avc_update_app functions.
81  *
82  * There is no restriction on the number of apps registering for notifications.
83  *
84  * In case of any error incurred during app download/install, an error code will be set which can be
85  * retrieved by calling le_avc_GetErrorCode().
86  *
87  * @subsection c_le_avc_update_app Application Blocking
88  *
89  * When an app is about to perform a critical operation, it can block the installation of
90  * an update with le_avc_BlockInstall(), and after it's finished with the critical operation, it
91  * can unblock the install with le_avc_UnblockInstall().
92  *
93  * What constitutes a critical operation depends on the app. An eCall app might
94  * block installs for the duration that it runs. A data collection app that wakes up
95  * once an hour might block installs while it collects and stores and/or transmits a new data
96  * sample, and then unblock installs just before it goes to sleep again.
97  *
98  * If an install can't be applied because it's blocked, another attempt to apply the install
99  * will be made at a later time.
100  *
101  * An app can add a session control handler using le_avc_AddSessionRequestEventHandler(). Requests
102  * by user apps to open or close session will be forwarded to the session control handler. If no app
103  * has registered a session request handler, avc session can be opened or closed anytime by
104  * user apps.
105  *
106  * @section c_le_avc_GetPollingTimer Polling Timer
107  *
108  * The embedded module will periodically initiate a connection to the Device Services server
109  * according to the polling timer. The device initates the connection periodically, so that it can
110  * poll the server if there are any pending jobs. Writing 0 to the polling timer disables polling
111  * mode. Polling timer values range from 0 to 525600 minutes. The polling timer value is persistent.
112  * le_avc_GetPollingTimer() reads the polling timer and le_avc_SetPollingTimer() writes the polling
113  * timer.
114  *
115  * @section c_le_avc_GetRetryTimers Retry Timers
116  * @warning This API should not be used for new applications and will be removed in the future
117  *
118  * If an error occurs during a connection to the Device Services server (WWAN DATA establishment
119  * failed, http error code received), the embedded module will initiate a new connection according
120  * to the values defined in the retry timers. The timers are tried in sequence until a connection is
121  * established, or all enabled retry timers are exhausted. After all the enabled timers are
122  * exhausted, a connection will be initiated only on a command from user (le_avc_startSession() )
123  * or at the expiry of the polling timer. The retry timer values are persistent. Writing 0
124  * to one of the retry timers will disable it. Retry timer values range from 0 to 20160 minutes.
125  * The api le_avc_GetRetryTimers() reads the polling timers in an array and the api
126  * le_avc_SetRetryTimers() writes the polling timers. When writing to the retry timers, values of
127  * all the 8 timers have to be defined.
128  *
129  * @section c_le_avc_reboot Device reboot
130  * The AirVantage server can request to reboot the device: in this case a notification is sent to
131  * registered apps, which can either accept the reboot with le_avc_AcceptReboot() or defer it for
132  * the specified number of minutes with le_avc_DeferReboot(). After the defer time has elapsed, the
133  * pending reboot notification will be re-sent, to allow the registered app to make a new decision
134  * or defer again.
135  *
136  * If no app has registered for notifications using le_avc_AddStatusEventHandler(), then
137  * any pending reboot will happen automatically.
138  *
139  * @section c_le_avc_connection Connection required
140  * The AirVantage agent can request a connection to the AirVantage server, especially when a
141  * firmware package was installed (after a platform reboot). In this case a notification is sent to
142  * the control app, which can start the connection with le_avc_StartSession().
143  *
144  * @section le_avcService_configdb Service Configuration Tree
145  * @copydoc le_avcService_configdbPage_Hide
146  *
147  * <HR>
148  *
149  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
150  */
151 /**
152  * @interface le_avcService_configdbPage_Hide
153  *
154  * The configuration database path for the modemActivityTimeout is:
155  * @verbatim
156  /
157  apps/
158  avcService/
159  modemActivityTimeout
160  @endverbatim
161  *
162  *
163  * After an AirVantage session is started, if there's no activity from the modem within the timer
164  * interval, then LE_AVC_NO_UPDATE state will be returned to the app. However, this modem activity
165  * timeout can be overridden by setting an integer value at /apps/avcService/modemActivityTimeout.
166  * The modem activity timer is initialized only when the avcService starts. If a valid entry >0 is
167  * found, then it will be used instead of the default value of 20 seconds. The following steps
168  * should be used to set the modemActivtyTimeout.
169  *
170  *
171  * @verbatim
172  config set /apps/avcService/modemActivityTimeout xx
173  app restart avcService
174  @endverbatim
175  *
176  * @note
177  * Everytime a new value is written to modemActivityTimeout, the avcService needs to be
178  * restarted to read the new value.
179  *
180  *
181  */
182 /**
183  * @file le_avc_interface.h
184  *
185  * Legato @ref c_le_avc include file.
186  *
187  * Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
188  */
194 #include "legato.h"
196 // Interface specific includes
197 #include "le_limit_interface.h"
200 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 /**
202  * Type for handler called when a server disconnects.
203  */
204 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 typedef void (*le_avc_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *);
207 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 /**
209  *
210  * Connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Block until the service is
211  * available.
212  *
213  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
214  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
215  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
216  *
217  * This function is created automatically.
218  */
219 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
221 (
222  void
223 );
225 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 /**
227  *
228  * Try to connect the current client thread to the service providing this API. Return with an error
229  * if the service is not available.
230  *
231  * For each thread that wants to use this API, either ConnectService or TryConnectService must be
232  * called before any other functions in this API. Normally, ConnectService is automatically called
233  * for the main thread, but not for any other thread. For details, see @ref apiFilesC_client.
234  *
235  * This function is created automatically.
236  *
237  * @return
238  * - LE_OK if the client connected successfully to the service.
239  * - LE_UNAVAILABLE if the server is not currently offering the service to which the client is
240  * bound.
241  * - LE_NOT_PERMITTED if the client interface is not bound to any service (doesn't have a binding).
242  * - LE_COMM_ERROR if the Service Directory cannot be reached.
243  */
244 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 (
247  void
248 );
250 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 /**
252  * Set handler called when server disconnection is detected.
253  *
254  * When a server connection is lost, call this handler then exit with LE_FATAL. If a program wants
255  * to continue without exiting, it should call longjmp() from inside the handler.
256  */
257 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 (
260  le_avc_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler,
261  void *contextPtr
262 );
264 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
265 /**
266  *
267  * Disconnect the current client thread from the service providing this API.
268  *
269  * Normally, this function doesn't need to be called. After this function is called, there's no
270  * longer a connection to the service, and the functions in this API can't be used. For details, see
271  * @ref apiFilesC_client.
272  *
273  * This function is created automatically.
274  */
275 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
277 (
278  void
279 );
282 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 /**
284  * Maximum APN name length without NULL terminator.
285  */
286 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 #define LE_AVC_APN_NAME_MAX_LEN 48
289 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
290 /**
291  * Maximum APN name length including NULL terminator.
292  */
293 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 /**
298  * Maximum user name length without NULL terminator.
299  */
300 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 #define LE_AVC_USERNAME_MAX_LEN 28
303 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
304 /**
305  * Maximum user name length including NULL terminator.
306  */
307 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 /**
312  * Maximum password length without NULL terminator..
313  */
314 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 #define LE_AVC_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN 28
317 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
318 /**
319  * Maximum password length including NULL terminator.
320  */
321 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
324 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 /**
326  * Maximum number of retry timers.
327  */
328 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 /**
333  * Polling timer value range in minutes. 525600 minutes = 1 year.
334  */
335 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
336 #define LE_AVC_POLLING_TIMER_MAX_VAL 525600
338 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
339 /**
340  */
341 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
345 /**
346  * Retry timer value range in minutes. 20160 minutes = 2 weeks.
347  */
348 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 #define LE_AVC_RETRY_TIMER_MAX_VAL 20160
351 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 /**
353  */
354 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
358 /**
359  * Default HTTP status.
360  */
361 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
362 #define LE_AVC_HTTP_STATUS_INVALID 65535
364 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 /**
366  * Status of session or update
367  *
368  * If an update is pending, it must first be downloaded and then installed.
369  */
370 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 typedef enum
372 {
374  ///< No updates pending
376  ///< Update pending download
378  ///< Download in progress
380  ///< Download has completed
382  ///< An error occurred downloading the update
384  ///< Install is pending (implies download complete)
386  ///< Install in progress
388  ///< Update has been successfully installed
390  ///< An error occurred installing the update
392  ///< Uninstall is pending
394  ///< Uninstall in progress
396  ///< App has been successfully uninstalled
398  ///< An error occurred uninstalling the update
400  ///< Session with AV server started
402  ///< Session with AV server stopped
404  ///< Device reboot is pending
406  ///< Connection to the server is required
407 }
411 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
412 /**
413  * Request to open or close avms session.
414  */
415 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 typedef enum
417 {
419  ///< Request by user app to open AV session
421  ///< Request by user app to close AV session
422 }
426 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 /**
428  * The type of pending update
429  */
430 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 typedef enum
432 {
434  ///<
436  ///<
438  ///<
440  ///<
441 }
445 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
446 /**
447  * Error code used to provide diagnostic information after a failure (includes both download and
448  * install failure).
449  *
450  * @note
451  * Additional information may also be available in the target device's system log.
452  */
453 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
454 typedef enum
455 {
457  ///< No error.
459  ///< Encountered a bad package.
461  ///< Something failed while doing install/download.
463  ///< Security check failure while installing the package.
464 }
468 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
469 /**
470  * Session type indicates whether the device is connected to the bootstrap server or the
471  * device management server.
472  */
473 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
474 typedef enum
475 {
477  ///< Bootstrap session.
479  ///< Device Management session.
481  ///< Session type invalid.
482 }
486 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
487 /**
488  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_avc_StatusEvent'
489  */
490 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
491 typedef struct le_avc_StatusEventHandler* le_avc_StatusEventHandlerRef_t;
494 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 /**
496  * Reference type used by Add/Remove functions for EVENT 'le_avc_SessionRequestEvent'
497  */
498 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
499 typedef struct le_avc_SessionRequestEventHandler* le_avc_SessionRequestEventHandlerRef_t;
502 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
503 /**
504  * Reference returned by BlockInstall function and used by UnblockInstall function
505  */
506 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
507 typedef struct le_avc_BlockRequest* le_avc_BlockRequestRef_t;
510 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 /**
512  * Handler for update availability status
513  */
514 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
515 typedef void (*le_avc_StatusHandlerFunc_t)
516 (
517  le_avc_Status_t updateStatus,
518  ///< status of pending update, if available
519  int32_t totalNumBytes,
520  ///< Total number of bytes to be downloaded
521  ///< only valid when updateStatus is one of
523  ///< returns -1 if value is unknown
524  int32_t dloadProgress,
525  ///< download completion in percentage
526  ///< only valid when updateStatus is one of
528  ///< returns -1 if value is unknown
529  void* contextPtr
530  ///<
531 );
533 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
534 /**
535  * Handler for receiving session open or close request.
536  */
537 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
539 (
540  le_avc_SessionRequest_t request,
541  ///< Request to open or close AV session
542  void* contextPtr
543  ///<
544 );
546 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
547 /**
548  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_avc_StatusEvent'
549  *
550  * This event provides information on update availability status
551  */
552 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
554 (
555  le_avc_StatusHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr,
556  ///< [IN]
557  void* contextPtr
558  ///< [IN]
559 );
561 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
562 /**
563  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_avc_StatusEvent'
564  */
565 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
567 (
569  ///< [IN]
570 );
572 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
573 /**
574  * Add handler function for EVENT 'le_avc_SessionRequestEvent'
575  *
576  * This event provides information on session open or close request.
577  */
578 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
580 (
582  ///< [IN]
583  void* contextPtr
584  ///< [IN]
585 );
587 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
588 /**
589  * Remove handler function for EVENT 'le_avc_SessionRequestEvent'
590  */
591 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
593 (
595  ///< [IN]
596 );
598 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 /**
600  * Start a session with the AirVantage server
601  *
602  * This will cause a query to be sent to the server, for pending updates. If a download was
603  * previously suspended, then this resumes the download.
604  *
605  * @return
606  * - LE_OK if connection request has been sent.
607  * - LE_FAULT on failure
608  * - LE_DUPLICATE if already connected.
609  * - LE_BUSY if currently retrying.
610  */
611 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
613 (
614  void
615 );
617 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
618 /**
619  * Stop a session with the AirVantage server
620  *
621  * If a download is in progress, then this suspends the download.
622  *
623  * @return
624  * - LE_OK on success
625  * - LE_FAULT on failure
626  */
627 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
629 (
630  void
631 );
633 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
634 /**
635  * Send a specific message to the server to be sure that the route between the device and the server
636  * is available.
637  * This API needs to be called when any package download is over (successfully or not) and before
638  * sending any notification on asset data to the server.
639  *
640  * @return
641  * - LE_OK when the treatment is launched
642  * - LE_FAULT on failure
643  * - LE_UNSUPPORTED when the API is not supported
644  *
645  */
646 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
648 (
649  void
650 );
652 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
653 /**
654  * Accept the currently pending download
655  *
656  * @return
657  * - LE_OK on success
658  * - LE_FAULT on failure
659  */
660 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
662 (
663  void
664 );
666 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
667 /**
668  * Defer the currently pending download, for the given number of minutes
669  *
670  * @return
671  * - LE_OK on success
672  * - LE_FAULT on failure
673  */
674 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
676 (
677  uint32_t deferMinutes
678  ///< [IN]
679 );
681 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
682 /**
683  * Accept the currently pending install
684  *
685  * @return
686  * - LE_OK on success
687  * - LE_FAULT on failure
688  */
689 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
691 (
692  void
693 );
695 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 /**
697  * Defer the currently pending install
698  *
699  * @return
700  * - LE_OK on success
701  * - LE_FAULT on failure
702  */
703 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
705 (
706  uint32_t deferMinutes
707  ///< [IN]
708 );
710 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
711 /**
712  * Accept the currently pending uninstall
713  *
714  * @return
715  * - LE_OK on success
716  * - LE_FAULT on failure
717  */
718 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
720 (
721  void
722 );
724 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
725 /**
726  * Defer the currently pending uninstall
727  *
728  * @return
729  * - LE_OK on success
730  * - LE_FAULT on failure
731  */
732 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
734 (
735  uint32_t deferMinutes
736  ///< [IN]
737 );
739 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
740 /**
741  * Accept the currently pending reboot
742  *
743  * @return
744  * - LE_OK on success
745  * - LE_FAULT on failure
746  */
747 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
749 (
750  void
751 );
753 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
754 /**
755  * Defer the currently pending reboot
756  *
757  * @return
758  * - LE_OK on success
759  * - LE_FAULT on failure
760  */
761 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
763 (
764  uint32_t deferMinutes
765  ///< [IN]
766 );
768 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
769 /**
770  * Get the update type of the currently pending update
771  *
772  * @return
773  * - LE_OK on success
774  * - LE_FAULT if not available
775  */
776 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 (
779  le_avc_UpdateType_t* updateTypePtr
780  ///< [OUT]
781 );
783 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
784 /**
785  * Get the name for the currently pending app update
786  *
787  * @return
788  * - LE_OK on success
789  * - LE_FAULT if not available, or isn't APPL_UPDATE type
790  */
791 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
793 (
794  char* updateName,
795  ///< [OUT]
796  size_t updateNameSize
797  ///< [IN]
798 );
800 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
801 /**
802  * Prevent any pending updates from being installed.
803  *
804  * @return
805  * - Reference for block update request (to be used later for unblocking updates)
806  * - NULL if the operation was not successful
807  */
808 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
810 (
811  void
812 );
814 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
815 /**
816  * Allow any pending updates to be installed
817  */
818 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
820 (
821  le_avc_BlockRequestRef_t blockRef
822  ///< [IN] block request ref returned by le_avc_BlockInstall
823 );
825 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
826 /**
827  * Function to get error code when update fails.
828  *
829  * @return
830  * - Error code of encountered error.
831  * - ERR_NONE if update is in any other state.
832  */
833 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
835 (
836  void
837 );
839 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 /**
841  * Function to read the current session type, or the last session type if there is no
842  * active session.
843  *
844  * @return
845  * - SessionType
846  */
847 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
849 (
850  void
851 );
853 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
854 /**
855  * Function to read the http status of the last download.
856  *
857  * @return
858  * - HttpStatus as defined in RFC 7231, Section 6.
859  */
860 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
861 uint16_t le_avc_GetHttpStatus
862 (
863  void
864 );
866 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
867 /**
868  * Function to read the polling timer.
869  *
870  * @return
871  * - LE_OK on success
872  * - LE_FAULT if not available
873  * - LE_OUT_OF_RANGE if the polling timer value is out of range (0 to 525600).
874  */
875 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
877 (
878  uint32_t* pollingTimerPtr
879  ///< [OUT] Polling timer
880 );
882 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
883 /**
884  * Function to read the retry timers.
885  *
886  * @return
887  * - LE_OK on success.
888  * - LE_FAULT if not able to read the timers.
889  * - LE_OUT_OF_RANGE if one of the retry timers is out of range (0 to 20160).
890  */
891 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
893 (
894  uint16_t* timerValuePtr,
895  ///< [OUT] Array of the retry timers.
896  size_t* timerValueSizePtr
897  ///< [INOUT]
898 );
900 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
901 /**
902  * Function to read APN configuration.
903  *
904  * @return
905  * - LE_OK on success.
906  * - LE_FAULT if there is any error while reading.
907  * - LE_OVERFLOW if the buffer provided is too small.
908  */
909 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
911 (
912  char* apnName,
913  ///< [OUT]
914  size_t apnNameSize,
915  ///< [IN]
916  char* userName,
917  ///< [OUT]
918  size_t userNameSize,
919  ///< [IN]
920  char* userPwd,
921  ///< [OUT]
922  size_t userPwdSize
923  ///< [IN]
924 );
926 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
927 /**
928  * Function to write APN configuration.
929  *
930  * @return
931  * - LE_OK on success.
932  * - LE_OVERFLOW if one of the input strings is too long.
933  */
934 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
936 (
937  const char* apnName,
938  ///< [IN]
939  const char* userName,
940  ///< [IN]
941  const char* userPwd
942  ///< [IN]
943 )
944 __attribute__(( nonnull(1,2,3) ));
946 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
947 /**
948  * Function to set the polling timer.
949  *
950  * @return
951  * - LE_OK on success.
952  * - LE_OUT_OF_RANGE if the polling timer value is out of range (0 to 525600).
953  */
954 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
956 (
957  uint32_t pollingTimer
958  ///< [IN] Polling timer
959 );
961 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
962 /**
963  * Function to set the retry timers.
964  *
965  * @return
966  * - LE_OK on success.
967  * - LE_FAULT if not able to set the timers.
968  * - LE_OUT_OF_RANGE if one of the retry timers is out of range (0 to 20160).
969  */
970 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
972 (
973  const uint16_t* timerValuePtr,
974  ///< [IN] Array of 8 retry timers.
975  size_t timerValueSize
976  ///< [IN]
977 );
void le_avc_RemoveSessionRequestEventHandler(le_avc_SessionRequestEventHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
le_result_t le_avc_GetPollingTimer(uint32_t *pollingTimerPtr)
Uninstall in progress.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:393
le_result_t le_avc_SetApnConfig(const char *apnName, const char *userName, const char *userPwd)
void(* le_avc_StatusHandlerFunc_t)(le_avc_Status_t updateStatus, int32_t totalNumBytes, int32_t dloadProgress, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:516
Uninstall is pending.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:391
Request by user app to close AV session.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:420
An error occurred installing the update.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:389
le_result_t le_avc_DeferReboot(uint32_t deferMinutes)
le_result_t le_avc_SetRetryTimers(const uint16_t *timerValuePtr, size_t timerValueSize)
le_avc_SessionRequestEventHandlerRef_t le_avc_AddSessionRequestEventHandler(le_avc_SessionRequestHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_basics.h:35
void(* le_avc_SessionRequestHandlerFunc_t)(le_avc_SessionRequest_t request, void *contextPtr)
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:539
le_result_t le_avc_AcceptReboot(void)
An error occurred uninstalling the update.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:397
Install in progress.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:385
void le_avc_UnblockInstall(le_avc_BlockRequestRef_t blockRef)
void le_avc_SetServerDisconnectHandler(le_avc_DisconnectHandler_t disconnectHandler, void *contextPtr)
le_avc_StatusEventHandlerRef_t le_avc_AddStatusEventHandler(le_avc_StatusHandlerFunc_t handlerPtr, void *contextPtr)
struct le_avc_SessionRequestEventHandler * le_avc_SessionRequestEventHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:499
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:416
An error occurred downloading the update.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:381
le_result_t le_avc_DeferUninstall(uint32_t deferMinutes)
Install is pending (implies download complete)
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:383
le_result_t le_avc_AcceptUninstall(void)
le_result_t le_avc_GetUpdateType(le_avc_UpdateType_t *updateTypePtr)
void(* le_avc_DisconnectHandler_t)(void *)
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:205
Session with AV server stopped.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:401
Session with AV server started.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:399
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:474
Download in progress.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:377
Device reboot is pending.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:403
Session type invalid.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:480
le_result_t le_avc_StartSession(void)
le_result_t le_avc_StopSession(void)
void le_avc_RemoveStatusEventHandler(le_avc_StatusEventHandlerRef_t handlerRef)
Update pending download.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:375
le_result_t le_avc_AcceptDownload(void)
le_result_t le_avc_TryConnectService(void)
le_result_t le_avc_CheckRoute(void)
Connection to the server is required.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:405
le_result_t le_avc_DeferInstall(uint32_t deferMinutes)
Update has been successfully installed.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:387
le_result_t le_avc_AcceptInstall(void)
Something failed while doing install/download.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:460
Bootstrap session.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:476
struct le_avc_BlockRequest * le_avc_BlockRequestRef_t
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:507
le_avc_BlockRequestRef_t le_avc_BlockInstall(void)
void le_avc_DisconnectService(void)
le_avc_SessionType_t le_avc_GetSessionType(void)
Device Management session.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:478
No error.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:456
le_result_t le_avc_GetApnConfig(char *apnName, size_t apnNameSize, char *userName, size_t userNameSize, char *userPwd, size_t userPwdSize)
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:431
le_result_t le_avc_DeferDownload(uint32_t deferMinutes)
le_result_t le_avc_SetPollingTimer(uint32_t pollingTimer)
Security check failure while installing the package.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:462
Request by user app to open AV session.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:418
le_result_t le_avc_GetAppUpdateName(char *updateName, size_t updateNameSize)
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:454
Download has completed.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:379
le_result_t le_avc_GetRetryTimers(uint16_t *timerValuePtr, size_t *timerValueSizePtr)
No updates pending.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:373
uint16_t le_avc_GetHttpStatus(void)
struct le_avc_StatusEventHandler * le_avc_StatusEventHandlerRef_t
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:491
Encountered a bad package.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:458
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:371
App has been successfully uninstalled.
Definition: le_avc_interface.h:395
le_avc_ErrorCode_t le_avc_GetErrorCode(void)
void le_avc_ConnectService(void)