Legato's Services APIs are pre-built IPC interfaces designed to create and run multiple apps in different ways:
- OEM's can create Legato apps to run on their specific hardware.
- 3rd party software providers can create apps for different hardware.

Many Services APIs provided are multi-app safe:
- APIs can be used by several apps.
- arbitration fully managed among apps so multiple apps can share the same resources.
Other Services provide full-featured interface access to system and modem resources:
- thread safe functions like
be called from any app. - command and response functions like
thread safe; a single app can call them, or they can manage their own resource arbitration between selected apps.
Legato also provides a simple interface definition language (IDL) similar to C. It helps define APIs so they can be used in multiple, different programming languages. See API Files.
- Warning
- Some Services shouldn't be used together in the same app (e.g., if you use a muli-app safe service like Data Connection, you can't also use the Modem Data Control service).
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