Over-The-Air Updates

There are two types of OTA updates.

Firmware Over-the-Air

If you're using AirVantage to update a target device's firmware using .cwe file (for packages like modem, Yocto, Legato or spkgz-yocto.cwe), you're using FOTA technology. All files needed for the target update can be combined into one .cwe file. During the update process, the target reboots; the boot code uses the .cwe file to update the target device. An update completed through FOTA is considered good, and there is no rollback.

Software Over-the-Air

If you're using AirVantage to update your target device's apps using Legato's Update Process, you're using SOTA technology. You can create single-app SOTA update files (mkapp followed by av-pack) or bundled SOTA update files (mksys mksys followed by av-pack). All files needed are included in the one .update pack file, and it provides built-in rollback recovery. The .update file is used by the Legato application framework, so the target doesn't need to reset to apply the update.