
The update tool can be used to install, update, and remove software on the target device.

It mainly operates on update packs that are files containing install, update, and/or removal instructions and any files needed to carry out those instructions.

Update packs are created on the development host using the mk tools (mkapp and mksys) and the update-pack host tool. See Update Process for more info.


update [FILE_NAME]
update -r APP_NAME
update --remove APP_NAME
update --help

When run without any command-line arguments, or when run with FILE_NAME set to a dash - character, it takes an update pack file through standard in, and forwards it to the Update Daemon for processing.

update [FILE_NAME]

Opens the update pack and feeds it to the Update Daemon for processing.

--remove or -r

Removes the app specified in the APP_NAME argument.

Here's a code sample:

update /tmp/myUpdatePack.update
Be careful not to accidentally remove system services apps you might need (e.g., modemService app).

Prints help text to standard out and exits.

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