
Legato's Services APIs are pre-built IPC interfaces designed to create and run multiple apps in different ways:

  • OEM's can create Legato apps to run on their specific hardware.
  • 3rd party software providers can create apps for different hardware.

Many Services APIs provided are multi-app safe:

  • APIs can be used by several apps.
  • arbitration fully managed among apps so multiple apps can share the same resources.

Other Services provide full-featured interface access to system and modem resources:

  • thread safe functions like get()can be called from any app.
  • command and response functions like startaction() or set()are thread safe; a single app can call them, or they can manage their own resource arbitration between selected apps.

Legato also provides a simple interface definition language (IDL) similar to C. It helps define APIs so they can be used in multiple, different programming languages. See API Files.

Some Services shouldn't be used together in the same app (e.g., if you use a muli-app safe service like Data Connection, you can't also use the Modem Data Control service).

Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc. Use of this work is subject to license.