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Install and Build Legato

If you’ve downloaded the current software packages, setup the target, and a have GitHub account, you're ready to install and build Legato.

Install Legato Toolchain

You'll need to install the cross-toolchain for building ARM applications. Copy either the 64-bit or 32-bit [Legato-Toolchain-file] to /opt/swi and then extract it.

$ mkdir -p /opt/swi
$ cp [Legato-Toolchain-file-name] /opt/swi
$ cd /opt/swi
$ chmod u+x [ file]
$ [ file]

Install and Build Legato

Install the Legato application framework on your dev host.

First, create a directory where you'll run Legato (e.g., mkdir Legato).

Then run:

git clone

You'll be prompted for your GitHub credentials.

cd to your Legato directory

Run make.

Run $ bin/legs

You must run this every time you open a new shell:
$ bin/legs

Build Target

Run this to build the framework and AirVantage agent for the target (substitute ar7 for wp7 if building an AR7 target):

$ make wp7

Or run this to build the framework for the target without the AirVantage agent:


These are Host Directories installed.

Copyright (C) 2014 Sierra Wireless, Inc. Use of this work is subject to license.