This is how to create a basic component, written in C, that just prints "Hello World." when the process it is in starts up.
First, create a directory: the directory name will become the component name.
$ mkdir helloComp
Next, create a file called "Component.cdef" in the helloComp directory. The build tools look for this file.
$ gedit helloComp/Component.cdef
Our minimalist Component.cdef file contains only a "sources:" section, listing our C source code file ("hi.c").
sources: hi.c
Now we create our implementation file "hi.c":
$ gedit helloComp/hi.c
It should contain the following:
This looks very similar to the original C "hello, world" program from Kernighan's and Richie's "The C Programming Language", except that:
In fact, legato.h will include stdio.h, along with a bunch of other system headers and Legato framework headers. This reduces the amount of time you have to spend including header files to get access to the functions and data types you need.
The COMPONENT_INIT macro is used to identify your component initializer. Every component must have a component initializer.
By using component initializers instead of having each component implement their own main() function, we make it possible to run multiple components in the same executable, and even share a thread between those components. The main thread of the process (the main() function that is auto-generated by the build tools) will automatically call the component's initializer at the appropriate time in the start-up sequence of the process, based on the inter-dependencies between components. If component A is used by component B, then component A's initializer will be run before component B's initializer. Therefore, component B can safely call the API functions of component A, knowing that component A has already been initialized. This of course won't work if both components depend on each other (directly or indirectly through other components). That is one of the reasons why such dependency loops are not permitted between components. The framework will detect inter-component dependency loops at build time and terminate the build.
Component initializers don't take any parameters and don't return anything, but they must always return ; unless they experience a fatal error, in which case they must terminate the process with a non-zero exit code (which can be done using LE_FATAL(), LE_ASSERT(), etc. ).
In our "Hello World" example, we just use our component initializer to print "Hello world." to the log using LE_INFO().
Now let's package this into an application by creating an application definition:
$ gedit hi.adef
that looks like this inside:
executables: helloWorld ( helloComp ) processes: run: (helloWorld)
And then build it like this:
$ mkapp hi.adef -t wp7
And install on target like this:
$ instapp hi.wp7
.Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless, Inc. 2014. All rights reserved. Use of this work is subject to license.