Upgrading Legato Beta

Copyright © Sierra Wireless, Inc. 2014. All rights reserved.

Upgrade Legato AlphaB to14.04
Upgrade Legato Beta 14.1 to 14.04
Update Firmware

Upgrade Legato AlphaB to14.04

Complete these steps if you're upgrading from Legato Alpha-B:

Modem Upgrade

Use a Windows host (with something like HyperTerminal) to upgrade the target modem.

First install the Sierra Wireless drivers from Drivers_Package.zip - Follow instructions in: install drivers topic.

If needed, backup NV parameters of the modem.

Connect USB cable between the target and host. These instructions apply to both AR7 and WP7 modules.

Connect to the port "Sierra Wireless AT Command Port" with Hyperterminal.
Run AT!NVBACKUP=0/1/2/3.
Ensure parameters are saved and run !RESET command AT!RESET.

If needed, set modem file system partitioning.

Execute the following:

Note that backup and partitioning should already be done so you probably can skip those steps.

Ensure the firmware is updated.

Wait for the target to completely reset.

After it's enumerated again, open an AT command port and run:

Ensure nvrestore runs successfully; if it fails or you skip it, you won't be able to continue upgrading.

Legato toolchain Upgrade

General instructions for Legato toolchain installation available at Install Packages.

For Alpha-B customers, on Linux host machine, install python-jinja2 package:

$ sudo apt-get install python-jinja2

Go to the Alpha-B development directory (/opt/swi) and remove all files

$ cd /opt/swi
$ sudo -s
# rm -r *
# exit

Installation packages are available at the Dev Zone.

Select toolchain for Linux PC x86 64bits and copy it to /opt/swi

$ cp [Legato-Toolchain-file-name] /opt/swi
$ cd /opt/swi
$ sudo tar xvjf [Legato-Toolchain-file-name]

See Legato documentation for full information.

Upgrade Legato Beta 14.1 to 14.04

The only requirement to upgrade from Beta 14.1 to 14.04 is to delete configDB as it's not backward compatible.

Delete it configDB from /opt/legato.

Update Firmware

New firmware is included in the .EXE file that downloads it onto the target.

You'll need to download a few files depending on your target:

Copy the appropriate .exe file to your PC:

Download distribution, toolchain, drivers and firmware from the Dev Zone.

For AR7x modules, contact your Sierra Wireless Field Application Engineer (FAE) for details on how to proceed upgrading the firmware.

Note: the firmware file also includes Yocto software. Older targets might need to be partitioned before completing the firmware update.

Turn the board BOOT switch to 'OFF' (Recovery mode). Depending on your dev kit, 'LOW' is the same as 'OFF'.

Connect the target. It will display in a Device Manager list as 'Sierra DM Port' located under Ports.

Run SWI9X15W_06.xx.xx.00.exe. (check above for versions). Wait until the firmware download process is complete and the app reports that it is resetting the target.

Disconnect power from your target and turn your BOOT switch to 'ON' (or 'HIGH'). Reconnect power to your target; it should enumerate with other targets per AT Ports manager list.

Connect to the target (through HyperTerminal or Tera Term), and verify the following settings to ensure the firmware has been updated successfully:

Run ati

Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: WP7102
Revision: SWI9X15W_06.02.15.00 r21134 CNSHZ-AR-BUILD 2014/03/25 00:04:10 (version should match the file above)
IMEI: 355603050001488

Run at!gstatus.
Ensure 'Mode' is not 'LOW POWER MODE'.

Current Time: 2160 Temperature: 29
Bootup Time: 0 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: WCDMA PS state: Not attached
IMS Reg State: NO SRV
WCDMA band: WCDMA 1900
WCDMA channel: 437

WCDMA L1 State:L1M_PCH_SLEEP LAC: FEB0 (65200)
RRC State: DISCONNECTED Cell ID: 002AF1BB (2814395)
RxM RSSI C0: -47 RxD RSSI C0: -106
RxM RSSI C1: -106 RxD RSSI C1: -106
current config name: VZW_006.002_000

If is is set to 'LOW POWER MODE', check these things:


If you see 'GOBIIMEN 0x1', remove it by running:
and then:

Go back to AT commands, if the target status is still 'LOW POWER MODE', run this:

Ensure 'preferred fw version' is the same as 'current fw version'. If not, modify it manually using: at!gobiimpref="current fw version"

preferred fw version:
preferred carrier name: VZW
preferred config name: VZW_006.002_000
current fw version:
current carrier name: VZW
current config name: VZW_006.002_000


Then reset the target using at!reset or reboot it.

Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless, Inc. 2014. All rights reserved. Use of this work is subject to license.